I'll just quote myself because I'm awesome.
No excuses there.
I'll just quote myself because I'm awesome.
No excuses there.
The minor things do bother me that they are not fixed sooner. Seriously if something is broken, but can be fixed with a simple console command, there is no excuse that fix couldn't be in an early quick and dirty patch, but ironically it's these things that often never get fixed by Bethesda and they rely on modders to patch these with unofficial patches.
Funny how your criticism to me turns in the same "All about me and what I want" issue that we see so often.
YOU are not the only person playing the game and there are far more important issues that need addressed that are being suffered globally. Then the odd ones can be addressed. I am sorry that you disagree with my opinion, but, after all, it is only an opinion and you are welcome to disregard it.
I like MacReady as well and have used him in all my playthroughs thus far, but, to me, his perk is not all that important to me. Frankly, none of the companion perks are important to me.
I realize that MacReady's perk is exceedingly overpowered (according to all accounts - as I said, I, personally have never experienced it), but I stand by my opinion that, if you feel that this particular perk is a "gamebreaker" for you, don't take the perk. I mean, honestly, 20% headshot is not really all that much. If you already have the skills to do headshots, then, honestly, what difference does it make?
I too paid for the game and many others. All games have their glitches, bugs and issues when first released. It has been that way for years. Maybe it is because I am from a generation where you got what you paid for and, if you were not satisfied with it, you returned it. You didn't spend inordinate time on the internet complaining about it when you knew that it would make no difference.
I have played Bethesda games for many years and expected that there would be weirdness with F4, just as there is in any other Beth game. I knew what to expect and did not expect perfection.
The excuse that "I bought the game" and "It's a AAA game, it should have never been released if it wasn't perfect" just don't fly with me.
I am impressed by what they were able to achieve. Sure there are flaws. Sure there are things that need to get fixed. And they will.
For goodness sake, the game is barely in to it's 2nd month! You do realize that there are games that they are still patching years later? Skyrim's last huge patch was just over a year ago. ESO is getting patched constently. Dragon Age: Inquisition, Witcher, any of them. Patches, updates, etc... It's the way it goes.
Why would you expect your video games to be any different from any other computer that you are using? Does Microsoft, Apple, even Linux not release updates and patches ALL the time? Of course they do.
You realize that, often these patches cause other issues, yes? You want an excellent example of how NOT to do this, try reading the news and blogs and forums for The Elder Scrolls Online. They have, often, pandered to a very vocal base with their patches and it has led to disastrous results with OP and nerfing and the removal of and addition to of game mechanics and balance that has alienated large numbers. Zenimax has learned valuable lessons and has made a concerted effort to balance the needs of their users and the mechanics of the game over the last few months and I, personally, believe they have done rather well.
I do not, for a moment believe that either Bethesda (or it's parent Zenimax) does not know what it is doing and is working hard to release fixes and updates in a manner that will both satisfy and balance the game. Give it time.
As someone who has worked in hi-tech, software, hardware, social media and gaming for most of my advlt life, it is often not as simple as "writing code" or "inserting code" or "updating a cell" as so many armchair warriors seem to suppose. It's a balancing act with thousands of moving pieces, each affecting others which, in turn affect others and so on. And you have to consider that, while it may be easily accomplished on the individual PC level with a minimum of effort, the changes have to cross many different platforms AND be globally applicable to all users, not just the individual user. They need to make sure they get it right.
I am sorry that you are unhappy with the game and that you feel that your needs and timetable are not being met. Just know that your opinion is just as valid as anyone else's as is mine and I meant no insult whatsoever. I am just advising patience. It's a video game after all, not a car. It is not a life-breaking thing.
You realize that all it takes to fix McCready's perk is changing a value in a cell? Takes about 1 minute, if that. Stop defending the indefensible.
As I pointed out. No it is not. There are a myriad of other issues there. You have multiple platforms and you have to consider how changing that single line of code may affect thousands of other lines of code. You do not know how that particular cell will affect the others or what you characterize as a "simple fix" will have in the way of repercussions to so many other moving parts.
With this Mechanic Bethesda would never Sale Videogames. A Modder already found out that the Perk has a 2000% Chance to hit the Head. Solution would be here to make 2000 to 20. Bethesdas Games are that simple. Stop defending the lazyness. They made this Game, it should be no Problem to fix this in no Time.
Okay. I'll stop. Let's have them do it today and let's see the mess that follows. Nothing with Beth is ever that easy. It never has been. Make a simple fix and totally screw up something else. I still say, if it was that easy, then, they would have fixed it already. 20 years of Beth history can't all be wrong. Maybe they should just go ahead and hang it up, eh? In your opinion, apparently their games are so bad that they shouldn't sell videogames.
