I've never finished the main quest. I've only finished one guild questline, and I haven't explored everywhere. I am a MASSIVE elder scrolls fan - adored morrowind, and liked oblivion alot. So why in god's name can I not get into this game? The very thought of playing the game elicits strong feelings of lethargy and apathy, in the extreme. Whenever I try and play it, I never get more that an hour in without just becoming extremely bored with the formula.
So what is it that has changed so much from the old games that prevents me from liking this one? Surely they can't be that different?
I feel like it is a mix of things - boring, short guild questlines. A main quest in which everything feels forced, fake, and unnatural. Every hidden chest seems to contain nothing of value whatsoever, and seems to change with the level of your character. Every point of interest is just another generic draugh cave, or a generic bandit hideout.
Where are my long involved guilds from oblivion? Where is my armour and weapon degredation? Where is spellmaking? Where are my caves hidden with interesting unique loot? Where are my random spells that can fortify any of a number of random, interesting attributes [fortify speed on your own horse anyone?]. Where is that addictive, drug-like quality that all other elder scrolls games have induced in me?
I guess I'm going to have to wait for the kickstarter revolution to produce a decent, modern first person open world rpg, because the way things are going, the next game is going to be even more shallow, streamlined, modernised, dumbed down.
What a terrible shame that modern day games have been reduced to nothing more than the throw-away playthings of the young.