Yeah, I totally agree with these points.
Skyrim has strayed a long way from Morrowind or even Oblivion, because at least in OB you had some basic RPG-ness to it.
I think Bethesda's biggest mistake was the removal of classes, it was much more enjoyable then the current system IMO. The current system feels all wrong. You level up and put a perk into smithing even if you leveled up from hitting things...uhm?
I like idea of perks, but prefer the way they did perks in FO3, because they were more interesting and there was a greater variety of them.
At least weapon degradation gave you a reason to venture into the nearest town, if the player can wander the 'harsh wilderness' of skyrim for hours on end without any penalty's it gets rather tedious and becomes a grind of 'who can hit more' instead of trying to preserve your armour and weapons in combat.
Don't get me wrong, i still Enjoy skyrim and it has it's good point, it gets stuff right, but it's not the same. it's caters towards the casual, little kiddy type gamers who enjoy the game holding their hand through the whole thing, which in turn makes it feel plastic for the more serious gamers like us.