Why is it taking Bethesda so long to patch out MAJOR issues?
I know the little bugs number in the hundreds and will take ages but big bugs should be fixed by now
Bethesda has never been good at patching. There are major bugs that still desperately need to be patched in Daggerfall and Morrowind. I think they are getting better (Skyrim had more patching support than Morrowind and Oblivion put together) but there is much room for improvement.
I think patching a non-linear, open-world game like the ones Bethesda makes are probably much harder to get right than patching linear games such as first-person shooters. Since we can do almost anything in almost any order so much of the time, there is a greater risk of unintentionally breaking something unrelated when fixing a problem.
Probably close to the mark there. Not to mention that because of the 'do anything' nature, there's also the matter of being able to replicate the bugs on their own systems so that they can investigate, discover the cause and fix.
If they can't replicate the bug themselves, it's very difficult to fix.
Not that that excuses stuff that should have been fixed. The Abomb issue in Oblivion, Morrowinds 72hour bug, Skyrims lip sync issue etc, all went unfixed.
I still can't get ballistic weave after completing everything required and then some. I don't feel it would be too difficult to just add a check to the game. Have the game check for a completed quest and if it's complete have the game immediately unlock it at my workbench without the need to go and talk to anyone.
I've stopped playing the game at this point until more things are fixed. I'm not risking all of the hours I have in the game to have my saves corrupted after so many people had issues with the first patch. I guess we can be thankful that we'll have player mods at some point next year. While Bethesda should be the ones fixing these issues it's going to fall on the players. I'm guessing they're counting on that and working on other content. They could contest that... but they're nowhere to be found now that they have everyone's money.
Probably because the team is to small and not focused enough on what it should be doing. There should have been atleast one more patch out before Christmas that adressed the gameplay side of things. Some perks and items are not working as intended, which is unfortunate.
The second patch retroactively repaired all the broken plants in all of my settlements.
True. Yet it's no excuse they never fixed the gamebreaking save bloat bug in Skyrim even though it was known from the start and everyone could replicate it.
Beth is really, REALLY bad at fixing bugs.
I guess it's cheaper for Beth to make a junk product and let the cheap [ie free] labor of customers fix it.
I admit, it is kind of annoying that bugs that are the obvious result of typos aren't fixed, like the McCready Killshot Perk. A programmer literally just put a decimal point in the wrong place. That can't be that difficult to fix, and the risk of cascading side effects is super low on something like that.
Or the Big Leagues Rank 5 perk not applying the promised damage.
I'm also surprised they haven't fixed the imagespace bugs like the Nightvision or Recon Scope glitches. It is a similar issue to what happened in Skyrim with drip effects getting stuck on character. They fixed it by including a quick check to clear those effects on characters. Why that wasn't a default thing to include in Fallout 4, I don't know, but they already have the solution - they just need to implement it.
There is definitely a danger there. in Skyrim, someone tried to correct a weapon that which when put in a rack would flip upside down. (Spider control rod i think). Fixing this ended up flipping the polarity of everything you picked up and placed so that you literally had to roll each item along a solid surface, to get it to orient right, or else slam it down fast before the polarity could flip it. I've several early saves with my home nicely decorated. Don't dare move anything in them though, because I'll never get it back in place right...
I'd rather Bethesda took it's time with each patch rather than rush them. Compared to Skyrim my experience with Fallout 4 has been much more stable. There have been one or two quest glitches. One where a settlement quest went weird and the people talk with me, but then immediately attack if I open a container, even though I'd finished their quest for them and they paid me and said they are now with the minutemen. But I can buy stuff from their merchant women, and then run like hell afterwards. Come back a day later, and it's the same scenario all over again...
This is iirc a $60 title that you buy once and done. There may be flaws to talk about in pvssyr around the world but it doesn't seem to me rational to just expect a patch. Kinda like here it is. Most titles don't get patched. Ever. Day one is what you get. So lets all be civil.
Fixing bugs isn't simple as people believe it is, particularly in a game like this. Often times fixing a bug can create a whole bunch of new bugs to deal with and some times it's better to leave it there till you sort those new ones out.
If i'm not mistaken, don't game publishers have to pay a fee to release a patch on consoles?http://kotaku.com/5884842/wait-it-costs-40000-to-patch-a-console-game, and it's from 2012, so I really hope that asinine rule is no longer around but IF it still is, that means Bethesda has to pay 40,000$ for each patch they release on consoles. So I'm guessing they trying to keep both PC and console versions of the game equally up to date to avoid dividing the fan base, and thus are waiting to get as many fixes in one patch as they can.
Also, I am sure in their last version before it was released, the developers would have checked every quest to make sure they worked. Which means, most "game-breaking" issues people have, are not going to be as simple a fix as you might seem. It could be because every player who has a late-game issue cleared out the Super Duper Mart before they went to the Corvega Plant earlier in the game. But that isn't something that everyone did, and maybe on the last playthrough in texting, the testers didn't do it in that order.
Having been in the testing field for ten years, it is surprising what a difference a small thing like that can make. I've seen games that we thought were clean, failed in the last hour of the last day by something that we had tried weeks before and it worked fine then, so we didn't do it that way for the last playthrough.
For PC video games in general, there is no ONE model that they must program for. There is a HUGE range of OS types and versions, CPU variety, video card capabilities, motherboard architectures, etc., et al. ANY patch is labor-intensive and requires testing against at least 80% of the mix-and-match hardware configurations most users will be using. Any patch that appears quickly as a Day One patch or shortly after release means that the patch was already in development to address "known issues". [Meaning that the publisher knowingly released the game anyway, despite the fact that there were bugs that had not yet been eradicated.]
That is not a valid excuse when we know their previous game sold enough to hire more people. I really do wonder what the hell they use their money for as their engine still svcks, still terrible patching and qa support. If people like you would stop giving them free passes for everything they might just change, if not they will end up becoming irrelevant.
In the end their patching support is downright atrocious, and im tired of "modders will fix it". A company should be responsible for their product but this game still shows their lazy game design which has stayed static while the industry is moving on. If i have to depend on modders for everything then i rather wish beth priced their games lower.
Iam confused too. They said they will do little Patch and they want release them very fast but Skyrim got 3x Times more Fixes in that Time. We dont have even Beta Patches running right now. I mean they deleted the Sub Forum for it. Do they think this game is fixed at all? Maybe they work already on DLC?
I never said that it was an excuse, and a valid one at that. It is just my guess. And well they just started a new studio so they are now a team of 150 instead of 110, thats good news. I am not giving them a free pass either, like i said we should have had another patch out before christmas. Its not atrocious compared to many other developers, but its not as great as many others either, its ok-ish. And yes i can't wait for the modders to fix broken mountain meshes and blame Bethesda because they never did it.
They didn't delete it, its hidden until the next beta patch. Supposedly it was like this with Skyrim aswell.
After milking millions of $ they went on deserved vacation on Bali ,Cuba ,Jamaica etc discovering new level of hedonism and lazyness