Why did you turn your backs on us, the PC Fanbase?

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:30 am

Yeah sure the gameplay is great but the main reason(s) as to why the majority are disappointed is/are:
(contains only some of the primary reasons)

1. DirectX 9 for Crysis 2 - We have technology at our grasp as well as for the game devs. Why did they have to go back to Dx9? Crysis and Crysis Warhead was running with Dx10 so why? For the Xbox360 console? more or so it seems that's the reason.

2. Graphic Settings - it's too rigid to 'high' , 'very high' , 'extreme'. They could have offered more for the settings like what someone posted as 'advance graphic settings'.

3. Limited amount of players in a room for multiplayer.

4. Super huge difference of graphics from Crysis 1 with Crysis 2 - They say Crysis 2 runs on Cry Engine 3. Does that mean Cry Engine 3 is a pile of crap?

5. Limited Edition Code Redemption issues - players went out of the way to preorder it early and then get slapped with 'code invalid'

6. Marketing Hype full of lies - Sure we know the industry has lies left and right but this is just too much just to make sure they have 3-5 years worth of money inside their wallets.
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remi lasisi
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:20 am

money, duh... xbox360 alone makes more than twice the money they can make off the pc, no doubt..
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:24 am

Most of the **** you complained about is pointless. To address what I've read mostly on these forums, let me put it this way:

1-CryEngine 3 is very optimized. Appreciate the PC version runs better than the first Crysis games and still looks just as good if not better. DX10 Crysis 1 looks pretty much identical to Crysis 2....maybe the water looks a bit better, but Crysis 2 in DX9 made me think it was DX10 for a second. It's amazing, yet the label of DX9 and knowledge of it, makes people not want to accept it.

2-This is not a console or PC port. Ports are impossible on Cryengine 3. A game on this engine is made from ground up on each platform simultenously, thus when completing the game, it must be completed where each platform is equal to eachother so they all work. Then with whatever remaining time before release date, Crytek goes and puts the 360, PS3, and PC specific features. PS3 and 360 just need like LIVE and PSN and those onlines are taken care of automatically. Crytek was only able to put in a few essential PC specific features before release. This is why there are DAY 1 PATCHES.

3-Expanding on number 2, Crytek didn't control release date, EA did. The PC verison has more features than consoles, and Crytek couldn't put them all in before release date. Look through the eyes of the developers WITHOUT IGNORANCE....they wanted money so they made it multiplatform, yet they also wanted to support the PC platform and did the best they could in such a small time frame. The leak screwed them up too. More patches including DX11 patches have been confirmed and they will come. You must wait.

4-CRYSIS 2 IS FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE FOR ALL GRAPHICAL SETTINGS LIKE CRYSIS 1 AND WARHEAD. But the only thing is that it's fully customizable through command console. Console commands for graphics can be found just through using google. But the fact that in-game menus have a simple graphical settings, yet the whole game is customizable in graphics, MEANS and PROVES that Crytek just didn't have enough time. They didn't have the time to put in the more complicated menus and to incorporate customizable graphical options into the menus. As of now, they are currently in the console developer commands.

Now, aside from all this, stop representing yourself as the PC community. I hate PC gamers who do this and say **** like "we PC gamers have been" or "most of us PC gamers." STFU, seriously -_-" By saying most of us and such without proof of it truly being "most of us," is a mere accusation and thus is a false stance in representing the PC community. Represent the community when you know it's a ridiculously insane and complained about and over-the-top widespread problem....not just for some small thing that affects YOU.
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:09 pm

You say it's better?

Take a quick glance again. Here are some screenshots of other players.
Crysis 1 vs. Crysis 2.


You call that better? again, Cry Engine 3 optimized?
Nice leaves!
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:24 pm

4. Super huge difference of graphics from Crysis 1 with Crysis 2 - They say Crysis 2 runs on Cry Engine 3. Does that mean Cry Engine 3 is a pile of crap?

Lol just realised, the opening screen "Achieved with cryengine 3" is gonna bite them in the ass since as you said, it's a pile of crap so they are basically saying "Hey! See this pile of crap? WE MADE IT! That's right. Now, would you like to buy this pile of crap to use on your game? Step right up!"

I have to admit at 1st I thought the graphics were good, but then I saw the comparison photos and realised.
In addition to the graphics being worse than crysis 1 and everything, they put bloom everywhere most likely in an effort to hide the bad graphics. Isn't that kind of a clear sign of something? Even if they thought the graphics were good, why all the bloom? it's not realistic looking, therefore it must have been put in to hide stuff.
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:19 am

What an embarrassing thread. The game is a more focused Crysis 1. The combat situations are still sandbox-like. The graphics are amazing, the combat is amazing.

I was a huge fan of Crysis 1 and even Crysis Wars. But lets move on. There is no such thing as "turing your backs on your PC Fanbase". There is no difference between PC gamers and Console gamers. Get off your high horse. It's just a game, stop with all the drama. Some of you guys are amazing. No one owes you anything.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:42 pm

I just want to clearify one thing here for the few people who don't understand when we say the game svcks. As a game, more specifically a console game the game is a good game sure but we are mostly pissed cuz this is not Crysis. The only thing crysis about it is the concept of the nano suit, a few names...and the cuztomizability of weapons in game. Other then that this is by no means Crysis. This is why we are pissed!!

