There's also the problem of retconning. The whole ice sphere thing in Crysis was one of the best things about the game. And now Crytek has chosen to omit this; and not only that, but everything about the plot is just disappointing. Sure, Crytek is trying to appeal to an audience of console gamers that have never even heard of Crysis, but why did they have to change so much? And not to mention that they've followed the "silent protagonist" idea and done away with Nomad, who was actually a likeable character. When I first beat Crysis so long ago, the first thought in my mind was that I couldn't wait to see what could happen when Nomad and Helena would rescue Prophet from the island. And now we start off as some random, silent guy and (SPOILER, DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU'VE PLAYED THE FIRST TEN MINUTES) Prophet ends up dead with only a few fuzzy flashbacks to explain the GIGANTIC gap between Crysis and Crysis 2.
Crytek, you have turned your back on your community by lying to them and not owning up to everything you promised us. It's incredibly sad following what Crysis did and how it changed the world of PC gaming three and a half years ago. You just managed to kill your crowning achievement in the eyes of much of your original fanbase. You people have stated that you don't want Crysis 2 to be pirated, if I'm not mistaken; but your own shortsightedness and your newfound love of consoles have pretty much guaranteed that it's going to happen.
So, I've only got one question: why did you have to go and screw up such a wonderful series so hard? Was it because you wanted to do this? Or was it because EA, in its own pile of screw ups, forced you to?