why didnt they make skyrim more like fallout nv?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:31 am


Because it was the the very worst part of New Vegas

Having 1/4th of a game, where you had to replay 4 times just to see the entire game, isnt a good thing

thats probably the most weirdest thing i have ever heard...its called replay value to see things on a second playthrough you couldnt on the first

choice and consequences is THE one most important development of modern games
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:52 pm

New Vegas was a poor experience for me, I always felt like I was missing out on something by going with one faction against another. Making the player complete the game 3 times to experience everything ultimately made me stop playing.

They hit the nail on the head for ME with skyrim. Factions and TOO much choice are detrimental to my experience.


Because it was the the very worst part of New Vegas

Having 1/4th of a game, where you had to replay 4 times just to see the entire game, isnt a good thing

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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:01 am


Because it was the the very worst part of New Vegas

Having 1/4th of a game, where you had to replay 4 times just to see the entire game, isnt a good thing

Exactly, terrible choice of design for players who aren't into that type of thing.

Perhaps these people like akka etc should be playing fonv and not skyrim, seems like this isn't the game for them.
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:30 am

Exactly, terrible choice of design for players who aren't into that type of thing.

Perhaps these people like akka etc should be playing fonv and not skyrim, seems like this isn't the game for them.

So choices and consequences, along with replay value are awful things for an RPG to have? You want to be able to do everything with one character, as if that actually makes sense?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:15 am

Yeah your right akka, I'm wrong for not liking the same things as you.

You'll excuse me if I've a hard time seeing the "you can join every factions, even those which are at war against one another, and still complete all their quests without anyone raising a fuss" as a good thing for a ROLE-PLAYING game.
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Emily Martell
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:52 pm

You'll excuse me if I've a hard time seeing the "you can join every factions, even those which are at war against one another, and still complete all their quests without anyone raising a fuss" as a good thing for a ROLE-PLAYING game.

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k a t e
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:21 am

Exactly, terrible choice of design for players who aren't into that type of thing.

Perhaps these people like akka etc should be playing fonv and not skyrim, seems like this isn't the game for them.

That's your opinion. I feel having such a thing can be good, but only if justified and done well. If it were some shoddy thing, where you miss out on a line or two of alternate dialogue but need to complete the game again anyway for completion, I would condemn it...but if it were an actual, developed, and meaningful alternate choice that moved the story in a different and opposing way, I am all for it...which was mostly the case with New Vegas.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:29 pm

How could you play all the content while actually "role playing" in fallout or TES games in one play through? I think it should take a few play throughs to get all the content that is involved. Yeah you can be a go between but they should make it hard on you if you try no matter what speech skill you have. Tjhat is the beauty of these games. the more ways you play the more fun you have
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:53 am

I Agree.
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:22 pm

Who wants to play a 100 hour game over and over again

There isnt enough different even in NV to make you play through the main 4 times

I only managed 2 on NV and that was 6 months apart

Lets take their 300 hour content statement and divide that by 4 factions

Thats 75 hours and of those 75 hours only maybe 25 of its going to be new. That means just like it happened in fallout NV you had to replay alot of the same stuff over and over again.

You can have consequences without bottling up content into multiple playthroughs
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:48 am

I'm afraid that YES, reality is the same for everyone else, and unless you've got a game with a different content and code in it, you could actually do wherever you wanted and do whichever quests you wanted, so unless you twists the meaning of the words in such a warped way as to make them say anything you want, no NV was not linear nor restricted in exploration.

Two people can like or dislike something and still be in the same sphere of reality, it doesn't have to be one of the other, but to believe that one's own opinion IS reality is a rather one-sided way of looking at things.

Not, copious doesn't equate good.
But it was actually copious AND good.

