They really should have tried to break their formula of "an evil guild, a rouge guild, a magician guild and a mercenary guild."
It's so... Checklist'y...
But having the option to join up with the Silver Hand? That means you get 1 mercenary guild to join or 1 werewolf hunting guild.
I'd prefer it being more gray, but a guild dedicated to hunting werewolves and perhaps vampires too? That would be a great guild.
And a guild for vampires? To fight the Silver Hand and possibly elimate any evidence of them so that they can be anonymous again? Again, awesome.
But just a guild for mercenary work? It's so overdone. It's boring. It's predictable.
Having 1/4th of a game, where you had to replay 4 times just to see the entire game, isnt a good thing
It actually is.
Cause that means that you'll create different characters and actually roleplay.
Then for future characters you can mix and match to fit the characters backstory and morals.
And it leaves something to do for the next character.
Which is why I did not create a new character for Oblivion once I was done with it.
Cause I'd just be doing the same quests with the same outcome but with different skills.
And uhm, how about you leave some things alone for future playthroughs all together?
With my first playthrough in New Vegas I never did any Forlorn Hope, Camp McCarran, Kings or Jacobstown quests at all. I think I even killed Mojave Outpost. :laugh:
So simply don't do "everything" for your character?
Means that those future playthrougsh will have more meat to them.
And since New Vegas' quests had multiple solutions and branching dialogue you could always explore things differently.