Really are any of you guys hurting with talent points. I am level 45 and have all the perks I want in the 1h tree block tree heavy armour, I ended up putting points into sneak and restoration just because, and theres still 36 levels till cap. I just dont get when people get pissed cause they "wasted" 1 or 2 perk points, you have SO many to work with
I have no problem with taking perk points into other skills, it is just that if there is a big difference in AR between Daedric and Dragon Armor then i would take the heavier Daedric and handle the weight of it. But if the AR Difference between the two is minor and the Dragon Armor is lighter then Daedric then i will take the Dragon Armor perk as well.

The difference is so small that it doesn't matter.
Alright then, thanks for the conformation on it Fleapants. Guess i
will take it then.