Why did you turn your backs on us, the PC Fanbase?

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:44 am

Yea Im pissed, I just spent $700 on 2 gtx570 and $2000 on a 60 inch 3d tv for this game and now all I see it a flickering console game with or with out 3d.

DX11 for this game is like polishing a turd... at the end of the day you still have a shinny piece of ****. I cant wait till they start making real games again that are not ment for 11 year old girls that think that ps3 graphics are the pinnacle of visuals.

I have to say I fell for it and I payed for this POS but this is the last time I will never buy anything else from these people again!

^1 UP Agreed. :D Spoken very well :D
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:32 pm

Just wait until the game been released worldwide... The disappointment will grow exponentially... So far, Crytek let the money talks... the game is merely a console port... But there will be always "the patch thing"... I still believe... but NOT THAT MUCH... #EpicFAIL until now
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:34 am

When I made this thread last night I expected a lot of people to disagree. But seeing as how everyone in this thread is on the same plane pretty much goes to show that the universal attitude is that Crysis 2 is horrible and the ultimate representation of where the industry is headed. It isn't just a few diehard fans of the first Crysis, but just about every PC gamer that hates this.

If someone releases a fully working cracked version of Crysis 2 that has command console support and the ability to change basic graphics options, even if it's just through changing a config file, I'd pirate it. I used to be one of those people who detested piracy, but it's **** like this that has completely changed my attitude.

I wouldn't be too surprised if, when Crytek releases some form of mod support (assuming that they ever will), this game goes the way STALKER has; as in, the developer does very little and instead the community shapes the game to fix the massive issues that the developer left in. If Crytek won't do anything to address this game's issues, then we'll just have to ourselves. It's a **** up thought and completely contrary to how things are supposed to work, but it's the only way that this game could ever be good in any way.
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victoria gillis
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:59 am

Yea Im pissed, I just spent $700 on 2 gtx570 and $2000 on a 60 inch 3d tv for this game and now all I see it a flickering console game with or with out 3d.

DX11 for this game is like polishing a turd... at the end of the day you still have a shinny piece of ****. I cant wait till they start making real games again that are not ment for 11 year old girls that think that ps3 graphics are the pinnacle of visuals.

I have to say I fell for it and I payed for this POS but this is the last time I will never buy anything else from these people again!

^1 UP Agreed. :D Spoken very well :D

That would be a good new name for Crytek. Polished Turd Productions.
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:16 am

The OP knows how to properly voice a complaint. I agree totally... well done!
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dean Cutler
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:13 am

I agree with pretty much everything thats been said.

Keep this thread active so it stays near the top of the forums and able to spread word about this fail of a game. People still have faith in the updates though since its not like they've done this kind of thing before...but remember when they stopped updating Crysis 1 after patch 1.02 because they were too busy working on Warhead?

I could see them pulling some QQ excuse as to why they wont release an SDK, or the Dx 11 patch since there were too many pirated versions on PC and just only support the consoles.

RIP Crysis

Crytek should be next on the chopping block for the next game company to go under.
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Emily Rose
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:40 am

I built a new PC a few months ago and was so excited to be able to play the original Crysis as I had herd about how demanding it was on PC hardware. I was happy to see I could play with settings almost maxxed out. I had a blast playing Crysis so I bought Crysis: Warhead and played that as well. I finished both games and have started going back through a 2nd time on higher difficulties.

After buying Crysis I started to fan the internet for something to challange my PC. I overclocked the CPU so I was looking for something to test it on. I stumbled onto Crysis 2 and fell in love. It was the one game that was supposed to revolutionize the gaming industry with it's extraordinary graphics, realistic game play, immersive game play, THE NEXT BENCHMARK OF THE PC GAMING INDUSTRY!!

