Why did you turn your backs on us, the PC Fanbase?

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:44 am

How about this vid......Crysis 1 real life graphics


....CRYSIS 1!!!!!! 2007 and now 2011 we get COD with aliens and a nano suit....I am so let down its rediculous
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:38 am

This thread is full of win. seriously.

An overwhelming number of new pc games in recent years, probably back to 2008 IMO, has been a copy and paste console port. It pisses me off because I've been a pc gamer since 1990, I studied hard in school, I got a good job so i can afford a gaming rig, I purchase my games, and what do i get for my effort, faithfulness, and i guess i should now add "gullibility?" A dumbed down inferior product, time and time again. Crytek isn't the only developer guilty of this. You couldn't swing one of those console controllers around without hitting a developer that's guilty of betraying its PC fanbase these days.

These mouth-breathing console owners have it made. All the new games are designed and constructed from the ground up for these inferior pieces of hardware. I guess i look stupid now for spending my money on superior hardware hoping that one developer that i like would stick to its pc roots, for buying these **** ports. Crytek lied, yet i pay the price.

Well if you look stupid, so do I. I bought two GTX 580's, and with the exception of Metro 2033, I wasted my money. I still can't believe this crap. I have been a fan of Crytek since FarCry when their publisher was Ubisoft. I kind of got worried when I read statements from Cevat Yerli saying the future of PC gaming is in FREE TO PLAY! I guess I was right to worry.
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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:08 pm

Actually, they guaranteed it won't be pirated... who would want to waste hard drive space on this crap?
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john page
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:42 am

I hate to say it but cod is a better game and it did let me down but not as bad as this **** of a game
crysis 2 = Fail

I hate console ports but if you look at battlefield bc 2 which is a good game not on the level of other battlefield games but still is a good game. So I have to ask WTF were they thinking, I guess they just want to do nothing but console games from now on because I dont think many people will buy from them again.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:09 am

Dont lure yourselft, bfbc2 is totaly console and isnt even half as fun as BF2, vehicle handling is horrible and intended for controller. Not to mention the horrible LVL and kits system

I got crysis 2 because i thought there was going to be challenge or skills implied in the gameplay.... and there is not, I end up behing top scorer most of the time... and i think you can fit 2 or 3 times all the multiplayer map inside Mesa lol
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:37 am

Yea BF2 is the sh*t....best multiplayer game IMO, Crysis 1/warhead best singleplayer.

BF3 will rule http://www.ea.com/battlefield3/videos/faultline-episode-2
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:17 pm

This game honestly dissapointed me. I looked forward to it for so long and now I'm playing it and it just isn't what I hoped, and not nearly what it could have been. No directx10 or 11, low rez textures, no prone, no lean, no fists, no quicksave, no regular save, cant change color of HUD or customize crosshairs, dumbed down nanosuit, no weapon grabbing animation, and throwing objects just feels awkward now. It's a damn shame too because the crysis storyline isn't bad, although I did think killing off Prophet within the first few minutes was pretty lame. Hopefully crytek redeems themselves with one hell of a patch, I'm STILL willing to give them a second chance because of how good crysis 1 was.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:55 am

I hate to say it but cod is a better game and it did let me down but not as bad as this **** of a game
crysis 2 = Fail

I hate console ports but if you look at battlefield bc 2 which is a good game not on the level of other battlefield games but still is a good game. So I have to ask WTF were they thinking, I guess they just want to do nothing but console games from now on because I dont think many people will buy from them again.

I've played bad company 2, and that's a dirty port imo. same level design as crysis 2, dragon age 2, etc. small ass maps that funnel you where to go, which is a far cry from a game like far cry, crysis 1, etc.
This was supposed to be a huge month for pc gaming, with big titles like dragon age 2 (another port, epic fail), homefront (another call of duty / port, fail), and crysis 2 (yet another **** port), and for me it has been nothing but disappointment. I'm not getting my hopes up for the other big releases this year. If i even smell the taint of console on the new deus ex or elder scrolls, i'm gonna start pirating. i will not hand over my hard earned cash only to have my hopes for an epic pc-gaming experience raqed over and over because some asshole in his cushy office at EA says consoles are the future.
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:42 pm

Hey ! at least The sims are still pc exclusive.... ( feel the sarcasm here)

edit : You forgot to add bulletstorm to your list, its so much ported that they left the aim assist even with the mouse rofl
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:45 am

Yep, this is the biggest piece of **** I've ever seen in my entire **** life. Don't get me wrong - some console ports are excellently executed and I get much joy out of them. But this game? It's a **** piece of ****.