As a game that Crytek made ....sure its a good game but again this is not crysis. This is why we call it crap cuz they call it Crysis and as Crysis its crap!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:01 pm

dammit......I have to say it

Where are the characters from C1?
Why do the Aliens look 100% different?
Why the F*CK didnt we go back to the F*CKING Island to .....you know....umm continue the story?
Weren't we supposed to team up with the KPA against the Aliens and fight side by side?

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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:07 pm

It's pretty hard to believe that this is actually happening...
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:46 pm

Yea really it is....just wow
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Amber Ably
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:29 am

this is like if Halo 2 didn't have Master Chief or Cortana and the Covenant looked 100% different
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David John Hunter
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:23 am

this is like if Halo 2 didn't have Master Chief or Cortana and the Covenant looked 100% different

gawd, with all this consolitis going around, you'd think people would know better.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:38 am

dammit......I have to say it

Where are the characters from C1?
Why do the Aliens look 100% different?
Why the F*CK didnt we go back to the F*CKING Island to .....you know....umm continue the story?
Weren't we supposed to team up with the KPA against the Aliens and fight side by side?


Maybe Far Cry 3 can pick up were Crysis 1 left off? And Crysis 3 can continue the original Far Cry story, while Far Cry 2 just dies away...
To the people defending the game: sure it might be cool overall, by itself, but it IS a step backwards as far as graphics go and the story not a continuation of the first. Those are undeniable facts as of right now.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:42 pm

i don't understand how people can support the obvious exploitation of the Crysis name on this game that really has nothing in common with the first. It's an obvious move to make an on par title and drive sales by attaching a notable name and a suit to the gameplay.

The people who have positive responses in this thread are the same people who effectively ruin everything for the discerning consumer. "Dude, I had fun blowing up ****, i don't know what the big deal is, man!" Cha-ching goes the crytek, more idiots to sell to.

**** you, I paid for a Crysis game and expected it to hold the standard a Crysis title should. It did not deliver and I have every right to be upset, ESPECIALLY because it's more expensive than its far superior predecessor.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:24 am

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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:13 am

I played Crysis 1 only a week ago, and I gotta say I like Crysis 2 better. If only they would fix the multiplayer so I could actually, you know, GET IN A GAME, then I would be happy. As of right now, it's almost day 3 and I've only gotten into 2-3 matches, each of which lasted for less than a minute before it was over (match over). For other dozen attempts at joining a multiplayer game, the game wouldn't start or the quick match thing would never find any players. Doesn't matter if it's ranked or unranked. More graphics options would be nice, but I would like to actually be able to play the game before being able to edit the graphics of it.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:18 am

They could have kept the overall desing of the aliens from crysis 1. White and blue colours.
And the big flying ones. They were cool to fight. They could've give them human like armors. Like some sort of ceph nanosuit.

Well, i think Cry of Duty - Alien Warfare is a good game. Kinda fun and pretty. But it's sad to think it's a dumbed down sequel to such an awesome game.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:47 am

>Why did you turn your backs on us, the PC Fanbase?

Because there is more money to be made on consoles. It's the smart thing to do.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:29 pm

Well unfortunately this game is a far cry from the original crysis, har har . It really is though.. The AI is a lot worse, The map sizes are absolutely TINY compared to the old ones and the feel they gave.
The graphics ARE lesser than the original . I literally refer to texture quality and use of hdr lighting. Crysis 2 is a bloom fest with very very little use of acutal dynamic lights.. anyways.. beyond that, the interface, the controls , the animations.. the sum of crytek 3's parts, are a HUGE dissapointment albeit expected from myself as soon as i realised this was being made for a PS3 and Xbox.
The game itself as far as level design and story i have to say are interesting and sometimes fun, but after playing the game through even the worst of it im feeling very much less than satisfied. I think that Crytek opted out for sales over innovation, and are simply cashing in on a very good team of programmers etc, that never get enough time to truly polish anything they make while the Bean Counters at EA grab the lion share of sales asap . Its typical of todays buisness model for games and i dont see it getting any better any time soon .

I see trend with developers who take chances and make something special over the years.. Every single one of them that has gotten into bed with a large publishing company or the like has been slowly and surely eroded into a group that ultimately makes games i no longer want to play .
As the years go by and the people who really did have passion and drive about what they were making retire, move onto higher paying jobs and futures in larger companies, the end result of thier creations, which then turn into franchises, become ****.. Bioware is another great example.. DA 2 was yet another slide, into the corporate abyss. I dont want to believe it even now.. Though only a fool would not see this for the truth that it is. Farewell Triple A pc games, hello swamp of mediocraty and greed
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:32 am

They turned their back on us, because they saw that consoles are where the money is these days. And its true, no matter how sad it is to admit.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:07 pm

They should change the intro splash screen for the PC version....

"Under-Achieved with CryEngine 3"

I totally understand that consoles are where the money is. Regardless, unless they have some uber patches to release, as a developer myself had I worked on Crysis 1 and then had to have my name included in the credits for Crysis 2 I personally would be embarrassed.
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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:40 am

Cryengine 3, Cryengine 2 with lens flare.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:02 am

Cryengine 3, Cryengine 2 with lens flare.
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:20 am

the game is fine stop biching like little 10 year old nerds who never get out.

its for the money and the game is fine. idk half the **** your talking about just nerd talk but it works fine for me and its a good game.

if you dont like it well them get rid of it and no one cares what you think
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luke trodden
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:44 pm

I got an answer.
EA and Crytech is BOUND to release a sequel or prequel to Crysis 2. Thats what the time gap between Crysis and Crysis 2 for.
To make more money.
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