All I can say now is:


Crysis 2 is supposed to be BETTER then Crysis original. WTF. I hope a massive patch comes out soon to prove me wrong. If it doesn't I WILL be telling people to just download this off a torrent. People I know listen to my opinion when it comes to video games. So if they don't patch the game to a SUPERIOR position above Crysis original, I will tell people to not buy this game, they will tell people not to buy this game, those people will tell people not to buy this game.....ect

Fix it or else!!
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:04 am

I'll give them half a chance... 3 days to respond to and/or fix these issues or I'm gonna send this forum straight to my friends in UK and have them violently spread the word not to buy this game, not even for ps3 or xbox. Ironic thing is... if they would have put off the release date for another month, we would all be happy, we wouldn't care we had to wait. But to release a PC game in this condition is UNFORGIVABLE. Which is definitely EA's fault for pushing and pushing. They have a history of unreasonable deadlines and being dirty bastard publishers
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:36 pm

IGN are VERY HAPPY with the pc version of crysis 2, read the review lol
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:23 pm

IGN are VERY HAPPY with the pc version of crysis 2, read the review lol
SOOOO naive...they are paid to give good reviews. Most game review sites are like this....never listen to them.

Just look to actual PC reviews that arent biased because of their wallets being fattened by the company of the game they are reviewing.

A quick search got me these...

and there are plenty others.
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:14 am

Cevat Yerli you are a disgrace. I bought Crysis and Warhead and was proud to tell my friends to buy them. Kyle Bennett is right. Crysis 2 is garbage and a taunt to PC gamers.

Nvidia paid you $2 million dollars and you still did not bring out a DX11 version of the game.

Just so you know Cevat Yerli and Nathan (liar) Camarillo. I have cancelled my EU preorder for your insulting game on Steam.

I will never buy a Crytek game again and will put the refund money to EA DICE and Battlefield 3 which is being built AROUND THE PC FOR DX11. You don't even have an anti aliasing setting for Crysis 2....

Your loss because you will never in a million years outsell Call of Duty on the consoles.

Yours faithfully

Former Crytek fanboy
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:19 am

So, I wonder how long it will take for the Boys at Nvidia to come looking for him? Getting screwed out of 2 million dollars isn't going to make NVidia very happy.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:05 am

lol I got my pre order today was wondering why in hell my fps is over 70...and realized how the graphics look just like crysis 1 maybe eve slightly less.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:02 am

This is probably the biggest disappointment I've ever experienced in a game. For sure will not be putting any more money towards anything Crytek does. Even if it is patched, its condition upon release is inexcusable. I have put the game down and have absolutely not desire to finish it.

I liked Crysis, wasn't a huge fan. When Warhead came out i thought it was amazing. It was paced well, looked beautiful and put more detail into a story i was already enthralled with.

As a PC Gamer, its really sad that when I go out on a limb and preorder something, I'm expecting to be let down. Games that I worried about being bad ports (DA2, Bulletstorm) so far this year have outperformed my expectations. This game has performed FAR under what I expected.

I don't expect everyone to be able to afford or put the effort into the kind of PC gaming rig i have together, but to claim this game is optimized for PC is a bold-faced lie and a kick in the balls to the audience that built this company.

For anyone wondering about the PC version of this game, I strongly recommend you don't bother until someone else does the work for Crytek and modifies this piece of ****. Then when that happens, download a cracked version from a torrent and donate that $60 to the person who spent their free time making it playable.
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:18 am

I love the game, the single player is good, although the multiplayer isn't anything new or extraordinary. It's fun.

I don't understand why people are judging every aspect of the game based on the fact that it's an blatant console port. It doesn't deny the other charms of the game.

Though, I'd admit, I do despise Crytek now. Considering how lucky they were to even get over 3+ million copies of their original game sold on PC when the complained it was massively pirated. They still treat us PC players like dirt. They focused too much on the Xbox 360 version. Which many would agree considering the complaints about the PS3 version's graphics and the PC version being a console port. Xbox 360 seems to be the best way to go if you want the best Crysis 2 experience.
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:22 am

I had a pre-order for Crysis 2 on Steam, but cancelled it after trying the multiplayer demo.

Now, after reading this thread, I feel I made the right decision:

1. No DX11, despite it being promised. Heck, no DX10 as in the original Crysis.
2. No 64-bit executable (once again, part of the original Crysis)
3. No editor.
4. Multiplayer limited to 16 players, same as the console (Crysis Wars had 32 players)
5. Save points with no "save anywhere."
6. Limited graphic options (only a few presets, unless you're willing to edit config files)
7. Abandonment of the "open world" gameplay of the original.

