Why, can't you see Fallout as others do?

Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:49 pm


There's many ways to respond to your ranting, rambling, semi-coherent post that most will never finish reading because it is a poorly written wall of text.

But let me skip to the main point.

It is just a game. A video game. Please calm down.

Thanks for the chuckle though.

you're welcome, and yeah I kinda got into it didn't I? lol it happens.
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:48 am

I skimmed your OP. Too ranty. And I can't say I agree with you in the least. What you're asking for is a perfect game, something no developer, no matter how experienced, is capable of. You are also asking for the PC to be god. I doubt anyone who seriously thought about the implications of that would want that.

EDIT: And for the love of God, turn off your damn caps lock.

EDIT2: And what Giliant said.

I can always hope for that kind of game. What will happen when they release a Fallout movie? The horror! also I explained to Giliant
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Amanda savory
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:02 am

You should skip FO NV and wait for the MMORPG Fv13 that interplay is working on. It's interplay, you know, the developers of that fallout you love and rant about. Even though the original peeps left after interplay went public/got bought by titus. Even though that interplay/titus went bankrupt and the company the creditors attempted to collect from didn't exist. Even though some [censored] bought interplay and the rights to classics like fallout/earthworm jim, etc. that had nothing to do with the 'classic' interplay. I heard they consulted somebody that made fallout 1 or something like that. Maybe it's the guy who did the box artwork, but either way you should be pleased

Sounds good will check in on that.
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:15 pm

Text Storm! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! :ahhh: (Buffer Overload)

There is no point in becoming upset before the game comes out, no one here REALLY knows how good it will be or what the issues will be.

I think I saw a bunch of moderators at the side of the road today sharpening spears for the coming event; there will be plenty of excitement and emotion flying around after the release as it is. Until then, Keep the Faith buddy. :fallout:

Sorry I overloaded you, lol just this anticipation is killing me. I waited 188 days for FO3, I know others are going to do the same.We only have like 13 days until NV so here we go again. (oh and I thought they fixed the companion deal, but not really it turns out. dang it)
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:10 am

hmmm... yeah and to me Mario is an 8-bit sprite that climbs ladders to reach Donkey Kong, not this full-colour 3D Bob Hoskins lookalike who drives Karts and bounces on mushrooms...

things progress. The majority of Fallout 3/Vegas players have never even seen screenshots of Fallout 1 or 2, so why would they care? Anyway, New Vegas is essentially Van Buren with the FO3 engine, so what's your beef?
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GEo LIme
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:32 pm

Obvious troll is obvious? :shrug:

Nah, a troll usually pours a crapload of gasoline on his/her thread, start it and then leaves it and doesn't respond back.
This guy on the other hand does respond back, his OT was a bit much though.
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jason worrell
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:45 am

You said its to discuss the 'Love' for Fallout. Yet you talk about how Fallout 3 'svcked'. I'm afraid you have a slight contradiction.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:31 pm

Ya the wait is getting to me too. Though I love to discuss and keep up with the pre release info, sometimes I think it ruins the game for me on alot of levels.

No game is perfect. There's gonna be stuff you love, stuff you don't care about, and stuff you hate. And these will be different for each player.

Most importantly we will be getting a new fallout game to play, which is a hell of alot better than no fallout game.
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victoria gillis
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:35 am

You said its to discuss the 'Love' for Fallout. Yet you talk about how Fallout 3 'svcked'. I'm afraid you have a slight contradiction.

Maybe he doesn't consider it to be a true fallout game.
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:21 pm


It's about 2 weeks before New Vegas hits shelves. Even if a copy of your rant made it straight to the desk of J.E. Sawyer and he agreed with everything you said, do you really think they can change the game at this point? After it has gone gold and sent to the factory to make boxed copies? Best you can hope for are enough mods to fulfill your every wish - good luck with that.
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:32 pm

hmmm... yeah and to me Mario is an 8-bit sprite that climbs ladders to reach Donkey Kong, not this full-colour 3D Bob Hoskins lookalike who drives Karts and bounces on mushrooms...

things progress. The majority of Fallout 3/Vegas players have never even seen screenshots of Fallout 1 or 2, so why would they care? Anyway, New Vegas is essentially Van Buren with the FO3 engine, so what's your beef?

I think the Fo3 engine is outdated to put it short. look at Crysis,Half life 2,Gears of war. and a handful of others around it's time they all look so much better.And maybe I'm sounding old here (at 18 it sounds stupid to say that) but nowadays all the young teens and the like (at least where I am) have no desire for unique games like Fallout. it's all "Shoot the hoker!, rob that car!,marine time!" and so on.Heck I dunno maybe that's my beef, I think it could be so much more sometimes being a dreamer svcks....
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:11 pm

You said its to discuss the 'Love' for Fallout. Yet you talk about how Fallout 3 'svcked'. I'm afraid you have a slight contradiction.

