Why did your character go to Skyrim?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:02 am

The Breten aspiring sorceress, Circie, heads to skyrim in search of dark magic's and forbidden knowledge. She will become the most powerful and terrible sorceress in all of Tamriel. All will look upon her with despair...

Unfortunatly, the imperials found her before this dream was fully realised and her magic's would not be enough to destroy the legion that captured her. She was still but a novice witch, not fully reaching her potential. In her mind she knew the day would come that her power would grow and every imperial would fear her name. This capture was a stepping stone to her true self.
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:24 pm

I'm a Nord. I was just going home to Whiterun when I had just been at the right place at the wrong time.

I just want to buy my childhood home in Whiterun, marry the bard from Dawnstar and do a little adventuring in peace.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:36 am

I went there for the cheese. What, no one else signed up for the famous cheese tour of Skyrim? My travel agent assured me that it was the *in* thing to do.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:49 am

I was leaving Skyrim. I stopped to talk to some travelers and the guards arrested me.
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:59 am

Because I wanted to get an arrow in the knee. They are specialists.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:01 pm

I never knew my parents. I was raised by a retired dark elf adventurer by the name of Rollo Andrani. He always used to tell me that he found me in the deepest cave in Skyrim. I always laughed it off ofcourse. To be honest I don't know how I ended up in Rollo's care. It didn't matter though; I couldn't have asked for a better caretaker. A few months ago Rollo and I were returning from an Arena Tournament in Vivec when we encountered an assassin on the road home. Rollo fought off the assassin with a fire I had not seen in him before. The assassin was bested but Rollo was mortally wounded in the fight. From underneath his shoulder I helped him continue on in the hopes of finding a settlement nearby where we might find a healer. Night fell and finally Rollo asked me to set him down. I'll never forget the words he whispered to me, "Luna, return to your homeland.... Return to Skyrim. There are things you must learn about yourself. Things that I could not teach you. Taking care of you was probably the only honorable thing I have done my entire life. ...Thank you."

Then he was gone. I returned him home where I had his body placed in an unmarked tomb as per his request. After I finished mourning, I packed my things and headed for Skyrim. I am not sure what it is I am supposed to find there but I hold faith in Rollo's words.

Ten days into my journey across the Velothi Mountains, I have really had to tap into my Nordic blood in order to survive. The weather is unforgiving and the beasts I have encountered have nearly ended me on several occasions. Thankfully, I am nearing the summit. This land is truly magnificent. I think I could envision spending the rest of my days here. My destination is Solitude with a stop in Whiterun for some much needed rest. Judging from this map though, I should be somewhere... wait no this isn't right. Wonderful. I have gotten myself lost. This road has to lead somewhere. I shall follow it to its destination.

Around Mid-day I happen upon a patrol of local soldiers. They call themselves Stormcloaks and they seem like a decent enough lot. They agreed to let me tag along to a place called Riften. It's just nice to finally have some company. Looks like things are looking up for me... :thumbsup:
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jason worrell
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:08 pm

Nord ranger was hunting near the border and was captured by the Imperials (is Dovahkiin).
Khajiit went to Skyrim to steal *everything*, but he swore at a young age that he would not kill anything (is not Dovahkiin).
Breton paladin had a vision of the return of the Dragon Princes and is on a quest to eliminate any threat they may pose (is not Dovahkiin).
Imperial craftsman was on his way to Skyrim to ply his trades and make some coin, turns out he's also Dovahkiin.
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:24 pm

My Dunmer was on a pilgrimage to the Azzura Shrine (still trying to reach it by the way - lost in the frozen wild)
My Kahjiit was coming to ressuply the caravan (Now have to pay a debt to the caravan - Actually hidden under a rock while a dragon circle around battling something)
My Nord was hunting near and got screwed (not literally, but now is at a bitter end with any imperial bastard - Running to join the Stormcloaks (who care a [censored] about dragons? Skyrim for the nords!! and dragons are part of the nords)
My Redguard is a battle voodoo necro and heard about a rise of necromancy in skyrim, yesididvoodoo! (Now he is dead waiting for a res)
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:38 am

I just found out I was Dragon-Born. Who I was before that means less than nothing.
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:18 pm

Actually, I want to roleplay why my character was in rags...who travels in rags? Maybe he got robbed. He must've had a bad week already leading up to the arrest. Maybe that story was some sort of "poor schmuck in a drunk comedy" type of deal.. and then he steps in Skyrim and his story changes. Maybe he made a casual prayer at some shrine of Akatosh to get him out of that mess. THAT's why he's Dragonborn.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:36 pm

I like connecting my main characters in some way from game to game.

