Why not remove all RPG elements and just call it an action game and give up the facade that its an action RPG
^^^ THIS
If most players (and apparently developers) don't want TES to be an RPG, lets turn it into adventure game with minor character development
ME2 did this and people loved it.. except they did not (game was good despite its primitive role system)
Having more complex RPG game would increase enjoyment not only for hardcoe gamers, but also for casual ones
Because casual gamers are biggest lairs in the world- they request simpler games (they call it "convenient games with fluid gameplay")
but when they have such in front of them [cough] Fable3 [cough] they start to yell: WTF? And I payed money for this [censored]?
Fable was created for casual gamers, did it end up good? I think "no" is correct answer.
Please don't make mistake and don't listen to casual gamers and to gamers that mistakes TES for other genre games (TES was and should be RPG/action game not action/RPG game, like it or not)
Some games are meant to be played slowly (not jumping in and killing your first dragon in 10min)
Just as example.
How I got my hands on TES3:Morrowind disc (first time I encountered TES)
I got it from my friend (at that time CS fan, now CoDhead), he offered this game to me telling, that it is worst game he ever have played
Game is hard, nothing is clear and stuff like that
After I bought it from him and played for few days, then I asked what in the world made him think that this game svcks.
He bought this game, played it for 15min killing everyone he met, then after few unsuccessful attempts he gave up and uninstalled the game
So can you imagine if TES was made for players like that?