» Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:36 pm
I like connecting my main characters in some way from game to game.
My Nord in Skyrim is the direct descendant of my Nord who I played as my main character in Oblivion. After the Oblivion crisis, ( I never beat Shivering Isles) my Nord went back home to the backwoods of Skyrim and never told anyone who he was or what he had done. He settled down with a family on an isolated farm. In the last few centuries, this family has been typical of most Nords, although boys are given a sword in a special little ritual on when they come of age, and told to find an Ice Wrath to kill to prove themselves.
My Nord never got to do this when he was younger, since his father died of an illness when he was still fairly young and he had to care for his siblings and mother. Now, into his twenties, he had set out to do this on the border mountains of Skyrim near their farm. But he was chased by a troll and ended up lost in the mountains, somehow crossing the border.
On his way home, he was taken into custody as a Stormcloak by mistake, as he was in the vicinity of a small uprising by chance. He then found himself being carted to Helgen.
He has no idea what his ancestor did.