I didn't see any good parts in new vegas, i saw a shadow of the type of game that Bethesda makes, in NO area did they get a single thing better as far as i am concerned, it was overwhelmingly negative.
The plot with multiple choices?
The mostly grey factions?
The writing that actually didn't svck?
The interesting characters?
The actually usable and also interesting companions with their quests?
Improved gameplay mechanics?
Honestly, if you think Fallout is only about Wasteland tourism, I suggest you to look at the genre again. It's called RPG, which NV delivers.
But not only we are just derailing this thread, the main point of OP is bringing all the good stuff into TES. You really wouldn't like a smart mouthed optional companion ala Rose of Sharon Cassidy that would interact with you throughout the entire questline? Or your choices actually having a larger impact on the gameworld interaction?
okay listen guys i dont want to be an [censored] here, but would people that actually dont read the posts please not post some dumb [censored] here... cause what i write is i liked the amount of mutually exclusive factions in fallout nv and would like to implement similar quests in skyrim and what most of your write - and im sure you havent read any post is
no fallout new vegas was crappier becaue of this and this and this and the answers have NOTHING to do with the post or thread
more mutually exclusive factions has NOTHING to do with giving up freedom
Sadly, this will sooner of later turn into a "NV svcks because of bugs", with all the positive points of the game completely swept under the carpet. That's how it works here. :tongue: