Well I really like this game, aside from the bugs and stuff.. But it's also true that games usually have a )%&^&&* ton of problems when they're first released. So it's tolerable for me so long as they're gonna update this thing and all.
However, I am VERY disappointed that they didn't implement a server filter when you're trying to look for a game... And most importantly, AT LEAST PUT A GOD DAMNED PING RESTRICTION. It's not funny at all when you got a guy running around with 400 ping, he can kill you with 3 shots to your toe even when you have armor mode on, whereas you can empty an entire clip onto him at point blank and he'd just casually turn around and kick your ass.
I've seen people join servers that give them lag advantages. 3 guys on the other team with >400 ping, and they're all going 2-3 KDR's, it can't be more evident that it's totally fugged up. When I see laggers on the other team, I just rage quit, not even gonna try.
It can't be that hard to put a server filter in the game, can it? I mean, even crappy free to play FPS games like Combat Arms have server filters.
It's really frustrating when you're reading over the server list, check the game type, ranked/unranked, number of players, ping, and when you double click it says "Server is full." Well, it wouldn't be full IF I DIDN'T HAVE TO READ EVERY SINGLE DETAIL TO LOOK FOR AN IDEAL SERVER TO PLAY IN, CAUSE THAT TAKES ME A WHOLE MINUTE.
That's my rant. Somebody, for the love of fug/god/devil/whatever, PLEASE HAVE CRYTEK MAKE A SERVER FILTER.