My Nord in Skyrim is the direct descendant of my Nord who I played as my main character in Oblivion. After the Oblivion crisis, ( I never beat Shivering Isles) my Nord went back home to the backwoods of Skyrim and never told anyone who he was or what he had done. He settled down with a family on an isolated farm. In the last few centuries, this family has been typical of most Nords, although boys are given a sword in a special little ritual on when they come of age, and told to find an Ice Wrath to kill to prove themselves.

My Nord never got to do this when he was younger, since his father died of an illness when he was still fairly young and he had to care for his siblings and mother. Now, into his twenties, he had set out to do this on the border mountains of Skyrim near their farm. But he was chased by a troll and ended up lost in the mountains, somehow crossing the border.

On his way home, he was taken into custody as a Stormcloak by mistake, as he was in the vicinity of a small uprising by chance. He then found himself being carted to Helgen.

He has no idea what his ancestor did.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:41 am

Terrence came to Skyrim to profit from the on going civil war. He grew up in Cyrodiil, but has never cared much for the empire one way or another. When word of the High king's assassination reached Cyrodiil he decided to leave his apprenticeship to a blacksmith and make his way to Skyrim to start a new and hopefully profitable life. While making his way to Skyrim he was robbed, they took most of his money and gear, the letter of introduction to the Blacksmith in Solitude, they beat him mercilessly and left him for dead. A Dark Elf named Bosgal found him and nursed him back to health. The two became friends and Bosgal began teaching him how to use magic. After Terrence fully recovered they decided to head for Skyrim and seek their fortunes together. After crossing the border they saw a wounded Stormcloak, Bosgal being a healer and all around good guy went to give him aid. That was when the Imperials descended on them. The soldiers killed Bosgal who was actively using magic when they came upon us. The soldiers saw Bosgal as a threat and neutralized him. Terrence was captured but vowed to try to be as good a person as Bosgal, and help people when ever the chance arises.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:07 am

I never knew my parents. I was raised by a retired dark elf adventurer by the name of Rollo Andrani. He always used to tell me that he found me in the deepest cave in Skyrim. I always laughed it off ofcourse. To be honest I don't know how I ended up in Rollo's care. It didn't matter though; I couldn't have asked for a better caretaker. A few months ago Rollo and I were returning from an Arena Tournament in Vivec when we encountered an assassin on the road home. Rollo fought off the assassin with a fire I had not seen in him before. The assassin was bested but Rollo was mortally wounded in the fight. From underneath his shoulder I helped him continue on in the hopes of finding a settlement nearby where we might find a healer. Night fell and finally Rollo asked me to set him down. I'll never forget the words he whispered to me, "Luna, return to your homeland.... Return to Skyrim. There are things you must learn about yourself. Things that I could not teach you. Taking care of you was probably the only honorable thing I have done my entire life. ...Thank you."

This was my favorite.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:41 pm

He used to be an adventurer, but then he got an arrow in the knee and had to travel to Skyrim to join the city guards.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:54 pm

My character, Rajinn, is on a long pilgrimage from Elsweyr.

