why didnt they make skyrim more like fallout nv?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:22 pm

i can actually live without meaningful decisions you have to make, but WHY didnt they copy the best part of fallout new vegas - LOTs of factions which you could actually join / do quests for? you should always be able to join different factions which are mutually exclusive to other factions...these should give you unique rewards which would also be mutually exclusive - this would increase replayability MASSIVELY without adding a lot of work....for example, why is it not possible to join the silver hand VS werewolfes, why not join Vampires or Vampire Huners, why not join foresworn or some foresworn hunting/hating nords, merchants guild or thieves guild, dark brotherhood or guards/police, aldmeri dominion or ??, bandits or guards, dragon hunters or dragon priests, also even "mini factions" such as the quest with the redguard women...etc. etc....

i mean its all there, why didnt they expand it, make it more meaningful, include more VS factions...this would increase replay value that much and incrase the role playing experience a lot...it was pretty much THE best part about fallout nv

ps: a lot of factions here are made up due to lore so they dont really exist in the game
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:38 pm

I agree. New Vegas was a vastly superior roleplay experience in my opinion, even if you set aside the genre differences. It was just a better sandbox (lol puns lol) and a better interactive narrative within that sandbox.

Skyrim feels like a themepark where all the workers showed up on Sunday morning really hung over from the night before and totally not ready to convince you that they are, in fact, Mr. Munchy Bear.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:45 am

To be honest, Fallout: New Vegas was so boring to me, I like the story butthe factions thing i didn't like. I do understand your point though, they could make it work for Skyrim.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:47 pm

i just think it was the thing that was actually really cool about fnv...my issue is - you might correct me - that creating the engine is the thing thats really a lot of work, the lore is allready there so i just think coming up with more mutually exclusive factions, it would be like 10% more work and 50% more value...so im simply wondering if they put too much work in the wrong aspects of the game
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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:17 am

Holy [censored] [censored]! Why do people keep saying that Skyrim should be more like this or this?
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Annick Charron
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:07 am

Holy [censored] [censored]! Why do people keep saying that Skyrim should be more like this or this?

i am not saying that, what im saying is, why didnt they include parts of other games which really worked well for these games, would also work really well for skyrim, would add a lot of value without a lot of work...

shouldnt that be how the whole "evolutionary process" works? take over all the good things that work in your games and get ridd of the stuff that doesnt?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:47 am

Holy [censored] [censored]! Why do people keep saying that Skyrim should be more like this or this?

In answer I would suggest that they saw superior design decisions in other roleplaying games they've played (some even by Bethesda or its affiliates) and wondered why the lessons learned there weren't applied to Skyrim. Furthermore, the game was hyped up to by some sort of self aware hive mind with a mini-universe contained inside every copy and it turned out to be very, very similar to Oblivion (albiet with better world design and a more intuitive, customizable class system).
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:42 pm

the problem i simply see is, once you joined all factions you pretty much have seen it (and the questlines arent that exciting), the radiant quests are simply not worth to play 200 hours...maybe the deadric ones...you can limit yourself to only play a certain faction with a certain character...but even this will limit playtime drastically since you can complete the faction quest in an afternoon... i am just thinking if you had many more mutually exclusive faction questlines (as said most of the factions and lore are allready there so why the hell not use it?) you could replay the whole game 2-3 times simply for that manner...

i know f nv had its flaws, but the factions and quets were simply much better than in skyrim and the only reason for me it was a great game - now look at that, the graphics in fnv was pretty much the same as in f3 and STILL it was a great game due to the quests - in skyrim, they improved on the graphics but left the quests out which i simply think was the wrong decision to make... sure i want to have both, but if i had to choose one i'd choose quests>graphics... due to that simple reason and altough im a huge fantasy fan and dont like scifi or 50s end-time scenarios that much i enjoyed fnv more than i do skyrim (which doesnt mean i dont enjoy skyrim its just less rewarding questwise)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:15 pm

Why do people say its a new engine when its not?

Well sure its newer, the foundation takes from Gamebyro.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:19 pm

I dont know why, because I really like NV but for some reason I just lost interest after awhile. I really liked the factions and HC mode but I dunno. Just got bored. It could just be because I played FO3 for so long.

Seems like Skyrim favors longer quest lines over more faction which personally Im cool with.

Heres the thing though, this isnt FO its TES. If they tied to many quests up with factions, people would be on this forum FREAKING OUT that they couldnt do any quests without having to join some faction that they dont wanna have to join.
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:40 pm

Just give me lots of great, epic dungeons to explore and I'll be happy

I tend to like exploring, fighting epic enemies, and finding loot in TES games

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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:56 am

I for one am very grateful that Skyrim is nothing like New Vegas, if i want an unforgivably linear game shoe-horned into an open world, excruciatingly tedious characters and a completely uninspired game world with regard to architecture i'l just play, erm, fallout vegas!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:41 pm

I agree. New Vegas was a vastly superior roleplay experience in my opinion, even if you set aside the genre differences. It was just a better sandbox (lol puns lol) and a better interactive narrative within that sandbox.

Skyrim feels like a themepark where all the workers showed up on Sunday morning really hung over from the night before and totally not ready to convince you that they are, in fact, Mr. Munchy Bear.


While I do agree that New Vegas is a good roleplay, I have some issues.
Premier being that levelling is wholly too fast. If I wasnt on xbox I would mod out all quest xp rewards.

Secondly is more personal taste, I like the brotherhood, I like mr House, I cannot have a playthrough in which I let em both live.

Thats it really.
Excellent game.

Oh. And invisble walls in the middle of the world for no reason, like blocking out a plateau. Grr.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:14 am

I dont know why, because I really like NV but for some reason I just lost interest after awhile. I really liked the factions and HC mode but I dunno. Just got bored. It could just be because I played FO3 for so long.

