Please don't think I am offending Bethesda, skyrim is one of my favorite games, but I cant help but notice there are so many glitch/bugs, and why is it all in skyrim, there were very few in the other games?
Please don't think I am offending Bethesda, skyrim is one of my favorite games, but I cant help but notice there are so many glitch/bugs, and why is it all in skyrim, there were very few in the other games?
It's a big game with allot in it, so bound to be flaws(not including all the content/skills etc.. they left out). Plus they had to rush for that silly release date.
Oblivion, Morrowind, and (especially) Daggerfall had, and still have, tons of bugs too. It's just the nature of trying to develop games like this.
Yeah they had to rush the game for the 11/11/11 release date... which coincidentally is Remembrance day in my country. The rushed release meant that they also had to LEAVE some content out of the vanilla game e.g. the arena at windhelm
Which is why I personally prefer these glitchy, bug-riddled sandbox games over the linear and boring ones with very little replay value (lookin' at you Dragon Age).
Because it's huge in content and interactions. It's a double edged sword, make something people love within the limits of available tech, budget, release day etc.
As I've said before it has warts but I love it no less because of them and I have to respect the time and effort they did put into it. How can you playtest something BTW completely when there is just so much to do? You'd have to have people in shifts playing it day and night for hundreds of hours to catch everything. On 360 I had only two bugs actually that made me fear for quests and both resolved themselves in time, it just took some patience and the right conditions falling into place.
They've gone on to another game which in the end will be beneficial since eventually I hope to see TES VI and enjoy it immensely.
You are right it has far too many, it took 5 years to develop, according to Bethesda at any rate, it begs the question, what quality control did they employ in that 5 years, did they even think of it? Or did they really not do it in 5 years at all, but spent more like 18 months on it.
Because whilst people have posted many worthy reasons to try and justify all the bugs/glitches it just does not wash.
It was done on the cheap to generate and maximise ridiculous profits and its at yours and mine expense in terms of usable game play.
I don;t mention whether the game play you get is good bad or otherwise because thats a personal view and irrelevant to the point. Bugs are bugs glitches are glitches and they are there no matter how good a game it is.
Should they be? well thats my point.
Mostly because of how the game works on such a HUGE scale all at once and Bethesda are bad with programming/organizing.
I think so too. Skyrim has recieved more patch support than practically all of the other Elder Scrolls games put together. And, boy, those other Elder Scrolls games are still badly in need of patching. One of Morrowind's skills does not function. I will say that again in case anybody missed it: one of Morrowind's skills does not work. This is worse than any bug found in Skyrim.
I could write several long posts listing serious bugs in Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion. Skyrim could certainly use more patch support. But the notion that Skyrim has more bugs than previous games is just plain wrong.
because Beth is both great and horrible at creating games...yes I said it
Even with the ridiculous amount of bugs and flaws in their games, I'm a fan for life (unless they ever go the Fable route and add guns *shudders*).
You're right, there are a lot of still unfixed bugs in Skyrim - many of which could be described as 'inexcusable'.
THAT being said, I myself have always been so massively impressed with Bethesda.
Games like Skyrim and Fallout 3 are probably two of the only games in my mind (as well as the rest of TES + FO:NV) that can be so utterly amazing despite the bugs that riddle them.
These games transcend so much in general, that most of these bugs end up seeming completely trivial by comparison.
At least for a while...
All of that being said, I don't mean to imply that these bugs do not require fixing. They certainly do, especially now.
"there were very few in the other games"
Oh come now, you know very well that GTA IV doesn't even remotely suffer from the level of bugs and glitches that Skyrim does. Has GTA IV ever even needed a patch? I honestly can't remember a patch being issued yet Skyrim has had 9 official patches and still has bugs that have been in game since the I said Beth is both great and horrible at making games. The same can be said about Red Dead Redemption, there's a few issues here and there but you don't have to constantly save for fear of game breaking bugs, freezes, etc.
As for the clutter, they should cut down on the crap to make things better...a few things here and there to add to realism is fine but we don't need clutter in every cell on every surface.
I still love TES regardless of the many issues, these games are still amazing in their own right.
By "the other games" you didn't mean Morrowind did you? That game was buggier than this one in my experience(and that was playing Morrowind on PC and Skyrim on PS3)