When i cast dead thrall spell on a volkihar vampire corpse a message comes up saying its too powerful for me to raise. I can raise a normal vampire but not volkihar.
What do I need to do?
When i cast dead thrall spell on a volkihar vampire corpse a message comes up saying its too powerful for me to raise. I can raise a normal vampire but not volkihar.
What do I need to do?
There's nothing you can do. The Dead Thrall spell is capped at level 40. Vol Vamps are level 48.
but someone on this forum mentioned in another thread that they have thralled a volkihar vampire
Any idea what level Malkoran is on? I want to thrall him at some point
Either bug ,or mod, there is no way in normal game to raise Volkihari
I find that hard to believe that they could do that. Read the pages for http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Vampire#Vampires and http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Dead_Thrall
I have used Conjuration across many characters. 40 is the limit. This is especially frustrating, when you have a high level Thrall, they die and you can't raise them again.
Look him up on the UESP.
it's scales but never bigger then 40 so theoreticly you should be able to thrall him, UESO lists all levels of creatures and npcs so check there if you want to thrall someone
That extra 25% from being a Vampire improves the max level at which corpses can be thralled.
Ahhh... Indeed. That will raise the cap to level 50.
Good job.
ok, so I can thrall Volk Vampires but i need to be a vamp myself?
Along with the Necromage Perk in Restoration.
However, be aware that that perk doesn't work properly and will make everything that effects the character, 25% more powerful. That includes enhancements, potions and shouts. As well as every spell cast on an enemy, no0 matter if they are undead or not.
Some welcome this glitch, but others write it of as being overpowered.
Many thanks
Do I have to be a Volkihar vamp myself or can being a normal vampire work as well?
It doesn't matter. As long as you're a Vampire.
This man is a wizard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNgor_xiIzA