Lets harness the power :goodjob:
(How about a Diablo 2 clone that uses the CUDA based GPU for AI, terrain generation, and a state of the art chat-bot that loads personality quirks and profiles for all NPCs; and with database access to everything witnessed (or not), and by whom that transpires in the game from day 1 to the present, and applies that to the NPC's esteem of the PC and their reputation)? And/or have the game engine be capable of logical consequences to in-game events like the flooding of a valley by the PC's failure to save a dam from invaders ~and every town that falls within the fluid calculations indicating the spread on the generated terrain, becomes flooded, perhaps washed away, or their mine gets closed due to it filling up with lake water?
:lol: (yes I'm being serious.)
I think, as of now, you know me better than my mother!
I would totally want that Diablo 2 clone.
woot: I'm actually drooling now.
Is this what gpstr wants? Visuals and stats go along:
only stats and simple visuals:
(I actually like Kalie's cover.)

There have to be visuals?
There need to be visual? If there are supposed to be visuals, yes. You described visual differences between someone who is magically strong and someone who is physically strong. Don't shoot me for trying to fulfill your imagination.
If you know his stats and your stats. You can calculate a x to y spell on z area for w duration which will kill him instantly. This is more RPG given examples in this genre which rely on strategy games origin too much. I think this has nothing to do with roleplaying and actually hurts it.
My character would never make a calculation like that. In my imagination of the scene, my character would notice a fur coat on enemy and try a fire spell, preferably a small amount of mana, not specific but close to one third maybe and watch what would happen and act accordingly, real-time. It is completely visual for me. So I want complete realization of my imagination in video game format which offers visuals+sound+interaction. As good as it gets, with technology.
Is there personality in Skyrim? ~ I gave two example RPG's but they aren't the only ones; Morrowind as you say. :shrug:
You can add Morrowind to that list then. Like I said, conditionalizing works on many things, we may lost personality as an attribute but now speechcraft with perks can generate more conditions. And very specific and related ones this time. I think different perks in a skill is more handy than a 0-100 range. That range still can have uses, but I mean for more specific things, perks are better. I wish there were even contradicting perks for better customization.