Why did you turn your backs on us, the PC Fanbase?

Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:53 pm

Crytek has disappointed most of its PC fanbase through the omission of both promised features as well as basic PC-specific minutia. Namely, what the hell was Crytek thinking when they limited the graphics options to "high", "very high" and "extreme"? To give the PC fanbase some sense of superiority? And not to mention that Crytek has been boasting about the CryEngine 3's specs for two or three years, about how it would revolutionize graphics, about how it would support DX11, about the new "global illumination" lighting system which was demo'ed a year ago. And, following this incredible hype, Crytek effectively managed to make Crysis 2 into a glorified console port.

There's also the problem of retconning. The whole ice sphere thing in Crysis was one of the best things about the game. And now Crytek has chosen to omit this; and not only that, but everything about the plot is just disappointing. Sure, Crytek is trying to appeal to an audience of console gamers that have never even heard of Crysis, but why did they have to change so much? And not to mention that they've followed the "silent protagonist" idea and done away with Nomad, who was actually a likeable character. When I first beat Crysis so long ago, the first thought in my mind was that I couldn't wait to see what could happen when Nomad and Helena would rescue Prophet from the island. And now we start off as some random, silent guy and (SPOILER, DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU'VE PLAYED THE FIRST TEN MINUTES) Prophet ends up dead with only a few fuzzy flashbacks to explain the GIGANTIC gap between Crysis and Crysis 2.

Crytek, you have turned your back on your community by lying to them and not owning up to everything you promised us. It's incredibly sad following what Crysis did and how it changed the world of PC gaming three and a half years ago. You just managed to kill your crowning achievement in the eyes of much of your original fanbase. You people have stated that you don't want Crysis 2 to be pirated, if I'm not mistaken; but your own shortsightedness and your newfound love of consoles have pretty much guaranteed that it's going to happen.

So, I've only got one question: why did you have to go and screw up such a wonderful series so hard? Was it because you wanted to do this? Or was it because EA, in its own pile of screw ups, forced you to?

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carrie roche
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:42 am

Honestly I think the people who run crytek got some kind of brain damage after the first game came out. I really cant believe the same people are still running that place. Every time Yurli opens his mouth all I think is "what a friggin dumbass"...

Pisses me off. Why couldn't crytek just do at least the minimum. Basic dx11 features and acceptable res textures. They couldnt even do that...
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:48 pm

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Pawel Platek
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:39 am

Gotta agree with the OP. I wanted so bad to go back to the island....find prophet.....team up with the NK's and fight the aliens. But this game might as well not be called Crysis at this point since its well....not crysis.

This is truly a disappointing day. Crysis 1 was the best game I ever played to date (singleplayer) and I was dreaming of the sequel for the past years and now I got crap. I guess I should look at the bright side.....I dont need a new video card.......until BF3.

Crytek.......My condolences :(
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:45 am

Can people explain to me why some people believe that companies have feeling. THEY DO IT FOR MONEY, they do not give a rats ass if you do not like it, considering there are more people that like it than people who dont. not to mention it is a console port.
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:34 pm


this ^
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:34 am

yea they ojed the pc people
the game is great,only if they made crysis2 like crysis1 it would be amazing
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:56 am

Y'know, I've got another complaint. Why does the AI act STALKER-style pants-on-head retarded? The AI in Crysis was excellent, but this is the kind of AI with psychic abilites but without the ability to see what's in front of them.
This patch Crytek promised. It better be freaking huge.
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:06 am

Gotta agree with the OP. I wanted so bad to go back to the island....find prophet.....team up with the NK's and fight the aliens.

That would have kicked ass!
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:54 am

"Can people explain to me why some people believe that companies have feeling. THEY DO IT FOR MONEY, they do not give a rats ass if you do not like it, considering there are more people that like it than people who dont. not to mention it is a console port."(King of Sand)

True. I can tell you why people see companies as having feelings though....

It is because marketing people devise marketing campaigns that imply different companies have different personalities in order to sell stuff to a specific group and to enable customers to become emotionally attached to the organization (as it's easier to form such attachments if we see them as people).

Naturally the organizations personality will often reflect the traits of their target market.

BMW = Refined, sophisticated
VW = Reliable, functional
Nike = Driven, uncomplicated
McDonalds = Hedonistic, childish

and don't even get me started on whatever that car company is that "don't make cars we make joy"

Even when this is not intentionally done I suspect some people are so used to companies being presented as having personalities that they project a personality onto the company from the available information they have.

In fact companies actually are individuals at least in the US legally speaking, except that companies cannot be punished half as easily as individuals, when a company causes a death for example you can't throw it in jail but by the same token they have the same rights that individuals have legally speaking.

Actually Nathan Camarillo is a good example in a way because as a representative of Crytek he projects a slightly more casual approach to gaming that console gamers would feel was closer to their own. Whereas the more precise and particular language and expression of Cevat Yerli is something I suspect PC gamers identify with better.

But the interesting thing is that Crytek now has two personalities as a result, and interestingly they seem to have had trust issues with all platforms at one time or another (maybe thats why).

To me the increasingly important role of Camarillo in the media spotlights gives me the feeling (and I never said it was a rational one it's not it's a feeling) that Crytek is indeed transitioning towards console.

