Why did your character go to Skyrim?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:50 pm

My character was stumbling home from his favorite tavern close to the border of Skyrim. He awoke in a strange carage.

This is the third time this has happened. He was not aware of the three strikes rule in Skyrim.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:48 am

I told the carriage driver to go to Black Marsh and ended up in Skyrim.

I never asked for this.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:46 am

Mia woke in the carriage with amnesia induced by the head injury that knocked her out when she was captured, so had no idea who she was or why she was there. After the dragon attacked, she was helped in her escape by Hadvar the Imperial guard, and followed him back to Riverwood, to Alvor and Sigrid's house. Here she discovered a passion for smithing, while trying to make sense of recent events. Kind and helpful by nature, she began taking on quests to help people in Riverwood and Whiterun, before making the astonishing discovery that she is Dragonborn.

As the story progresses, she is gradually coming to realise, through fragments of returning memory, that before her arrest and near-execution, she was escaping from the corrupt and shady dealings of her wealthy Altmer family. To disguise herself during escape, she had cut off her once-flowing hair, and dressed in a ragged tunic. She was captured along with thieves and Stormcloaks, and now feels uneasy about the prospect of killing the dragon who, in effect, saved her life by attacking Helgen.
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:18 am

My clan was being exiled from The Ashlands, I ended up being the only survivor and made my way to Skyrim. I'm too lazy to type up the whole story.
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:51 pm

My nord character used be an adventurer all across Tamriel, then he took an arrow to the knee. I was simply returning home to Skyrim when I was caught in the middle of this Ulfric rabble.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:40 pm

Mine was fighting the Legion years ago. There was a large bounty on his head. He moved to Hamerfell and came back years later, only to find out that the Legion has better memory than he thought...
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:19 pm

It was late at night and I was driving west on the Trans Canada in my big Lincoln Mark VIII. I had just crossed the border into Manitoba, where the highway opens up into four lanes when there was this electric-blue light in the distance ahead. At first I thought it was just the lights from Winnipeg - you know how far you can see on the prairies at night - then I thought maybe it was a police checkpoint. Anyway, the blue lights just got brighter and brighter until they seemed to fill the air inside the car. It was like someone set off a camera flash right in my face. When I could see again, I was in a horse-draw wagon and this guy was talking to me... and then I noticed my hands were tied!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:46 am

To catch an arrow to the knee
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:09 am

My Altmer Mage had to leave Alinor after being a little too vocal about her opposition to the Thalmor. She had been in Cyrodiil during the Oblivion Crisis and knew the truth behind how Mehrunes Dagon was defeated. She knew the Thalmor were lying when they claimed to be responsible for ending the crisis. After having a number of her friends in the opposition "disappear" she knew that if she didn't leave Alinor, she would be next. So she returned to Cyrodiil and lived in the Imperial City, continuing her arcane research and telling the truth to whoever would listen.

This went on for some time and Thalmor influence continued to grow, until the Great War began. By this time she was able to fight the Thalmor in a more violent fashion, and served as a battlemage in the defense of the Imperial City. But the war didn't go well for the Empire, and after the White Gold Concordat she was once again labelled as a dissident. Seeing Thalmor Justiciars openly marching through the streets in the Imperial City, acting with seeming impunity, she knew assassins or arrest weren't far behind. Either way her days in Cyrodiil were over.

She decided to make for the College of Winterhold and Skyrim, thinking it was beyond the Thalmor's reach. There she could study and grow in power until she was ready to fight the Thalmor again. She was stopped by an Imperial patrol at Darkwater Crossing. A Thalmor Justiciar was with them, and he recognized her.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:49 pm

After serving the Empire in Cyrodiil at the end of the Great War, he wanted to go back home (Nord) only to find out how much Skyrim has changed.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:58 am

My character was begrudgingly serving the empire when some Imperial scum blinded him in one eye. After learning of his whereabouts in Skyrim, he decided to follow him back to his homeland and exact some revenge. In the process of it all he discovers his true hatred of all Imperials, their legion, and everything it stands for.

After exacting his revenge (and getting arrested), he then joins the Stormcloaks in their fight against the tyrannical Imperial dogs. The rest, as they say, is history.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:50 pm

Rube no like Skyrim, Rube miss home in Marsh. Rube parents tell Rube go to Skyrim. "You go Skyrim, son. There pretty shinies there, you bring back us pretty shinies, yes?". But Rube no want go to Skyrim. Rube scared of big Beard-Men, and Skyrim very cold. Beard-Men in big shiny armour walk to Rube. They have pointy shinies in thier hands. Maybe they give free gift to Rube?


