This thread is full of win. seriously.
An overwhelming number of new pc games in recent years, probably back to 2008 IMO, has been a copy and paste console port. It pisses me off because I've been a pc gamer since 1990, I studied hard in school, I got a good job so i can afford a gaming rig, I purchase my games, and what do i get for my effort, faithfulness, and i guess i should now add "gullibility?" A dumbed down inferior product, time and time again. Crytek isn't the only developer guilty of this. You couldn't swing one of those console controllers around without hitting a developer that's guilty of betraying its PC fanbase these days.
These mouth-breathing console owners have it made. All the new games are designed and constructed from the ground up for these inferior pieces of hardware. I guess i look stupid now for spending my money on superior hardware hoping that one developer that i like would stick to its pc roots, for buying these **** ports. Crytek lied, yet i pay the price.
Well if you look stupid, so do I. I bought two GTX 580's, and with the exception of Metro 2033, I wasted my money. I still can't believe this crap. I have been a fan of Crytek since FarCry when their publisher was Ubisoft. I kind of got worried when I read statements from Cevat Yerli saying the future of PC gaming is in FREE TO PLAY! I guess I was right to worry.