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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:10 am

We maybe as pc gamers feel that pc gaming companies might have feelings and want to impress us so much and show us how cutting edge they are because we all know consoles make them more money. So when they are strictly pc based we feel a deep sense of loyalty to them for bringing us such great games at the sacrifice of making more on a console. Anybody can make a console game its not a big deal. Rip out a pc game like crysis 1 and your huge in the tech spec world. Crysis evidently lost their passion for fantastic games, and went the way of the almighty dollar. Shame on Crytek. Its over.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:21 pm

Dam Over.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:16 pm

What I had to say (Why Crysis 2 is a failure):

-As we've all heard, it didn't launch with DX11. What have you been doing all this time in development? Of all games, why would you skimp out on Crysis? Using a 6 year old technology to showcase what's supposed to be the sequel to the "best looking game ever" is ludicrous.

-The "Graphic" options are a joke. Presets? This is Crysis, the visual powerhouse that coined the term "But can it play Crysis?" Now the visual settings are basic and offer absolutely no customization. I repeat, this is Crysis, damnit.

-No console commands? I'm extremely glad you took that out, who needs a useful tool for viewing display information? (Sarcasm implied.)

-Lastly, the console dominance. It's quite obvious that the consoles "stole" the spotlight with Crysis 2. CryTek and EA definitely went for the money on this one, and along this choice, they abandoned what made Crysis what it is today. Without the original fans, there wouldn't even be a Crysis 2. The PC fans have been abandoned for a wider wallet.

Of all the games to release so poorly, why Crysis 2?
(Console port?)
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:24 am

You know I have two things to add also.

First, Crytek could have just used Cryengine two...tweaked it a little further to make it look like the Demo video of crysis one (which was f-ing sick) and made us happy.

Second, You know people wouldnt be so pissed if they didnt love crysis 1 (and warhead) and wanted to see it advance in all its glory just to be let down by......this.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:14 pm

Very valid points as well.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:34 pm

could not agree more sadly. I'm newer to PC gaming and haven't even had a gaming PC that could run Crysis til recently. I built my PC, bought Crysis and was amazed in every way. I was really stoked for Crysis 2 but wow the game, the A.I., story, linearity, graphics, options, customizations, svck! It's pathetic, the graphics are trash in comparison. Some of the textures make no sense whatsoever, they're straight from the xbox version. Here is a link to another forum I posted a few comparisons. The pictures svck and it's still easy to see the difference.

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Lily Evans
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:34 am

As I stated in another comment. When they said they had sold 20 million PS3s the whole game world forgot the people that built gaming into what it is today! We the PC gamer have spent more money on games & gear than any console player. (I can't call them gamers they don't work for the title. Little kids didn't help these companies get where they are.) Remember when PC games would be released days before the console would. Now they make the console game with the collectable stuff & we get the shaft! Graphic card companies should be kicking the game designers asses. You can't tell me that they don't notice that people are slipping into mainstream coma with their f'n consoles with the crappy graphics & tiny maps. I guess you don't need graphics when all you do is run & gun.
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Red Sauce
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:02 am

All in all:
-CryTek sold out, hard.
-Crysis 2 is the disappointment of the century.
-PC gaming > Console gaming.
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Joey Bel
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:27 am

Maybe we would get some real games if ATI and Nvidia started making games. Then the gaming world could really get competitive.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:37 am

You know I have two things to add also.

First, Crytek could have just used Cryengine two...tweaked it a little further to make it look like the Demo video of crysis one (which was f-ing sick) and made us happy.

Second, You know people wouldnt be so pissed if they didnt love crysis 1 (and warhead) and wanted to see it advance in all its glory just to be let down by......this.

QFT. One of the best posts I've seen all day. Emotions run high when you really care about something. It's not like people want to trash Crytek, they are just disappointed, and quite frankly baffled. There was a lot of misleading information regarding this game the last couple of years, and when the finished product comes out with missing cutting edge features and features the original title had (DX10), it pisses people off.

Especially if they preordered the game. Like me......
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:41 pm

So I cant find the video but here is a pic from that rare demo


Also....anyone remember when crysis was supposed to be this?

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brandon frier
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:29 am

Yea Im pissed, I just spent $700 on 2 gtx570 and $2000 on a 60 inch 3d tv for this game and now all I see it a flickering console game with or with out 3d.

DX11 for this game is like polishing a turd... at the end of the day you still have a shinny piece of ****. I cant wait till they start making real games again that are not ment for 11 year old girls that think that ps3 graphics are the pinnacle of visuals.

I have to say I fell for it and I payed for this POS but this is the last time I will never buy anything else from these people again!
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:28 pm

This thread is full of win. seriously.

An overwhelming number of new pc games in recent years, probably back to 2008 IMO, has been a copy and paste console port. It pisses me off because I've been a pc gamer since 1990, I studied hard in school, I got a good job so i can afford a gaming rig, I purchase my games, and what do i get for my effort, faithfulness, and i guess i should now add "gullibility?" A dumbed down inferior product, time and time again. Crytek isn't the only developer guilty of this. You couldn't swing one of those console controllers around without hitting a developer that's guilty of betraying its PC fanbase these days.

These mouth-breathing console owners have it made. All the new games are designed and constructed from the ground up for these inferior pieces of hardware. I guess i look stupid now for spending my money on superior hardware hoping that one developer that i like would stick to its pc roots, for buying these **** ports. Crytek lied, yet i pay the price.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:48 am

Just play the game WWWOOOOOO WTF, some texture look like PS2 game, physics totally gone, It's this a
Joke crytek.....
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:57 pm

it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't had Crysis in the title, this has nothing to do with the first games :\

I'm still in awe with the limited graphic options though, its just unbelievable.. I mean.. wow..
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Frank Firefly
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