Beth, are you listening? @Nemorov says you should hang it up. I have a coffee shop for sale, maybe you should try that instead.
I made many Mods for Skyrim and i changed many things in the Perksystem. There is no big Different in FO4. You can tell me what you want. Its almost the same Game. Just new World, new Weapons but it is the same Software. A Nexus Modder already fixed it.
Modding is NOT the same thing as writing a game, particularly for multi-platform. Up to this point, modding has been strictly PC.
I don't play my modded Skyrim any longer. I would rather have the plain ole PS3 version with all it's faults any day.
I don't need perfect. I just need fun. I am satisfied.
I kinda get where you're coming from (I mean I do like coffee) but keep in mind that modders have been fixing their games much faster than they have, and Bethesda KNOWS where the thousands of lines of code are. If a modder can go in, find the code themselves, fix the game bug, make a patch, and upload it on Nexus there really isn't any excuse that Bethesda couldn't do it faster, better and more effectively. Granted to send a patch to STEAM cost them money so I'm sure, for good reason, they want their patches to be substantial and that takes some time, but still by now there should have been something other than the little one we've been given so far.
The Game is already published so Bethesda is doing Modding too. They modify the Game to a better Version. Doing Headshots from every Distance with a Chance of 2000% isnt Fun after your 20th Kill. It destroys the Game Flow like the Money Glitch which got Patched in no Time. And look at the Forum how many People dont like this Bug.
Yeah. A whole 7 people have complained, including you, who has complained about it repeatedly.
Look at the Steam Forum, or other non english Forums. There are a few more People who care.
1) I don't play on PC anymore so I could give a flyin' fig about the "Steam Forum", given it's rep, it makes Reddit look like a love-fest.
2) Why would I go to the non-English forums when English is my primary language.
Honestly, I only care about this forum and the FAQ forum. Those are how I judge.
True. And they added so much engaging content, I was more than happy with my purchase, even if I found the game rather dull and pedantic and couldn't stand Geralt or the trio of [censored]s (okay, Trish wasn't too bad).
The World is bigger than this Forum, just saying.
So very true, but Myopia and my favorite river in Egypt are all I have. That and my PS4, spouse and annoying cat.
Uhm if you don't know what you're talking about just keep quiet. I specifically mentioned MacReady's perk because it is a simple fix, that can in no way "break" anything else since all you do is change the value associated with the perk. You could do similar things with fo3edit back in fo3 to change the numerical values of dmg assigned to weapons to make them stronger/weaker or mess about with perk bonuses.
On the PC! What are you not getting about, modding an entire multi-platform game and rolling out updates is not as simple as just a tweak to a single code.
You want to fix it, go on you PC and fix it.
Yes, it's simple on the PC, but we're talking about millions of lines of interconnecting codes.
Shall I contact Erin Ying at Bethesda and have her contact you to explain exactly what is entailed in making this change?
Besides, as I said at the very beginning. Poor baby, it bothers you. Well it doesn't bother the majority of the players. Poor baby, you don't like it, yet you have no problem modding the heck out a game so that it is next to unrecognizable from the original design (you stated that you were a Skyrim modder and I have a feeling you're one of the ones that mutilated it into something no-one else would want to play).
I am tired of fighting with you and you self-centered, entitled attitude.
I have my opinion. I have offered you sensible and logical backup for that opinion. You don't like it, lump it.
Your opinion doesn't matter when there are facts that disprove it. Also never mentioned being a skyrim modder, I think you're confused
Sonny, fixing an engine bug can and often does have unexpected repercussions, but not fricking typos (like the mccready bug), logic blunders and omissions in game records and scripts. Why do you think modders have been so successful in patching BGS's games?
The bug I want fixed asap is the glitch on the Xbox One where you are away from sanctuary and the game all of a sudden decides there are no beds, no food, no water etc in sanctuary and your happiness takes a dive by a lot, you can port back to Sanctuary and resolve it by opening up your workshop but its frustrating and it happens all the time. The players are being punished even though they are doing what they should.
It was interesting to see all tthe discussion about why the happiness was dropping, people in the wrong beds, jobs not allocated etc when all it was is the game is broken.
So many times I have killed a raider who is wearing power armour and carrying a fatman only for their body and weapons to disappear.
I love the game, one of the greatest of all time but the constant glitches are annoying.
Also can we please have an option to kill Dogmeat, I love running with him but he can be soooo annoying and stupid, just like a real dog and why when I am overloaded is he no-where to be found? Just kidding. Dogmeat I love you.
Remove all TVs, that's usually the problem (seriously).