Well it wasn't to me, and i'd be willing to bet it wasn't to many others who found themselves repeatedly clicking their mouse, wondering when the hell the tedious and long-winded NPC in front of them was finally going to shut the hell up or say something interesting.

i'm afraid there is no objective scale to measure the goodness of a dialogue

Ain't that the truth.
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Aaron Clark
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:49 am

you're kinda right but its fun to do stuff different and see what happens. But i'm the guy who made the Leisure Suit Larry thread so I'm kinda dumb ;}
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:53 am

I tend to play morally twisted characters. So, a big one for me, the Reputation system and Karma. Two things that are missing from Skyrim which I thought for sure they would have brought over. It made for consequences as a result of the player's choices, something that is definitely missing from Skyrim. As others have already mentioned, it does feel linear in some places, but IMO, nothing that can't be fixed once the Construction Kit/Creation Kit is released (hopefully sometime soon).

Something else that doesn't seem to have much bearing, is faction armour. Sure, some guards notice if you're wearing Thieves Guild armour, make comments about it, etc... but really... that was one of the cool things in New Vegas: sneaking around impersonating an NCR soldier (and risking getting discovered). It also comes back to how people would perceive you & so on. Of course, once again this could be added, we'll have to wait & see.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:23 pm

I tend to play morally twisted characters. So, a big one for me, the Reputation system and Karma. Two things that are missing from Skyrim which I thought for sure they would have brought over. It made for consequences as a result of the player's choices, something that is definitely missing from Skyrim. As others have already mentioned, it does feel linear in some places, but IMO, nothing that can't be fixed once the Construction Kit/Creation Kit is released (hopefully sometime soon).

Something else that doesn't seem to have much bearing, is faction armour. Sure, some guards notice if you're wearing Thieves Guild armour, make comments about it, etc... but really... that was one of the cool things in New Vegas: sneaking around impersonating an NCR soldier (and risking getting discovered). It also comes back to how people would perceive you & so on. Of course, once again this could be added, we'll have to wait & see.

This This This.

It was awesome that you could have a group hate you, but still deal with them provided you had faction armour on that covered your face. It would also result in their opposing faction attacking you IIRC. It's things like this we should have had in Skyrim. If you're a guard and you see a blatant DB member running about right after someone is suspiciously murdered, you would absolutely bring him in despite the fact you didn't see him do it. (This would also create cool issues if an NPC murders someone, and you're blamed for it because you are wearing the armour of an assassin).
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:41 am

They really should have tried to break their formula of "an evil guild, a rouge guild, a magician guild and a mercenary guild."
It's so... Checklist'y...
But having the option to join up with the Silver Hand? That means you get 1 mercenary guild to join or 1 werewolf hunting guild.
I'd prefer it being more gray, but a guild dedicated to hunting werewolves and perhaps vampires too? That would be a great guild.
And a guild for vampires? To fight the Silver Hand and possibly elimate any evidence of them so that they can be anonymous again? Again, awesome.
But just a guild for mercenary work? It's so overdone. It's boring. It's predictable.

Having 1/4th of a game, where you had to replay 4 times just to see the entire game, isnt a good thing

It actually is.
Cause that means that you'll create different characters and actually roleplay.
Then for future characters you can mix and match to fit the characters backstory and morals.
And it leaves something to do for the next character.
Which is why I did not create a new character for Oblivion once I was done with it.
Cause I'd just be doing the same quests with the same outcome but with different skills.

And uhm, how about you leave some things alone for future playthroughs all together?
With my first playthrough in New Vegas I never did any Forlorn Hope, Camp McCarran, Kings or Jacobstown quests at all. I think I even killed Mojave Outpost. :laugh:
So simply don't do "everything" for your character?
Means that those future playthrougsh will have more meat to them.
And since New Vegas' quests had multiple solutions and branching dialogue you could always explore things differently.
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:12 am

Well to me it's cool that they're not the same... Except they do look the same. AND THAT MAKES ME THINK should fallout people be dirtier than TES people?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:46 am

Dark Brotherhood isn't EVIL it cleanses the world
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:41 am

Since when did New Vegas have a lot of factions?