Fallout itself in general. and what I meant by svcked I was talking about the engine and certain aspects of graphic detail compared with others in the time line of FO3. the story was still great, but I shouldn't have to buy or mod expansion packs for more lvls and the like.
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:04 pm

there's always the next game in the franchise.

To be honest, we had to wait for years to finally get another fallout game, then came FO3, wich I liked, and still play. It didn't live up to my expectations, but hey, at least we got a game that actually is playable and tries to keep the flame burning.

Now, slightly after the release of FO3 comes New Vegas. That's two games in a reasonable short time. Maybe they are now even thinking of making another one, so perhaps in one or two years we have another one?

My point is, the franchise is being brought back to life, maybe not exactly the way we wanted, but at least not in such a bad way it makes FO:BOS looks like a good game.

Again, I find FO1 and 2 to be more compelling, story and lorewise, but I really like the 3rd dimension added. now I feel like I am walking trough the wasteland, where in the other games I felt more like reading a book. I identified myself with the characters and deeply cared about some, still, I didn't have the feeling It was ME. Fo3 gave me that feeling, and IMHO that has to count for something.

Sure, there is a lot I didn't like about FO3 wich were done a lot better in the earlier games, then again, there were also things I liked from Fallout 3 that were done better in Fo3 than the originals.
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:21 am

It's about 2 weeks before New Vegas hits shelves. Even if a copy of your rant made it straight to the desk of J.E. Sawyer and he agreed with everything you said, do you really think they can change the game at this point? After it has gone gold and sent to the factory to make boxed copies? Best you can hope for are enough mods to fulfill your every wish - good luck with that.

That or Fallout 5, I hope it doesn't come to that...or maybe by that time it'll be super amazing,with the xbox camera moving thing or other new devices we develop.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:02 pm

Ya the wait is getting to me too. Though I love to discuss and keep up with the pre release info, sometimes I think it ruins the game for me on alot of levels.

No game is perfect. There's gonna be stuff you love, stuff you don't care about, and stuff you hate. And these will be different for each player.

Most importantly we will be getting a new fallout game to play, which is a hell of alot better than no fallout game.

Yeah you make a good point,maybe I was a little hasty.
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loste juliana
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:15 am

I think the Fo3 engine is outdated to put it short. look at Crysis,Half life 2,Gears of war. and a handful of others around it's time they all look so much better.

oh, I agree with you there, don't get me wrong. Look at Brink, then look at New Vegas - there is no comparison between the two. But then again, moving forward isn't the point of New Vegas - it is an offshoot of Fallout 3, NOT Fallout 4. It is giving the FO1 and 2 players the story they felt was missing from FO3. New Vegas would have taken a few years more to deliver if they had concentrated on anything BUT the story. They put all their time and energy into making the best plot and best voices they could - they didn't need to worry about the gfx engine so much. Saved time.

Don't worry, by the time Fallout 4 comes out in a few years time, it will look like a modern game, plus have the factions/plots/etc that people want. These things take time though.
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:56 am

I think the Fo3 engine is outdated to put it short. look at Crysis,Half life 2,Gears of war. and a handful of others around it's time they all look so much better.And maybe I'm sounding old here (at 18 it sounds stupid to say that) but nowadays all the young teens and the like (at least where I am) have no desire for unique games like Fallout. it's all "Shoot the hoker!, rob that car!,marine time!" and so on.Heck I dunno maybe that's my beef, I think it could be so much more sometimes being a dreamer svcks....

I hear ya, kid. I'm old enough to remember buying my own boxed copy of Fallout 1 the day it hit store shelves for the first time. I can even tell you what the demo was like beforehand. As everybody else has mentioned in this thread: turn-based isometric perspective simply doesn't sell these days - this is a sad truth. But after so many years, you basically had two choices: Either the Fallout franchise would have forever been lost to the sands of time, or it could have a reincarnation using an engine more appealing to a bigger market. Between letting a legendary game franchise die out, or resurrecting it as a critical and commercial success that isn't entirely faithful to its "roots", I'd choose the latter because I'm still getting an entertaining game that I like to play, and I get to see a continuation of that weird post-1950's American apocalypse I've grown so fond of.
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:49 pm

Would be great if they had both FPS/3rdPP and isometric/hover cam+TB mode in the game at start.
Could be hard to balance out since they would have to redesign damage calculations and stuff but still doable.