Why Rube on cart?
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:44 am

Ragnar - Having lived in Cyrodill for most of his life he took to a life of mercenary work. His parents both died in a bandit raid on Bruma when Ragnar was 18. With no family and living by the coin he got through brutal means, he eventually learned about his father. While in the great library he found something unexpected. The journal his grandfather penned, while he, his wife and his boy travelled from Skyrim to Cyrodill in hopes of finding a quiet place to live. Eventually they ended up in Bruma and settled there. His father found an honest job as a blacksmith. Married a local woman who worked with the city guard. They had a son and lived their life happy. The journal talked about the trip, starting just after the crossing from Skyrim and ended with the last words of his grandfather, only 2 years before Ragnar was born. How he would stand next to the Emperor again, and wait for his family to join him.

The journal did not only talk about the journey itself, but also scribbled about other 'trivial details' his grandfather thought were important. Information about an unknown group named the Blades, the Emperor, Akatosh and Martin. Ragnar later learned the connection between those words, but they were distant historical stories, or better yet, legends.

In the scrawlings along the lines of the paper he found several markings. Markings that were unknown to Ragnar, but he could remember one of the them. A ring his father said belonged to Ragnar's grandfather, and his father before him. It was always safely tucked away. It bore the same marking. The marking of 2 crossed swords with a crown adorning it.

Ragnar knew there had to be something more then just earning a bit of coin. He was never able to find out about his history. His parents both died, and his grandparents died before he was born. The only link he had was to the Fatherland... SKYRIM.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:19 pm

Klawed Flaw murdered the Mane, and got put on death row. What purpose did he see in killing the Mane? His family have a deeply rooted tradition in professional assassination stuff. He was on a contract for the Dark Brotherhood that instructed him to kill the Mane, and bring as many locks of the remain's hair as he could carry back to the sanctuary. The cats who moved him from place to place knew this was coming, but forgot to get someone to disguise themselves as the Mane. Thus, the Mane died. After a year on death row, Klawed was sent to be put to death in Skyrim just because they wanted him to die and freeze until he was nothing but ice.

He only stays in Skyrim because he found he was beginning to love the cold more. That, and he probably would be tortured to death if he migrated back to Elsweyr.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:43 am

Aethis was hired by the Thalmor to assassinate Ulfric Stormcloak, he was literally inches from completing his hit when the damn Imperials sprung and ambush and he got caught up in it all and captured... So now he has to join the Stormcloak rebellion in order to get close to Ulfric but also create more chaos in the Empire... He's also some kind of dragonborn, maybe he can use this power to his advantage, after all there is great opportunities for personal gain in Skyrim...
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:08 pm

Name: Sevarn Tenabla
Born: 4E 171
Race: Argonian


Sevarn was born on the Southern island of Argonian-occupied Morrowind to a famed Argonian mercenary and his Argonian mage wife. Feeling that Dunmer would attack, Sevarn's parents gathered their belongings and traveled the road for their mercenary work. From Morrowind to Cyrodiil to all over Tamriel, the group gathered followers and soon proved to be a successful group known for getting the job done. As Sevarn grew up, he learned from the various members of the group the many adventures they had previously gone on and the many sites they have seen. This, along with the monuments the group went through, filled young Sevarn's mind with countless ideas of what adventures he could go through. His father, a talented warrior, taught Sevarn the skills of the blade while his mother, a talented mage, taught him the many miracles of magic hidden in his blood. As Sevarn continued his voyage with his family, he honed his skills so much that everyone was amazed at how much he wielded both blade and magic. One person in the Imperial City even said, "That young man's skill is so great, I wonder if he isn't part Orc or Altmer!" While everyone was thinking of what he would do, Sevarn had vivid dreams, all repeating a single word. No one in the group knew what it meant but Sevarn would constantly remember it for years to come: Dovakiin.

The Young Argonian grows up:

Upon reaching 21 years of age, Sevarn's family had retired from the mercenary business. His parents had reached old age and couldn't continue after their last venture with a large group of Dunmer bandits. After saying their goodbyes and paying their appropriate dues, the group disbanded with each member going their separate ways. Sevarn went with his family back to the province of Morrowind where they settled into an old home they bought with their share of the gold. Sevarn spent a few months enjoying the sights of Morrowind but his parents knew that he was destined for great things and saw his yearning for adventure. Giving him some armor, a sword, gold, food, and potions, the family bid farewell to Sevarn as he went on a merchant ship. Sevarn had difficulty leaving his family but he knew that he had to get answers for what Dovakiin meant and see what other lands held for him. He said farewell to his family and went on the ship, his young heart filled with wonder at would happen next.

