Probably still to much effort for a dev who doesn't want to do it. just putting in that fade to black and adding a fart sound would make me groan if my boss told me to add it in. I imagine the devs feel the same way. On the plus side when the geck is released i'm sure it won't be that hard for someone who wants it in to add it.
nah, I think the sound you would feel during those interactions, it would be only the sound of the toilet drain; or the shower faucet when used. That kind of noise you mean, I think that would be discarded immediately. And at most added by mods just for fun.
It's frankly moronic. I don't play videogames to experience real life. Having to take a dump, or hop in the shower doesn't add challenge, it adds tedium. If it were to be truly realistic, the character would shovel out a hole, and squat over it.... The whole fade to black, flush sound/shower sound is just a waste of time. It has little to do with "hardcoe mode" which wasn't really hardcoe in the first place.... but at least the need to eat, drink, sleep, etc made practical sense....If you want it added, feel free to take the time to create the mod when the modding tools are released.
considering I have watched followers sit down on the toilet when sandboxing around me, I'd say these guys already coded it.
But I'm sort of glad we can't.
I remember vividly my first time playing Fallout 3 when to my horror upon activating a toilet I witnessed my LW drink! GROSS!!! I took 5 rads of damage and the nightmare of that event. Why would I want to drink from a toilet? I didn't. I wanted to see if it worked. Anyway. I was quite glad when the first toilet I came across in FO4 was not interact able.
I will say as part of decorations and immersion it would be nice to have the ability to build restrooms at your settlements.
Not really a thing I want in FO4, and there is really no need for it. If people really want to manage that sort of thing in the game, build a bathroom, and spend 10+ minutes in there with a late edition of Bugle, or some pre-war "nice" cotton wipes
Some things in a game like this, you will just have to imagine, unless one really wants a Fallout Sims, lol.
"Fast-Travel is not allowed when you have to pee; press M for map and locate a toilet or a shrub"
[player animation bowlegged, thighs pressed together; encumbered]
so... bad stomach means not travelling too far from Sanctuary?
Just stay away from those leaky cans of Cram and you should be fine.
I will confess disappointment that we couldn't even take a shower in the one place where we could be reasonably sure the plumbing works.