And finally, like Bulletstorm before it, I refuse to pay $60 for a console port. Ah, well...glad I saved the money...
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:03 am

+1 to OP.

This release is nothing short of abysmal, even if the gameplay is OK. How can they release something so bug-ridden and so obviously not in line with the quality Crytek is known for. Adapting the game to fish for cash in the console pool doesn't have to be a bad thing. It however is when the prime edition of the game is just a port from a console.
Doesn't Crytek have QA, wasn't there a closed beta where these issues would get noticed just in the first few minutes of gameplay?

In the end, PC sales of this game will svck, EA and Crytek will blame piracy, Crytek goes console only or only produces weak console ports to tap what little market is left for their games on PC.

MAXIMUM DISSAPOINTMENT indeed. And a waste of 50 euros, for a game I can't officially/legally play even though I have the disc in hand.

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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:49 am

Let's see.

1) I prefer gaming on a PC.
2) I think Crysis 1 is beautiful.
3) I think it's gameplay was great.

Yet surprisingly, unlike these upset PC extremist out there that are praying for someone to pirate the PC version of Crysis 2 because it ain't a direct sequel to their favorite game, I'm having a hell of a good time with Crysis 2.

Do I have to buy a new video card to run it? Nope. Runs great with my 4870 at 1680 x 1050.

Edited the system.cfg file, installed D3D overdrive to force triple buffering, turned off V-sync in the game, changed the FOV to 80, and run Game Booster.

Play the single player game with a 360 controller too (oh no!!! NOT THAT!!!!)

Sorry you guys didn't get the game you wanted, cause this pc gamer sure as heck did.

Oh, and just to offset at least one person's lost purchase, I'm buying a second copy of Crysis 2 for my son's PS3.

Good job Crytek. You didn't turn your back on me. Hell, you didn't make me buy new hardware AND you gave me a very enjoyable gaming experience.

Fix the AI and the game will be perfect for me.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:50 am

why all the hate ??
everything DONT need to be on the disc at release dx11 will come for sure and rather they optimize dx11 then bad performance.
look at dragon age 2 they get a 1Gb texture pack, we all got internet so downloading is not the problem.
and if crytek give you bad dx11 performance at release,

most of you haters still gonna hate them for it
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:34 pm

why all the hate ??
everything DONT need to be on the disc at release dx11 will come for sure and rather they optimize dx11 then bad performance.
look at dragon age 2 they get a 1Gb texture pack, we all got internet so downloading is not the problem.
and if crytek give you bad dx11 performance at release,

most of you haters still gonna hate them for it

your logic is retarded.

I guess it's ok for a car company to not the windshield of the car. they'll offer to include it later when u bring it into the shop.

does that sound right to you?
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:29 am

This should replace every Crysis 2 ad online...

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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:45 am

you can read all about this game even before you buy it.
if you dont like the game buy something else or not buy anything

no one forced you to buy this
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:51 am

Well, I'm officially not laughing at the fact that Crytek didn't give you guys the game you wanted. I completely understand that. I wish that EA hadn't bought an exclusivity license when they purchase the NFL one and for all intents and purposes KILLED the video game football market for everyone but EA.

But you know what? Some of the replies in this thread are just too much. It's a good game. Probably one of the better FPS to come out in the past 12 months.

If it makes it less painful, don't think of it as Crysis 2. Think of it as a separate IP.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:34 am

you can read all about this game even before you buy it.
if you dont like the game buy something else or not buy anything

no one forced you to buy this

Are you stupid? It's not the job of gamers to read about the rumors that DX11 isn't in the game. Plus why should we believe that if Crytek didn't announce it.

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Dj Matty P
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:45 pm

I miss my prone, my speed mode and my lvl editor! sure the game is fun but you took out what made crysis 1 great it was a PC game not its so similar to everything else... including the nano suit upgrade **** in SP???? I just know this game could have been better if they had done just some small things like the three uptop... o and you know explaining the gap i know we loved the story of crysis one and now its hard to fill it all in so sad to see another company bend the pc market over the table and give it to us......

edit: and i want my dx11 i wanted this game to push what hardware was out and what was being made...
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