Upon leaving the ship, Sevarn grew a reputation through every town he went through. His yearn for adventure had lead him to various lands and various journies. He once went toe to toe with a Frost Atornach and even managed to capture the attention of a Jarl. He was quite the friendly Argonian, his time socializing with the members of his group improving his personality. Not only being friendly, Sevarn was also known for his skills with weapons and magic, and his whimsical humor. He even named his signature move, "The Dovakiin Special." His time with the mercenaries created a colorful character. His skill and humor was so well known that some would say, "His wit is as sharp as his skill with a blade and can burn you as well as his fire." Sevarn would diffuse a situation as quickly as it began. "Sevarn could stop a group of bandits threatening a town or a drunken argument." While his wit was well known, Sevarn also received many friends who saw the same thing: Sevarn's desire to win the heart of a fair maiden. Though many couldn't look past his scaly skin, Sevarn would always flirt with the most attractive woman he could find, almost always finding disappointment in her rejection of him. Nevertheless, his journey for his significant other would continue. While he journeyed to many places, Sevarn looked at a map and saw one place he never went to, the one place that his group barely went to, the one place filled with enough hazards that regular men would give up but would provide greatness to anyone brave enough to venture into it: The Province of Skyrim

How the Argonian got where he is now:

Sevarn looked at the map and wondered how Skyrim would be like. As he gathered his belongings, he walked down the path to Skyrim and thought, "No one knows me there. I'll be an outsider yet it might provide another opportunity to prove my skills and wit. Who knows, I might even find a wife there." Sevarn continued down the path and went into a city. There he bought the passport that would enable him to enter Skyrim. As he held it in his hands, he said "Better not lose this. With prices going up, I'll need to pay an arm and a leg for another!"

Sevarn continued down his path where he noticed a crying woman nearby. As he went to help her, he noticed that she was a beautiful Dunmer woman. He thought, "A Dunmer!? Never thought I'd see one on the path to Skyrim. My parents did tell how the Dunmer enslaved us yet she doesn't seem so bad. Who knows, she is so beautiful that I may just find my true love." As Sevarn helped her up, he asked "Why are you crying?" The woman replied, "My family was murdered by bandits and I've lost everything. I can't handle it!" Sevarn, feeling pity for the woman, said, "I am going to Skyrim. I'd enjoy the company there." The woman looked happy and wiped her tears away. Sevarn helped her up and she said her name was Renia and would accompany him. Though he was cautious of accepting a Dunmer, he couldn't reject a beautiful woman, so Sevarn allowed the woman to accompany him and slightly flirted with her. Renia blushed a bit and flirted back. Sevarn noticed this and thought, "She can actually see past this scaly skin?! I'm must be lucky!" Sevarn and Renia continued for a few days and stopped at a small inn. There, Renia told her feelings to Sevarn and spent the night with him. As Sevarn woke up from bed, he thought,"What a great night. Who knew the Dunmer were that great in bed!" Before he could continue, he noticed Renia was gone. "Don't tell me she..." said Sevarn as he ran to his pack. He checked his pack and, aside from some gold and food, everything was just where he left it. Sevarn sighed and said, "That woman. I had hoped she wasn't a bandit but I guess she was too good to be true. As least nothing important was taken."

Sevarn gathered his things and continued onward towards Skyrim. As he passes the border, Sevarn was stopped by Imperial guards who said, "Stop right there Argonian! No one crosses the border illegally on my watch! Now show your passport or it's off to jail!" Sevarn confidently handed his passport to the guards who then looked at him angrily. "Do you take us as fools?! This is obviously a fake. You are clearly a Stormcloak spy and must die!" Sevarn looked at the passport and was shocked when he saw it was clearly forged. He thought, "That woman must have put a forged one and took mine after our night at the inn. It may seem normal at first but someone like an Imperial guard knows how to find fakes. I'm screwed now." As the guards placed handcuffs on Sevarn, they carried him off to a cell in a dank jail. As he sat in the jail, he wondered, "Is this truly the end of my journey? To think after all I've been through, I'll die because of a beautiful Dunmer woman. I swear I'll make her pay if I get out!" Much later, the guards came to his cell and said, "Time to go to your execution, traitor." As he was carried away, he thought to himself, "I hate Dunmers."
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:22 pm

My Breton Tamra is the granddaughter to Kaie the forsworn and was on her way to gather help to free Madanach from the Cidhna mines and help reclaim The Reach.

Forsworn outside of Druadach Redoubt don't know she is related to Kaie so they attack her on sight unfortunately.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:38 am

My Dark Elf was raised by his father who was a prominent blacksmith and hunter in Morrowind but decided to live a secluded life selling his good @ the trading route , village by village and thus travelling a lot. That where my DE learned how to forge, fight and survive. After his father was killed by a bunch of bandit when he was away hunting bear he started to track them and ended close to Skyrim where most of them were killed by the Stormcloak which in turn were captured by the imperial after the fight.

