why didnt they make skyrim more like fallout nv?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:53 pm

you guys know new vegas was DEVELOPED BY OBSIDIAN right? bethy just published that
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Laura Richards
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:04 pm

I didn't see any good parts in new vegas, i saw a shadow of the type of game that Bethesda makes, in NO area did they get a single thing better as far as i am concerned, it was overwhelmingly negative.

the 4 faction ending?

faction reputation system? (including wearing certain armor to pretend to be someone else)?

meaningful decisions that could destroy entire communities/quest hubs?

the freaking companion wheel?

There are plenty of things Beth could have learnt from Obs joyride. It wasnt a great game but it certainly isnt as bad as people make it out to be

you guys know new vegas was DEVELOPED BY OBSIDIAN right? bethy just published that

as if Beth in licensing their owned IP to Ob didnt include a clause stating that they own all intellectual property created by Ob in pursuit of creating F:NV. please...
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:53 pm

why do you need to dress like them? you are cool with them. don't sag yo pants like the booms
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:26 am

Who wants to play a 100 hour game over and over again

There isnt enough different even in NV to make you play through the main 4 times

I only managed 2 on NV and that was 6 months apart

Lets take their 300 hour content statement and divide that by 4 factions

Thats 75 hours and of those 75 hours only maybe 25 of its going to be new. That means just like it happened in fallout NV you had to replay alot of the same stuff over and over again.

You can have consequences without bottling up content into multiple playthroughs

what you basically are saying is "no pleeeeaaaase dont give me more content i rather want to have a short game with one main quest thats over after 10 hours that i can do other things" lol...i am just wondering if rpg's are really your cup of tea or if you should rather look into games like uncharted
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:40 pm

as if Beth in licensing their owned IP to Ob didnt include a clause stating that they own all intellectual property created by Ob in pursuit of creating F:NV. please...

Just because they own the IP, doesn't mean they made the game.

Two completely different developers with different styles of creating games. :rolleyes:
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Gen Daley
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:05 pm

why didnt they make skyrim more like fallout nv?

Because Fallout New Vegas was terrible.
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matt white
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:50 am

Just give me lots of great, epic dungeons to explore and I'll be happy

I tend to like exploring, fighting epic enemies, and finding loot in TES games


I agree. I was playing last night (again) and found yet ANOTHER quest line that made me sit back and go 'Cool...didn't see that coming!'

That's my big thing, along with dungeons and loot...story-line. I'm a writer by trade so I like the progressing story-line and new twists.

People that are bored with this game might need to widen their view a little IMHO. It's a big world out there. Go look at it. That's what they programmed it for.
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sam westover
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:27 am

Just because they own the IP, doesn't mean they made the game.

which is exactly what my post said. please learn to read.

Two completely different developers with different styles of creating games. :rolleyes:

yes, and the crux of my post is that Beth could in all likelihood take anything they wanted from F:NV and implant it into any of their other franchises or IPs. They wouldnt have let Ob joyride their brand new series without protection for future products.
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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:09 pm

Because the bards college, college of winterhold, companions, thieves guild, dark brotherhood, storm cloaks, the imperial legion and the blades is too little?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:55 am

i just think it was the thing that was actually really cool about fnv...my issue is - you might correct me - that creating the engine is the thing thats really a lot of work, the lore is allready there so i just think coming up with more mutually exclusive factions, it would be like 10% more work and 50% more value...so im simply wondering if they put too much work in the wrong aspects of the game

They don't do that you said, maybe, because they know you and the other millions would buy the game with or without this things, better textures, and others things.
Something seems to be true.
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:35 am

I personally found the faction-system in New Vegas to be irritating, especially when wearing armor sets or when trying to come out with a better outcome to the main story. I cant side with Mr. House and the Brotherhood of Steel because *he* doesnt like them? That's [censored].
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:03 am

More and deeper factions would be beneficial and being able to break off from a faction at certain points in favor of another would definitely add a lot of depth. The companions for example ought to have a possible breaking point after their secret is revealed. This would greatly increase the depth of the story and by giving the player more choices to make it will help reduce the issue some players bring up about the linearity of the quest lines.

As a side note may I suggest in the future not tacking game names onto thread titles? Far too often people get distracted by them and it's usually best to avoid naming games if possible, particularity in this case where the thread title has little to do with the threads intended content. For the record I personally don't think New Vegas was done well and most of the factions seemed to add little experience. Though most of the game felt strangely hollow to me and I didn't find New Vegas very engaging so maybe I missed something.
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Danial Zachery
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:46 am

I agree. I really loved Fallout New Vegas's factions, especially how you could put on their outfits and then be treated by everyone as if you were in that faction.

It would be awesome if, while wearing an Imperial outfit, the Stormcloaks would be aggressive towards me and vice verse. And I always found it odd how I can parade around wearing Dark Brotherhood armor and no-one even says anything about it.
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kristy dunn
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:54 am

FONV felt like a user made conversion of Fallout 3 to me.

I didn't think faction choices were meaningful.

