(contains only some of the primary reasons)
1. DirectX 9 for Crysis 2 - We have technology at our grasp as well as for the game devs. Why did they have to go back to Dx9? Crysis and Crysis Warhead was running with Dx10 so why? For the Xbox360 console? more or so it seems that's the reason.
2. Graphic Settings - it's too rigid to 'high' , 'very high' , 'extreme'. They could have offered more for the settings like what someone posted as 'advance graphic settings'.
3. Limited amount of players in a room for multiplayer.
4. Super huge difference of graphics from Crysis 1 with Crysis 2 - They say Crysis 2 runs on Cry Engine 3. Does that mean Cry Engine 3 is a pile of crap?
5. Limited Edition Code Redemption issues - players went out of the way to preorder it early and then get slapped with 'code invalid'
6. Marketing Hype full of lies - Sure we know the industry has lies left and right but this is just too much just to make sure they have 3-5 years worth of money inside their wallets.