There need to be visual? If there are supposed to be visuals, yes. You described visual differences between someone who is magically strong and someone who is physically strong. Don't shoot me for trying to fulfill your imagination.
Well... I was meaning that an enchanted person could be tremendously strong, and not show any signs of it ~like a possessed kid that lifts and throws a guard (one handed) across the room.
*Yeah, they could have glowing white eyes, but they don't have to, and I'd find it more of a surprise if a 95 pound emaciated mage lifted my musclebound fighter off of the ground and tossed him over the town wall.
If you know his stats and your stats. You can calculate a x to y spell on z area for w duration which will kill him instantly. This is more RPG given examples in this genre which rely on strategy games origin too much. I think this has nothing to do with roleplaying and actually hurts it.
I've not played too many games that allowed the player to see the opponents stats; NWN would give you a challenge rating (and could list them as "Impossible").
One that does though is a favorite of mine ~and that is Disciples (2 & 3); Its an strategy RPG hybrid, and it does let you see what
My character would never make a calculation like that. In my imagination of the scene, my character would notice a fur coat on enemy and try a fire spell, preferably a small amount of mana, not specific but close to one third maybe and watch what would happen and act accordingly, real-time. It is completely visual for me. So I want complete realization of my imagination in video game format which offers visuals+sound+interaction. As good as it gets, with technology.
I would like an RPG that noted the flammable garment and would add that to the ignition risk, and add damage from it ~and I'd be impressed by the game that allowed the victim to choose to take off the burning coat, and loose the extra burn damage per round or per second.