And thus my DE .. story started.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:15 pm

I was once an adventurer, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
So I planned on settling over to Skyrim to spend the rest of my life working as a city guard of Whiterun.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:07 pm

Lacus, female Bosmer Ranger

Wanted to [censored] with the Thalmor after they took her family in a night sweep.
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Heather Dawson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:39 pm

Mages College, my charcter is a Breton
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:37 am

My Altmer mage was fleeing from the Thalmor, hoping that Skyrim was still mostly free of their influence. Boy was he wrong.
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:28 pm

My Altmer mage was fleeing from the Thalmor, hoping that Skyrim was still mostly free of their influence. Boy was he wrong.

Greetings, fellow (anti-Thalmor) elf :)
Are you also different in personality to the Altmer stereotype?
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:01 pm

Someone stole my sweetroll. I tracked the thief all the way to Skryim so I could put an arrow in his knee.
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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:55 am

The thalmor were "clensing" my home land of Valenwood. Allthough I had allways been abused by my tribe for being a basterd/raceialy mixed, they were still my famly.(mother was bosmer,father was sheogorath, my old charachter).When I was 13, the Dominion came and slaughterd every one for refusing to abide laws, and for thinking differently. I hid, and was the only survivor. I fled into the forests, and eventualy to southpoint,with only my cloaths,the scars of abuse, and the warpaint of my tribe. I lived as a pickpocket,barely surviving. I lived in this rot for 3 years,before finaly swiping a few coins, and a ticket to cyrodel. Valenwood had givin me a horid life, and it was time to leave it behind.Plus, they would feed you on the ship. My hunger blinded me, and I was careless!I sat next to an old wood elf, who looked like he was doing every thing he could to blend in. Once out on the water, as we were running into a tropical storm, several thalmor justicars enterd the commeners cabin, and demanded my ticket number. Of course they would check, how could I have been so foolish! They said the dummer I had stolen the ticket from had not been to see the captin as he had been invited, and was to step forward. They started checking tickets, and got to me and the old man. Of course, once I showed mine, I was yanked up, and shackeld. As I was about to be draged out, the officer stoped the guards.As he looked through his warrents,, and at the old wood elfs ticket."THIS IS THE FALSE IDENTITY WE'VE BEEN TRACKING,HE'S A BLADE,GET HIM AT ONCE" as soon as he finished spiting his orders, the old man thrusted a dagger into his throat,pulled it out, and pushed him into one of the guards holding me. The other one with the huge scar runing down his face, let go and went for the more deadly target. As every one started to scream, I bolted for the exit, the old man followed after dispatching one of the guards. We emerged on deck into the fury of a storm. The storm was so loud, the alarm had not been heard. We both threw the life boat over, and jumped.

I awoke on the warm sands in the abbican(sp?) iles. "They'll never find us out here" said the old man."trouble is, they"ll never find us out here". He was right. This island was far away from the rest of the chain. We would be lucky for a rescue, let alone a friendly rescue in thalmor waters. 2 years would pass before rescue.In that time, the old blade taught me every thing I know about combat, and with a makeshift bow, honed my archery skills.He even taught me a little magic. When rescue finaly came, it was a small fishing ship. It would work. We were dropped off near anvil, we had finally made it! We needed supplies, and he still had his little amount of gold from so long ago. We went into town, got a bow, some arrows, and better cloaths, a meal, and left. It allmoast went flawlessly, but on the way out of town, a group of thalmore were coming in. The officer had a scar running down his face, it was the same one from the ship so long ago. We made eye contact. He didnt do anything, and I was surprised, as Im sure he remembered us. We walked down the gold road, and got to the red ring road, where 10 thalmor agents awaited us. They attacked, the old blade told me to run, and I did. As fast as I could. Even in there light elven armor, hey could not keep up. With darkness aproaching, I ran to the forest, and hid.My only friend gone. Winter was aproaching, and it was getting colder. I got up, and just started running,I didnt know where, all I knew was I was heading nort, into the jerrals. I passed bruma, and continued north. I made it to the boarder, and I knew the thalmar were looking for me still. I had to sneak in, disapear.

Once in skyrim, It was freezing,and I needed to find shelter. I was looking down at a settlement.It was a ways away. All of a sudden, a few men dressed in blue came running my way. They stoped and told me to move fast, and then they took off. I started running, but tripped,fell, and hit my head. I looked up, and several imperial soldiers ran by. One stood over me, looked down and said " hey polious, look at this, thurns out nords arent the only rebel scum", he laughed, then kicked me in the face, and knocked me out.

And then you all know where I woke up, same place yall did, on the wagon :wink_smile: . Sorry for the wall of text, and sorry for the grammer, and spelling mistakes. When I get going like that, I dont think about that sort of thing. :vaultboy:
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