» Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:07 pm
And if like me the game won't count most kills with the gun (grendel kills assessment) so you can't earn attachment points for the gun.
If by some miricle you do get the attachment point and use it, the next time you login you have to unlock the weapon again, earn another aattachment point and unlock the attachment you were using earlier. :-\
This rollback has happened a dozen times for me now, strange thing is I'm still leveling, my level hasnt rolled back (yet) like some unfortunate people have had happen.
Personally I'm giving up multiplayer for now as other items and earning are now getting "rolled back" too. No point in playing for things to be taken away from me at random, this is complete bull and ruins any competetive elemnt to the game, unless you have a competition on whoose account is more firked up.