Why does my Skyrim does 3x black screen and-------

Post » Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:20 pm

Alrighty then, I've been playing skyrim first thing I obtained my first gaming PC in Mid July and it was doing wonderful with all the mods such as ENB and textures. I'm more like a mod [censored], I must improve whichever area I can to be more immersive as possible. Then occasionally on a night just last week ago, I've launched skyrim and continue playing my character but then a slight oddity occurred when a black screen filled in for a few seconds and then the game resumes. Then after a minute, it gets violent and does it three times repeatedly and then it exit Skyrim and send me back to the desktop.

I'm not certain what could had happened to cause that but I remove recent mods= Still does it. All mods=still does it.

Now I'm confused after assuming it might be a typical mod conflict with other mods. I was suspicious it's something of the enb as I turn it on and off in game before it exits skyrim as the black screen happens faster when I do that. But on naked skyrim (means no mods on skyrim), it still does it.

I'm clueless and I'm hoping this is common as I couldn't trust Google to search for others who had the similar problem I'm having.

However, due to some tests and messing around. Skyrim doesn't do the black screen and exits when i'm in windowed mode.

Please help me, I only got two games that actually entertains me that are Oblivion (lightly modded) and the amazing Last of us game on PS3 (The first game to enter my 10/10 list).

(Also, i'd reinstalled skyrim two times! And I have a limit to the usage of internet which is running low!)

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Nikki Lawrence
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