» Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:55 am
The thalmor were "clensing" my home land of Valenwood. Allthough I had allways been abused by my tribe for being a basterd/raceialy mixed, they were still my famly.(mother was bosmer,father was sheogorath, my old charachter).When I was 13, the Dominion came and slaughterd every one for refusing to abide laws, and for thinking differently. I hid, and was the only survivor. I fled into the forests, and eventualy to southpoint,with only my cloaths,the scars of abuse, and the warpaint of my tribe. I lived as a pickpocket,barely surviving. I lived in this rot for 3 years,before finaly swiping a few coins, and a ticket to cyrodel. Valenwood had givin me a horid life, and it was time to leave it behind.Plus, they would feed you on the ship. My hunger blinded me, and I was careless!I sat next to an old wood elf, who looked like he was doing every thing he could to blend in. Once out on the water, as we were running into a tropical storm, several thalmor justicars enterd the commeners cabin, and demanded my ticket number. Of course they would check, how could I have been so foolish! They said the dummer I had stolen the ticket from had not been to see the captin as he had been invited, and was to step forward. They started checking tickets, and got to me and the old man. Of course, once I showed mine, I was yanked up, and shackeld. As I was about to be draged out, the officer stoped the guards.As he looked through his warrents,, and at the old wood elfs ticket."THIS IS THE FALSE IDENTITY WE'VE BEEN TRACKING,HE'S A BLADE,GET HIM AT ONCE" as soon as he finished spiting his orders, the old man thrusted a dagger into his throat,pulled it out, and pushed him into one of the guards holding me. The other one with the huge scar runing down his face, let go and went for the more deadly target. As every one started to scream, I bolted for the exit, the old man followed after dispatching one of the guards. We emerged on deck into the fury of a storm. The storm was so loud, the alarm had not been heard. We both threw the life boat over, and jumped.
I awoke on the warm sands in the abbican(sp?) iles. "They'll never find us out here" said the old man."trouble is, they"ll never find us out here". He was right. This island was far away from the rest of the chain. We would be lucky for a rescue, let alone a friendly rescue in thalmor waters. 2 years would pass before rescue.In that time, the old blade taught me every thing I know about combat, and with a makeshift bow, honed my archery skills.He even taught me a little magic. When rescue finaly came, it was a small fishing ship. It would work. We were dropped off near anvil, we had finally made it! We needed supplies, and he still had his little amount of gold from so long ago. We went into town, got a bow, some arrows, and better cloaths, a meal, and left. It allmoast went flawlessly, but on the way out of town, a group of thalmore were coming in. The officer had a scar running down his face, it was the same one from the ship so long ago. We made eye contact. He didnt do anything, and I was surprised, as Im sure he remembered us. We walked down the gold road, and got to the red ring road, where 10 thalmor agents awaited us. They attacked, the old blade told me to run, and I did. As fast as I could. Even in there light elven armor, hey could not keep up. With darkness aproaching, I ran to the forest, and hid.My only friend gone. Winter was aproaching, and it was getting colder. I got up, and just started running,I didnt know where, all I knew was I was heading nort, into the jerrals. I passed bruma, and continued north. I made it to the boarder, and I knew the thalmar were looking for me still. I had to sneak in, disapear.
Once in skyrim, It was freezing,and I needed to find shelter. I was looking down at a settlement.It was a ways away. All of a sudden, a few men dressed in blue came running my way. They stoped and told me to move fast, and then they took off. I started running, but tripped,fell, and hit my head. I looked up, and several imperial soldiers ran by. One stood over me, looked down and said " hey polious, look at this, thurns out nords arent the only rebel scum", he laughed, then kicked me in the face, and knocked me out.
And then you all know where I woke up, same place yall did, on the wagon :wink_smile: . Sorry for the wall of text, and sorry for the grammer, and spelling mistakes. When I get going like that, I dont think about that sort of thing. :vaultboy: