So this way i can form my own opinion about the game.I'll take into account what i hear or read but i'll not take it for granted for the simple reason that others opinion don't define me.
It's just a piece of info that can help me or not to have a more complete view of what the game's all about.
I see that many pay too much attention what some internet gaming magazines say,it's like i really like this girl you know and i want to talk to her and a minority of people says to me "no men,she's like that and does that" and this how we miss the chance,at least i think it's simple as that.
This is our one life,i won't miss a chance by forming my opinion based on what others say.
I guess this is the of our "modern" times in gaming but that also show how we fanction in general,so i urge u not to see this reviews as nothing more as a bit of info for the game.
I don't want to anolyse the capitalist side of this..Developing & Publishing Companies is very clear that affects them deeply in shares/money but at least a Developer (usually) is also a gamer that his purpose is to make a game that primary HE likes playing.
I really like when i read,it was just a confirmation to what i already knew but it's nice to see Devs saying the truth and what it's on theit mind.
Second paregraph from the end of the first page says:
Levine said. "Most of the mistakes I've made in my career have come out of not appreciating the challenge, not dedicating the time, energy, and resources appropriate to the level of challenge. And I think if you have the right people and the right time, you can do almost anything. You have to make sure you gauge the challenge level, and the challenge level you're describing is a gold level challenge. It's not a silver or bronze level challenge."
So i mean a game is like cooking...if u put the right incredients,do everything in it's right time it will be succesfull

For me,i think the game is gonna be a succes,i don't know in the long run though,20 lvls are too few,modern FPS campaign too small and applies here,re-playing value isn't gonna help in the long run,hoping for many addons expanding the story.
Let's use these brothers,have fun and enjoy!
Stay frosty gents