Far Cry 1 -> Far Cry 2
Crysis 1 -> Crysis 2

Hmm, I'm seeing a pattern here.
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:14 am

Hey ! at least The sims are still pc exclusive.... ( feel the sarcasm here)

edit : You forgot to add bulletstorm to your list, its so much ported that they left the aim assist even with the mouse rofl

yeah i was just naming games that i have played. bulletstorm is on my "wait for the sale" list, which is where crysis 2 should've been. 60 bucks for a psvcks3 / rrod360 game for my PC is just a slap in the face. already the fan boys are circling the wagons in other threads. "oh my god best fps ever." FFS. horrible taste.
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:57 pm

Dragon age orign outshines crysis in terms of development pc to consoles.
Game is ****
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Dan Scott
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:04 pm

Actually, they guaranteed it won't be pirated... who would want to waste hard drive space on this crap?

Yeah, notice its the console kiddies who are pirating the crap out of it? PC Pirates have actual taste.
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phil walsh
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:42 pm

Dont lure yourselft, bfbc2 is totaly console and isnt even half as fun as BF2, vehicle handling is horrible and intended for controller. Not to mention the horrible LVL and kits system

Yeah, but the difference between BF2:BC2 and C2 is, WE KNEW WHAT WE WERE GOING TO GET. There were no lies. There were plenty of pics and videos of it. And it wasn't really over hyped. I had some fun with it, though I still felt it was just too much of a console port in the end. Still, its was a "decent" console port. I have no hate against DICE, I knew exactly what I was getting.

Crytek, on the other hand, LIED THROUGH THEIR TEETH. They did everything they could to keep us PC players from knowing what we were going to get till the very end. They hyped their product to death, one employee even saying at a point that the non-realtime movie they showed was made by CE3 in real time. An utter lie. Of course, they never corrected that statement. They pulled the wool over everyone's eyes. I don't think they mean to stay in business. This was to get the most money they could before they dissolve their company and bail.
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:20 am

I hate to say it but cod is a better game and it did let me down but not as bad as this **** of a game
crysis 2 = Fail

I hate console ports but if you look at battlefield bc 2 which is a good game not on the level of other battlefield games but still is a good game. So I have to ask WTF were they thinking, I guess they just want to do nothing but console games from now on because I dont think many people will buy from them again.

I've played bad company 2, and that's a dirty port imo. same level design as crysis 2, dragon age 2, etc. small ass maps that funnel you where to go, which is a far cry from a game like far cry, crysis 1, etc.
This was supposed to be a huge month for pc gaming, with big titles like dragon age 2 (another port, epic fail), homefront (another call of duty / port, fail), and crysis 2 (yet another **** port), and for me it has been nothing but disappointment. I'm not getting my hopes up for the other big releases this year. If i even smell the taint of console on the new deus ex or elder scrolls, i'm gonna start pirating. i will not hand over my hard earned cash only to have my hopes for an epic pc-gaming experience raqed over and over because some asshole in his cushy office at EA says consoles are the future.

I understand your fustration at crysis 2 but dragon age 2 was well supported on pc dx11 AND a high detail texture pack download, bioware supported dragon age 2 very well.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:08 pm

I have not read the rest of the topic to save me some time. so forgive me if this sounds repetitive.
My friends and I play Crysis Wars because its the the best looking, non CoD game out there. Vehicles, weapons placement, no XP. Thats what I like in a Deathmatch game. any veteran or novice can be just as good as another.

But after the MP beta, I rather play COD4 because I rather unlock more perks through that game. The whole damn game felt like I was playing some Treyach Crysis version.

Also, where do you get off on making the game cost as much as the consoles version? A slap in my face. I guess I'll buy this game when its on a Steam special for $7.50 a year from now.

Thanks for the knife Crytek, next time, admit you have turned it.
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phillip crookes
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:14 am

I hate to say it but cod is a better game and it did let me down but not as bad as this **** of a game
crysis 2 = Fail

I hate console ports but if you look at battlefield bc 2 which is a good game not on the level of other battlefield games but still is a good game. So I have to ask WTF were they thinking, I guess they just want to do nothing but console games from now on because I dont think many people will buy from them again.

I've played bad company 2, and that's a dirty port imo. same level design as crysis 2, dragon age 2, etc. small ass maps that funnel you where to go, which is a far cry from a game like far cry, crysis 1, etc.
This was supposed to be a huge month for pc gaming, with big titles like dragon age 2 (another port, epic fail), homefront (another call of duty / port, fail), and crysis 2 (yet another **** port), and for me it has been nothing but disappointment. I'm not getting my hopes up for the other big releases this year. If i even smell the taint of console on the new deus ex or elder scrolls, i'm gonna start pirating. i will not hand over my hard earned cash only to have my hopes for an epic pc-gaming experience raqed over and over because some asshole in his cushy office at EA says consoles are the future.

i only can say +1 !
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:47 am

Maybe next time let the Hungarians handle Crysis. They did great with warhead. The german company turned into a bunch of poofters.

