Why do we compare gaming systems?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:05 am

I go like this:

PC: RTS, General FPS, MMOs, Indie games,
Console: MP FPS, Action- Adventures, RPGs, Platformers

But it really doesnt matter. All about personel preference. (but RTS' are terrible on consoles... and Action Adventures are pretty hard on PC)
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:22 pm

Most people don't want to dish out money for a pc and don't want the hassle of the up keep because everything you buy is outdated in a month. Then you have 360vs.Ps3 and that's a whole other world personally 360 has the best online between the two, and I find there are a lot less assholes on ps3 due to the lack of mics. But overall I prefer the 360 I've only ever had one fail but who cares you ship it out get it repaired and that's it. People like me have a back up xbox. Personally I think that the ps3's network is quite immature,as far as features go. As for pc it's been many years since I played a game on it so I can't even remember what it's like my pc now is older than the dinosaurs!
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:38 pm

LOL it's so funny how PS3 and 360 owners are happy to make comparisons between 360 and PS3 constantly but as soon as the big boys arrive with their PC's they all start crying and go home lmao.

I however might express my distaste for out of date hardware but would never degrade a high end PC by comparing to a console.

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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:42 pm

Most people don't want to dish out money for a pc and don't want the hassle of the up keep because everything you buy is outdated in a month.

Yeah, if you're an idiot. Otherwise your (gaming) PC will max out most games for something like 4 years before forcing you to omfg lower a few settings. Which we can thank the consoles for, since we only have poor port optimization to deal with, instead of actual hardware demands.
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Ben sutton
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:23 pm

Most people don't want to dish out money for a pc and don't want the hassle of the up keep because everything you buy is outdated in a month.

Yeah, if you're an idiot. Otherwise your (gaming) PC will max out most games for something like 4 years before forcing you to omfg lower a few settings. Which we can thank the consoles for, since we only have poor port optimization to deal with, instead of actual hardware demands.

True at this rate my rig will last me until entropy sets in.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:09 pm

Because some platforms are better than others.

And why do we tell others this? Why?

Because people like to brag. If you didn't know, humans are mammals. Mammals have competitive instincts. Denying those is to make yourself less human.

dont deny, do it ... until you realize how silly you actually are doing it ;)
very few mammals can realize things, we are probably only mammals with the capability of logic and strategy

after a while being in the spot light you realize , i dont need this BS, in fact i just look stupid to some and admired by the ones i really dont care to be admired from.... this is when you grow above the mammals.. and again its nothing wrong with being a mammal, i been there too

this days i only upgrade my system if i really need it, and i wont waste my time impressing others, and even if i have unlimited funds and time i would not post it around i keep it secret... any one can believe what ever he wants.. i could not care less

of course you can go the other way around and make "being the best" your hobby, in that case you better be the damn best there can be.. after all its you life goal to be the best.. but then why would you post here and not run moding competitions.. if you post you 6ghz 16 core, 256gb ram, 8 each 2gb $5000 GPU's system you just look silly

the ONLY useful thing about posting you system on such forum if its LOW and not high, so other people with similar systems know what to expect, then your helpful and not just a dush trying to brag that he can afford an I7 and whoha what a suprise it runs the game... thank you very much ;)
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Brian Newman
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:10 pm

Most people don't want to dish out money for a pc and don't want the hassle of the up keep because everything you buy is outdated in a month.

Yeah, if you're an idiot. Otherwise your (gaming) PC will max out most games for something like 4 years before forcing you to omfg lower a few settings. Which we can thank the consoles for, since we only have poor port optimization to deal with, instead of actual hardware demands.
No my friend you are the idiot I have no interest in getting a computer built, when there are so many other things worth spending a couple of grand on.
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SaVino GοΜ
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:34 am

Lol couple of grand.
^That's still enough to max out pretty much anything these days, with the possible exception of Metro 2033 and C2 (you'll have to play on a mix of medium and high OMFGHERESY).
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:49 pm

I don't like to compare consoles.

It just reminds me that multi-platform games are inferior on my PS3.

I am a sad, sad Panda.

But hey, since we're all comparing systems strengths and weaknesses, let me join in!

360: O mai gowd gaiz HALO
PS3: Holey mudr of jebus UNCHARTED
PC: My eyes just had an orgism from GRAPHICS

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:46 am

Because some platforms are better than others.

And why do we tell others this? Why?
How old are you?
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Micah Judaeah
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