I don't think I have ever had this problem of finding a place to store items. In the beginning, you really shouldn't be hoarding everything anyway.
I'm about 30 hours in on my first playthrough. (hardcoe very hard) Here's some general tips I have if you don't have a room yet.
- Breakdown the ammo you don't use. You save an incredible amount of weight simply by breaking ammo down.
- Carry as little weapons as possible. I started with varmint rifle/9mm when I has no companions, after I got a ED-E I was using service rifle/caravan shotty/.357 mag
Now that I have the motel room as well as two companions it doesn't really matter how many guns I carry but I still limit myself to rifle/shotty/pistol combo. Oh and nades
- Don't pick up armor if you're not gonna use it. Most armor has awful value to weight ratio, but instead look for things like pilot lights, wonderglue, etc.
- Don't bother trying to gather building materials until you have a room to store your things. Most likely you won't even be able to craft what you want yet, and even if you could you don't wanna be carrying around a whole stack of the finished product do you? Weapon repair kits are the exception here.
- Note down where vendors are. If you're like me, 80% of the stuff you pick up is for selling. You're gonna want to know where all the vendors are. More often than not each vendor is not gonna have enough caps to cover all the items you will be offloading, which leads you to make multiple stops at different vendors.
- Worst case scenario: You are at a brand new location with plenty of loot to be had. Tab up to pip-boy and you see 150/180. You can't fast travel to sell [censored] (for some odd reason), you don't have a pack mule, and you don't have a safehouse to unload. What the [censored] to do?
Prioritize. Obvious things like guns, food/water, and some other things that should not be dropped comes first. As for items for sale figure out the value to weight ratio of the items you will be picking up. (sensor module = 15value/1weight) Pick up/Drop items according to the v/w ratio to maximize profits on your first visit to this fancy new location. If you are dropping items for later pick up remember to put it somewhere isolated, and make sure it's not around npc's as they will pick up weapons.
If you doing the above already, good job, you already know how to play video games. If you are not doing the above things, you are a casual gamer and you should throw yourself out the closest 10 story window. Just kiddin~ but seriously, the above tips can save you valuable time and can be more profitable if you are starting a new file.