I'd really need to see their more established areas before I judge fully. From what I can see in FONV, the worst part about them is the lies. The lies and deceit.
They CLAIM that their brutal methods are for a noble goal.
They CLAIM that the ends justify the means.
They CLAIM that they are the strongest and safest.
I see none of these things. The Fort isn't any safer than McCarren. The Fort is certainly much less safe than the strip (especially post securitron upgrades) The only thing remotely safe about the Fort is that they strip you down upon entry. And that's not safety, that's impotence and fear. Caeser is afraid that any random visitor could overpower and outgun his troops.
Outside the fort, the legion troops on the roads aren't any stronger than the NCR troops they face. With the latest patch, NCR tends to wipe the floor with legion skirmishers.
And I haven't seen one scrap of what made Rome great.
Where's the agriculture and irrigation for which Rome was famous? Oh wait, the NCR is working on that (share croppers)
Where are the paved roads or other method of transportation? Oh wait, NCR has that (monorail)
Where's the technological or scientific advances? Oh wait, NCR again (there stands a grass, Helios) also the boomers (lady in the water) BoS (maybe) and some random kid named Max (Elucid C-Finder) ... All more technologically advanced than Caeser/Kaiser.
The Legion had to STEAL a part from the boomers to get one howitzer working. One. And the courier actually did the repair work. Meanwhile, the boomers themselves keep many, many howitzers in perfect working condition through a LOT of use, and did I mention The Lady in the Water. The Boomers built and flew a friggin BOMBER using 2 old busted bomber frames. That's just shy of building a miniature Arc Reactor in a cave, with a box of scraps!!

Enlighten me. Tell me ONE thing caesar has done to improve the world. Aside from brutally murdering some petty criminals in Nipton, he hasn't done squat. And really, who were the Nipton crowd hurting? Sure they were junkies and prosttutes ... But they weren't staging massive raids or anything. When Caeser takes out the powder gangers, lemme know. Until I see proof to the contrary, Caesar is just a thug. Nothing more than a tribal leader like Papa Khan, with an overinflated ego.
Is the NCR perfect? No. But they're actually trying to make the world a bit better. Even if some people are getting a kinda bum deal from the NCR (Sloan money exchange rate, share croppers, taxes on Goodsprings) thats still 100x better than being enslaved, tortured and crucified.
Just to compare those options again ...
1) Poor monetary exchange rate, and taxes
2) Enslaved, sold into prostitution, tortured and/or crucified
Yeah, I'd probably stick with #1.
Edit: seems rather strange to me, that words used in the game are censored on the official game forums