Yea BF2 is the sh*t....best multiplayer game IMO, Crysis 1/warhead best singleplayer.

BF3 will rule http://www.ea.com/battlefield3/videos/faultline-episode-2

I believe BF3 will really push the industry forward, i doubt anyone in their right mind would ever go back to **** cod-like games after playing that. Other companies would have to come up with some colosal **** to surpass what Dice will manage with that game.

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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:15 am

All in all:
-CryTek sold out, hard.
-Crysis 2 is the disappointment of the century.
-PC gaming > Console gaming.


Anyone else?

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Melly Angelic
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:48 am

Yea BF2 is the sh*t....best multiplayer game IMO, Crysis 1/warhead best singleplayer.

BF3 will rule http://www.ea.com/battlefield3/videos/faultline-episode-2

Hands down the best Multiplayer FPS has to go to Counterstrike it has out lived and stayed up in the top longer than any other FPS Multiplayer. Yeah it has 2 (really 3 but who truly Counts CSZ), that are all basically the same exact game just ported over to newer engines (not sure if zero was or not). The craziest thing with that game it all started as a mod of halflife and was free. That was over 10 years ago.

As for crysis and its multiplayer experience I thought it was a great game the problem was finding people that COULD (notice the could) play the game. Because that game was so system intense the lack of players that could play it smoothly and more importantly the large amount that couldn't play the game with low lag that made the MP experience harsh.

Crysis had everything BF2 had with the large maps with mix style play of air/land/sea/foot combat. With the added benifit of not having to spawn camp vehicles (which is one of the biggest downsides of BF2). Tactical wise I felt crysis was better because you couldn't just simply spawn camp waiting for an enemy vehicle to pop just to jack it. (though this happen sometimes but not nearly as much as BF2). Also the best thing about the crysis multiplayer was each round you had to work to get access to the best weapons/vehicles. I really am getting sick and tired of these cookie cutter class/lv systems FPS's are using. In crysis everyone started on equal foot and skill determined who got what with these lv/class unlock systems really the team with more of the higher lv players tend to have the edge. Because Higher lv = access to better stuff (anyone notice the grenade launcher in crysis 2 tell me thats not going to be overpowered when only a handful have access to it).
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:34 am

Nathan and Cevat are more than likely on a beach in Miami soaking up the riches and sun from this glorious maximum port. Nvidia just took crysis 2 off the dx11 support list so my best bet is they bet console. don't get me wrong though I'm enjoying the game for what it's worth...on my laptop when I'm not home to playing the original. I use to be a troll until crysis. Kinda funny how the one game that drew me to pc left me hanging with the worse insult in gaming history. when I only had an xbox i dreamed of it coming to console. Careful what you wish for.
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:41 pm

I really hope this thread gets so full of complaints that the people at Crytek have no choice but to answer for their sins. You betrayed the community that created you, and now your company will fail! Thanks for bringing the end of PC gaming as we know it! A very sad day for me. Guess I should return the $400 cpu I bought just for this game. Did those console dorks that you whored your company out to put $400 into their consoles just so they can play your game to its fullest potential? You made a lot of promises about this new Cryengine 3 technology, and in the end you created something that cant even come close to what you created in 2007. I dont get it! Whatever, your not getting any more of my money thats for sure. I really wish you guys would realize how much you screwed this up. The PC community deserves answers. Do I need to grab you and shake you screaming wake up Crytek! Wake up!
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:19 am

Very sad indeed, so what happens when people stop upgrading their hardware because every game is a port (Dead Space 2 runs at 150fps!)? Nvidia, ATi and Intel loose a huge chunk of one of their main revenue streams, I doubt console manufactures pay THAT much for hardware contracts. So since PC gamers won't be upgrading, new hardware won't be used (or even released) early since there will be no point in buying it and with console lifespans at 5 - 7 years, hardware revisions will be few and far between.

Stagnating the industry for a few bucks? Maximum Fail
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:56 am

Crysis warhead was the latest "extention" before C2. At the end, Physco and O'nel were able to get away with a cargo that contains an alien that did not explode.

How does this relate to C2? no idea.
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:42 am

Crysis warhead was the latest "extention" before C2. At the end, Physco and O'nel were able to get away with a cargo that contains an alien that did not explode.

How does this relate to C2? no idea.

Nothing relates to C2 from C1, it seems that 3 years of backstory has been forgotten about and somehow prophet made it back to NY, in the midst of an alien attack, without being spotted, wearing a nanosuit that is being tracked..

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