Why didn't they make it like FONV? Because Bethesda isn't Obsidian.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:41 am

actually believe it or not bethesda wasn't responcible for fallout NV
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Angel Torres
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:44 am

actually believe it or not bethesda wasn't responcible for fallout NV

They were responsible of the schedule, budget, marketing and QA testing, and as a publisher they had the final say on what goes in.

And even if it was the case that they had nothing to do with it, why couldn't they have learned from what it did right? It was their technology and their general design formula (from Fallout 3, and Oblivion) that was used to make the game and which they also used for Skyrim.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:23 pm

Because Fallout New Vegas was terrible.


Somebody doesn't like RPGs.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:48 am

Indeed, one should not forget that despite using the same engine as Fallout 3, New Vegas had a different target audience: Fans of the original Fallout games. Hence it focused more and depth of characters, story-driven quest progression, and choices and consequences. People coming from ES or F3 expecting a carefree open-world romp were subsequently disappointed, of course.
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:23 am

i can actually live without meaningful decisions you have to make, but WHY didnt they copy the best part of fallout new vegas - LOTs of factions which you could actually join / do quests for? you should always be able to join different factions which are mutually exclusive to other factions...these should give you unique rewards which would also be mutually exclusive - this would increase replayability MASSIVELY without adding a lot of work....for example, why is it not possible to join the silver hand VS werewolfes, why not join Vampires or Vampire Huners, why not join foresworn or some foresworn hunting/hating nords, merchants guild or thieves guild, dark brotherhood or guards/police, aldmeri dominion or ??, bandits or guards, dragon hunters or dragon priests, also even "mini factions" such as the quest with the redguard women...etc. etc....

i mean its all there, why didnt they expand it, make it more meaningful, include more VS factions...this would increase replay value that much and incrase the role playing experience a lot...it was pretty much THE best part about fallout nv

ps: a lot of factions here are made up due to lore so they dont really exist in the game

Because, as much as I like Bethesda, quite simply, one resounding fact will always remain the same: "Bethesda are not Obsidian - Obsidian being the successor studio to Black Isle,"
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Rach B
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:09 am

dark brotherhood, mage guild, thieves guild, companions, stormcloaks, blades, greybeards, imperials......i believe i got enuf factions i can side with. Plus its a lil bit more than FONV seeing how FONV real factiosn were Strip, BoS, Legion, NCR and only difference was House faction being u could do NCR and Legion up to a point but basically 2 main factions goign against each other was Legion and NCR. Story was good in FONV but Sandbox svcked balls, while story in Skyrim is much much improvement from say FO3 but sandbox is awesome soooo

FONV great story, crappy sandbox < Skyrim good story excellent sandbox by far...
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:44 am

Oblivion didn't do this either, so it's nothing new....

But I wouldn't have minded a werewolf VS vampire questline. Not connected to the companions. Just think about it, how awesome would it be to have seven werewolves fighting a group of vampires next to you on a giant open field in the middle of the night.

Indeed, it would be pretty awesome. The only quests where werewolves are important are 'Ill met by Moonlight' and the Companions questline. I wouldn't mind some more werewolf love from Bethesda.
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:36 am

For those who are asking why wasn't Skyrim more like other games like New Vegas for example, the first thought that comes to mind is Bethesda wouldn't win whatever they did, if it was more like other games they made (bearing in mind they didn't make New Vegas) people would have said "Well there's nothing new! This is just like (insert game name) "

Another thought on the ideas people are having, for example Factions , remember that there will be DLC's, you never know what Bethesda have in store
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:12 am

FoNV is made by obsidian. Skyrim by Bethesda (Game Studio, not publisher), who Also made fo3. As you may know, there's a huge difference between both the companies and their games. Most notably in their writing.

While one prevails, the other still continues to disappoint at times.

I'm looking at you, Bethesda Game Studios.
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:47 pm

I thought FNV was sort of tedious. Skyrim also seems to have more "factions" with legitimate and long lasting quest lines compared to FNV? The only thing that FNV has that Skyrimj does not is Hard core mode and the companion wheel. Additionally, Companions in FNV come swith little storylines that equal quests.
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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:52 pm

i can actually live without meaningful decisions you have to make, but WHY didnt they copy the best part of fallout new vegas - LOTs of factions which you could actually join / do quests for? you should always be able to join different factions which are mutually exclusive to other factions...these should give you unique rewards which would also be mutually exclusive - this would increase replayability MASSIVELY without adding a lot of work....for example, why is it not possible to join the silver hand VS werewolfes, why not join Vampires or Vampire Huners, why not join foresworn or some foresworn hunting/hating nords, merchants guild or thieves guild, dark brotherhood or guards/police, aldmeri dominion or ??, bandits or guards, dragon hunters or dragon priests, also even "mini factions" such as the quest with the redguard women...etc. etc....

i mean its all there, why didnt they expand it, make it more meaningful, include more VS factions...this would increase replay value that much and incrase the role playing experience a lot...it was pretty much THE best part about fallout nv

ps: a lot of factions here are made up due to lore so they dont really exist in the game

  • Neither games are sandboxes.
  • There's loads of factions and guilds in Skyrim.

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Becky Cox
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