» Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:48 am
Obviously, being a computer game, and being that computers don't understand subjective, there is a need for numbers to be used in representing progression within the game. However, this progression does not necessarily has to come in "levels", or "perks". removing these concepts would actually make for a much better RPG. It would take a whole lot of typing to explain the concept in its entirety, so I am just going to use a few examples here to express my point.
Take a skill like armorer. In Oblivion, the more you fixed stuff, the more your armorer skill increased. This was a numerical increase obviously (can't get away from that), and you were told of this increase in a very graphical representation: you could see the percentage increase in your stats window, and when you reached a certain numerical level, you were told you were at this level and now you were apprentice/master of armorer. Now, what happens if instead you are not told of your numerical advancement? But instead, you start trying to fix leather armor that is totally broken and you can't wear, and you fail the first time, the second time, the third time.. then the fourth time you can fix it to a certain level of effectiveness and now you can wear it. Effectively, you have reached a certain numeric level (4th time you tried to fix leather armor) but you are not told in-game with the game pause and message you reached a "level". You are just now able to fix leather armor. The more you fix leather armor, the better you get at it, the more effective the armor is that you fixed. Again, this is obviously all tied to numbers, there is no other way, but now the concept of set levels as been removed.
Now, about perks. Perks are awarded when you reach a certain numeric level. You gain this much "experience", Boom!, here is a perk. And if we take Fallout's perk system as an example, the perks granted can be totally arbitrary and not reflect what you have done in-game. For example, what would be the logical explanation (ie, suspension of disbelief) for the Animal Friend perk? None.
In a sense, Oblivion had it almost just right with the training the player could get from different people . Instead of outlandish (or even related) perks by level, a system of training by masters in the craft would make much more sense to an RPG than "you reached level 10, now you can chop heads off". So, say you want to be able to chop heads off. You find a master swordsman and ask him to do so. The master swordsman can tell you "you are not ready yet". So, you go out and fight some more. Then you come back to the master, ask again, and he tells you "you are still not ready". How does the master determine you are ready for training? Well, one way could be, the game could be making a calculation, in numbers, as to how many fights you have had, how much damage you have dealt, how much damage you have received, and when you reach a certain set of numbers, then the master tells you "now you are ready". But again, you are not told by a GUI that you reached this numerical level and now you can choose to chop heads off.
And the same would go for enemies, damage dealt/incurred by them, etc. The usual stuff like what armor they have, what weapon they use.. maybe have even their own system of skill advancement. But again, the player needs not be told in numeric fashion. When you encounter an enemy, you shouldn't know right off the bat how easy or hard the enemy is based on the numeric level you are at.