The confusion at the border and the near loss of his life was, ahem, a temporary setback. Rajinn does not understand these Nords and Imperials very well. Perhaps that is part of the reason Rajinn is there in the first place: to learn more. Or perhaps he simply enjoys stealing from those who would so easily choose to try to kill him. Rajinn knows, but does not tell, especially to those who are not Khajiit.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:53 am

He should have made that left turn at Albuquerque.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:14 pm

I had a little missunderstandning in Summerset Isle involving a belt, a falcon, a glas of ale and a lovley lady named Siara Valora. This forced me to take a trip home to Valenwood were I almost got killed by a ferocious boar and betrayed by my sisters wife who wanted to hand me over to the Valora family in Summerset. I fled on a wagon towards Skyrim, I haven't heard of a damn war or any Dragons. I belived that I would be safe in the cold were noone knew who I was.

While trying to cross the border I got caught in the trap set by the imperials, I tried to reson with them but before I got a word out... Darkness.. Then I woke up on a wagon heading towards my beheading.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:36 am

I never knew my parents. I was raised by a retired dark elf adventurer by the name of Rollo Andrani. He always used to tell me that he found me in the deepest cave in Skyrim. I always laughed it off ofcourse. To be honest I don't know how I ended up in Rollo's care. It didn't matter though; I couldn't have asked for a better caretaker. A few months ago Rollo and I were returning from an Arena Tournament in Vivec when we encountered an assassin on the road home. Rollo fought off the assassin with a fire I had not seen in him before. The assassin was bested but Rollo was mortally wounded in the fight. From underneath his shoulder I helped him continue on in the hopes of finding a settlement nearby where we might find a healer. Night fell and finally Rollo asked me to set him down. I'll never forget the words he whispered to me, "Luna, return to your homeland.... Return to Skyrim. There are things you must learn about yourself. Things that I could not teach you. Taking care of you was probably the only honorable thing I have done my entire life. ...Thank you."

Then he was gone. I returned him home where I had his body placed in an unmarked tomb as per his request. After I finished mourning, I packed my things and headed for Skyrim. I am not sure what it is I am supposed to find there but I hold faith in Rollo's words.

Ten days into my journey across the Velothi Mountains, I have really had to tap into my Nordic blood in order to survive. The weather is unforgiving and the beasts I have encountered have nearly ended me on several occasions. Thankfully, I am nearing the summit. This land is truly magnificent. I think I could envision spending the rest of my days here. My destination is Solitude with a stop in Whiterun for some much needed rest. Judging from this map though, I should be somewhere... wait no this isn't right. Wonderful. I have gotten myself lost. This road has to lead somewhere. I shall follow it to its destination.

Around Mid-day I happen upon a patrol of local soldiers. They call themselves Stormcloaks and they seem like a decent enough lot. They agreed to let me tag along to a place called Riften. It's just nice to finally have some company. Looks like things are looking up for me... :thumbsup:

Wow that was really good! you should write a book hehe
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:07 pm

I actually snuck onto the carriage in an attempt to kill ulfric stormcloak, but things slowly fell apart as the dragon attacked.
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Matt Bee
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:17 pm

I was bored traveling in Cyrodil and was ready for a challenge. I heard about the fierce warriors in Skyrim and the ongoing war. So I thought I would just come there and take over.. Found out I was a Dragonborne which made this whole taking over Skyrim so much easier..
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:29 pm

He got caught stealing pretty women from dumb Nords.
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jennie xhx
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:54 am

Me (M'aiq the Intelligent) and my brother (M'aiq the Liar) have traveled everywhere and wanted to encounter a dragon again like in Morrowind. We got to the border of Skyrim and got caught by Guards my brother ran off with his speed while I tried to fight them off, the guard knocked me out with his shield. After the dragon attack in Helgen I joined up with the Thieves Guild for money in Riften, I finally earned money for a house so i got one in Riften with my Thieve friends. One morning I woke up and a courier knocked on my door with a fish stick and a letter saying, "Meet me outside Whiterun brother." Once I met up with my brother he was being attacked by dragons we both fought it and eventually killed it, as I absorbed its soul we found out I was the Dragonborn and then we stayed in Skyrim.
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:35 am

Lizard hunting.
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:58 pm

I heard Skyrim offered jobs to people with knee impairments.
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:17 am

I think my Character "Meow" was sleepwalking again...

But MAYBE he was riding his horse drunk again....
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