Ah I see. So you've not found a dungeon with traps or puzzles in it yet?
Yes I have - the exact same traps I saw in Oblivion, so I have a hard time counting this as a point for Skyrim. Except for the moving pannel, yay, one point. But considering it always come in the single corridor to follow blindly, it was hardly surprising.
You haven't found one with multiple directions (they do exist) in which you can get lost for hours? Got it. You haven't been ambushed by a half dozen NPCs, and after the melee you forget which way is which?
Got it.
No, that I haven't. I haven't seen anything approaching even to the hint of an alternate path from the main railway. And to be honest, I have a big doubt about being able to be lost in a Skyrim's dungeon, not to speak about being lost
for hours. I ask for evidence here.
Well, this lone designer put more diversity in layouts and path than all the 10 from Skyrim. Sure, they added some nice "personnal touch", but the dungeons are still all "press forward along the railroad, don't bother to think or act except to fight". I don't want to watch a cinematic as I follow a single path with absolutely no thought involved, I want to, well, PLAY and as such to have POSSIBILITIES.
Man, no surprise the games have been dumbed down to oblivion (ahah) and crap like CoD sells buckload, considering how ignorant fools can uphold that a linear corridor is a jewel of level design !