But yeah, an isometric TB RPG wouldn't sell as well.
Maybe if it was an indie game sold at XBLA but as a mainstream product that is expecting people to pay full price for it? Nope.
Sadly that gravy train has passed.

Darn I was born to late.The ladle has already passed (sob) lol
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:16 pm

I think you should wait for F4 instead, if i have to say, Mr. Eddy :tops: .
Fallout 4 might use different engine than the Gamebryo engine of Fallout 3...
And, we must pass on.. Not every generation could stand isometric RPGs (especially kids these days :mellow: im still a teenager, but i love isometrics too you know ^_^ )
So, we must pass on...
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:43 pm

I hear ya, kid. I'm old enough to remember buying my own boxed copy of Fallout 1 the day it hit store shelves for the first time. I can even tell you what the demo was like beforehand. As everybody else has mentioned in this thread: turn-based isometric perspective simply doesn't sell these days - this is a sad truth. But after so many years, you basically had two choices: Either the Fallout franchise would have forever been lost to the sands of time, or it could have a reincarnation using an engine more appealing to a bigger market. Between letting a legendary game franchise die out, or resurrecting it as a critical and commercial success that isn't entirely faithful to its "roots", I'd choose the latter because I'm still getting an entertaining game that I like to play, and I get to see a continuation of that weird post-1950's American apocalypse I've grown so fond of.

Why couldn't I have a father like you? but you're right it's better to see it grow along with you instead of die a painful unloved death,wow I'm getting pretty deep.
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james tait
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:53 am

I don't understand why people think Turn Based or Isometric games are outdated, FPS's have been around since the days of Maze War in the mid 70's, if anything they are outdated, its time to go 4th person I say :rock:
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:48 pm

oh, I agree with you there, don't get me wrong. Look at Brink, then look at New Vegas - there is no comparison between the two. But then again, moving forward isn't the point of New Vegas - it is an offshoot of Fallout 3, NOT Fallout 4. It is giving the FO1 and 2 players the story they felt was missing from FO3. New Vegas would have taken a few years more to deliver if they had concentrated on anything BUT the story. They put all their time and energy into making the best plot and best voices they could - they didn't need to worry about the gfx engine so much. Saved time.

Don't worry, by the time Fallout 4 comes out in a few years time, it will look like a modern game, plus have the factions/plots/etc that people want. These things take time though.

As Sojur put it, better to have it with you then not at all. and I get everything you're saying, someday somebody will take over and make it even more ...uh.marvelous? (not too strong?) then it already is. they have indeed come far this is practically the beta!.
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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:15 pm

there's always the next game in the franchise.

To be honest, we had to wait for years to finally get another fallout game, then came FO3, wich I liked, and still play. It didn't live up to my expectations, but hey, at least we got a game that actually is playable and tries to keep the flame burning.

Now, slightly after the release of FO3 comes New Vegas. That's two games in a reasonable short time. Maybe they are now even thinking of making another one, so perhaps in one or two years we have another one?

My point is, the franchise is being brought back to life, maybe not exactly the way we wanted, but at least not in such a bad way it makes FO:BOS looks like a good game.

Again, I find FO1 and 2 to be more compelling, story and lorewise, but I really like the 3rd dimension added. now I feel like I am walking trough the wasteland, where in the other games I felt more like reading a book. I identified myself with the characters and deeply cared about some, still, I didn't have the feeling It was ME. Fo3 gave me that feeling, and IMHO that has to count for something.

Sure, there is a lot I didn't like about FO3 wich were done a lot better in the earlier games, then again, there were also things I liked from Fallout 3 that were done better in Fo3 than the originals.

I always did like reading books, and messing around with old text based games.. but yeah I get you, it's all a bunch of Pros and Cons in the end I suppose.
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:35 pm

There isn't a market for isometric games anymore, or at least not a big money market. I know I wouldn't look twice at an isometric game nowadays

It seems to be mostly an indie developer thing these days, but it's not completely dead. Two upcoming games that are good examples are Age of Decadence and Dead State.
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Reven Lord
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:52 pm

I don't understand why people think Turn Based or Isometric games are outdated, FPS's have been around since the days of Maze War in the mid 70's, if anything they are outdated, its time to go 4th person I say :rock:

On other games I say heck yeah! bring on them glorious b-tards, but fallout was more like a book to me easy going,compelling story. like I had time to think "Do I need to kill these people?" which I thought was okay y'know?. instead of "OMG shoot it!! shoot it! arrrrggdgghd!!" heh you see what I'm saying? kinda sorta maybe?
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