Seems like Skyrim favors longer quest lines over more faction which personally Im cool with.

Heres the thing though, this isnt FO its TES. If they tied to many quests up with factions, people would be on this forum FREAKING OUT that they couldnt do any quests without having to join some faction that they dont wanna have to join.

TES series has gone through quite a lot of changes, doesn't mean they can't make it like NV. People would freak out whatever Bethesda choose to do anyway... what you are saying is basically the guy above stated "this isn't that", which doesn't really answer anything

For the RP experience, I'm more leaning toward OP's suggestion, surely Bethesda has their own reason in choosing this design though, maybe they want complete freedom and have people do whatever they want. shrug. :spotted owl:
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:37 pm

ok look guys youre getting some things wrong here...as said I DONT want that tes copies fnv or is like fnv i want that it adapts the GOOD PARTS of it such as the faction quests...fnv can keep the rest - were not talking about an all-or-non decision here, they can simply implement good stuff from it...
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:41 pm

TES series has gone through quite a lot of changes, doesn't mean they can't make it like NV. People would freak out whatever Bethesda choose to do anyway... what you are saying is basically the guy above stated "this isn't that", which doesn't really answer anything

For the RP experience, I'm more leaning toward OP's suggestion, surely Bethesda has their own reason in choosing this design though, maybe they want complete freedom and have people do whatever they want. shrug. :spotted owl:

Im not apposed to change at all, and I wouldnt mind more factions at all. Just saying "freedom" has always been the core mantra of the series and I dont think Beth would ever even want to mess with that.

As for people complaining no matter what they did, I agree 100%. (see sig)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:40 am

i want that it adapts the GOOD PARTS

I didn't see any good parts in new vegas, i saw a shadow of the type of game that Bethesda makes, in NO area did they get a single thing better as far as i am concerned, it was overwhelmingly negative.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:38 am

I didn't like FA:NV.. was disappointing.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:56 am

I just think... if I dissected the game in the same manner as all of you, I would be making the same topics and posts. But the only things glaringly annoying to me are the steep cliffs, and the hard to get around cities. Skyrim needs to be like Skyrim.
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:05 am

okay listen guys i dont want to be an [censored] here, but would people that actually dont read the posts please not post some dumb [censored] here... cause what i write is i liked the amount of mutually exclusive factions in fallout nv and would like to implement similar quests in skyrim and what most of your write - and im sure you havent read any post is

no fallout new vegas was crappier becaue of this and this and this and the answers have NOTHING to do with the post or thread

more mutually exclusive factions has NOTHING to do with giving up freedom
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Angus Poole
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:23 am

I would love to have some extra factions like somekinda Bandit faction. Play like an bandit an ambush travelers and attack towns.. woohooo!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:19 pm

I didn't see any good parts in new vegas, i saw a shadow of the type of game that Bethesda makes, in NO area did they get a single thing better as far as i am concerned, it was overwhelmingly negative.

The plot with multiple choices?
The mostly grey factions?
The writing that actually didn't svck?
The interesting characters?
The actually usable and also interesting companions with their quests?
Improved gameplay mechanics?

Honestly, if you think Fallout is only about Wasteland tourism, I suggest you to look at the genre again. It's called RPG, which NV delivers.

But not only we are just derailing this thread, the main point of OP is bringing all the good stuff into TES. You really wouldn't like a smart mouthed optional companion ala Rose of Sharon Cassidy that would interact with you throughout the entire questline? Or your choices actually having a larger impact on the gameworld interaction?

okay listen guys i dont want to be an [censored] here, but would people that actually dont read the posts please not post some dumb [censored] here... cause what i write is i liked the amount of mutually exclusive factions in fallout nv and would like to implement similar quests in skyrim and what most of your write - and im sure you havent read any post is

no fallout new vegas was crappier becaue of this and this and this and the answers have NOTHING to do with the post or thread

more mutually exclusive factions has NOTHING to do with giving up freedom

Sadly, this will sooner of later turn into a "NV svcks because of bugs", with all the positive points of the game completely swept under the carpet. That's how it works here. :tongue:
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:01 am

Personally I loved New Vegas and thought it was better than Fallout 3. Because it just felt like and reminded me more of the original Fallout games, which I loved back in the day. However, that was not really the majority opinion on NV, most people didn't like it near as much as Fallout 3. So even ignoring the fact that NV was developed by a different group of people and was only published by Bethesda. I can understand why they wouldn't make Skyrim more like NV, seeing as a lot of that stuff from NV wasn't very well received by most people.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:22 pm

The Elder Scrolls: go anywhere you want, do anything you want, except make quest decisions.

Sure, New Vegas is somewhat linear as far as the 'go anywhere you want' part goes, but the story is a lot less linear than any of Bethesda's games. It's nice to see there are still some games with true replay value.
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Joie Perez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:22 am

The plot with multiple choices?
The mostly grey factions?
The writing that actually didn't svck?
The interesting characters?
The actually usable and also interesting companions with their quests?
Improved gameplay mechanics?

Honestly, if you think Fallout is only about Wasteland tourism, I suggest you to look at the genre again. It's called RPG, which NV delivers.

But not only we are just derailing this thread, the main point of OP is bringing all the good stuff into TES. You really wouldn't like a smart mouthed optional companion ala Rose of Sharon Cassidy that would interact with you throughout the entire questline? Or your choices actually having a larger impact on the gameworld interaction?

Sadly, this will sooner of later turn into a "NV svcks because of bugs", with all the positive points of the game completely swept under the carpet. That's how it works here. :tongue:

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