NCR, Legion... uh... NC... No wait, I said that... Yeah. House? Yes Man?

Unless you're counting the reputation you can earn from each town as a faction, New Vegas didn't have a whole lot of factions to join.

You can't join the Followers of the Apocalypse (which is kinda irksome). You can't join the Enclave, because they were pretty much gone at that point. I suppose you could count The Kings; you CAN join them if you take it as your favor but it doesn't make a bit of difference, since you've already completed all The King's quests by then. You can't join any of the Families in New Vegas itself.

So what then are people considering factions in New Vegas that puts it as having more than Skyrim's 7?

Boomers, Brotherhood of steel, ncr, legion, yes man, mr house, you can join the followers of apocalypse, great khans, enclave again you can join them, chairmen,kings, white glove,van graffs, omertas, and the list goes on. You can join all of those factions and they have plenty to offer.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:42 pm

Ain't that the truth.

Too bad you left out the rest of the answer that showed that the absence of "objective scale" doesn't mean that something can't still be "better" than another.
This This This.

It was awesome that you could have a group hate you, but still deal with them provided you had faction armour on that covered your face. It would also result in their opposing faction attacking you IIRC. It's things like this we should have had in Skyrim. If you're a guard and you see a blatant DB member running about right after someone is suspiciously murdered, you would absolutely bring him in despite the fact you didn't see him do it. (This would also create cool issues if an NPC murders someone, and you're blamed for it because you are wearing the armour of an assassin).

Yep, this too. That's a testament at how NV actually had a real sense of details, which actually had impact on gameplay and what you could try and do.

For all it's hype about "immersion", I find Skyrim actually seriously lacking in this department. The sceneries are gorgeous, but it seems that they are the only thing that actually benefitted for a care for details. Everything else is rather shallow, with very little actual consequences and possibilities, and you do things in a very straightforward manner (but hey, it's "linear" if you have variety, but "free" if every time you've a dialogue, there is one single answer... go figure).
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Michelle davies
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:08 am

to believe a dunmer has that much sense.. lol . But Skyrim is more about a linear story I think more than Fallout NV was. And I like the dfifferent experiences. I might play fallout 3 again 'cause I took the one play through approch to that game, I really only discovrd Bethesda after a buddy brought oblivion over and I stole from Jauffre and I had to run for 15 minutes across the map to get away and then he still killed me. Next day I said "I need these games"
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:15 am

If I want Factions, I play a MMO.

I want a good story, believable, realistic characters and a grip to the world. Skyrim delievers nothing of these. I just made my way up to the Monks on their Mountain-Fortress and I′m already totally bored by the Mainstory. It seems horribly dull to me. I played through all the Factions on one evening after Work. They were all dumb, short and dull, too. There′s simply no reason for me to play the game any further.

I′ll just put it into the storebox and play Witcher II instead.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:10 pm

Too bad you left out the rest of the answer that showed that the absence of "objective scale" doesn't mean that something can't still be "better" than another.

But only in someone's opinion, a whole load of people agreeing something is great doesn't necessarily make it so, equally a minority of purists agreeing something is great doesn't make it so either, it's a matter of taste, personally every time Bethesda makes a game in the future i'l be hoping they go their own way, without joining up with anyone we have currently heard of in the gaming industry, because i feel their competition svcks hard.
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k a t e
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:27 am

I hate Fallout.

If anything Skyrim should've been more like Borderlands and Dark Souls.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:18 am

If they made Skyrim more like FNV it would lag then crash every 10 minutes, then as soon as DLC releases it would become unplayable with lag and crash every 2 minutes.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:34 am

If they made Skyrim more like FNV it would lag then crash every 10 minutes, then as soon as DLC releases it would become unplayable with lag and crash every 2 minutes.

Indeed, because those were all by design, and because there aren't already freezes and crashes at that 10 and 2 minute intervals in Skyrim. :thumbsup:
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