So what i have done is this:
Created door in worldspace called "joeworlddoor1"
Created door in tamriel called "joetamrieldoor1"
Made them both persistent, linked them, moved them underground but kept teleport markers where i wanted them
I have then created a spell with script:
scn JoeTeleportBegin ScriptEffectStartIf Player.GetInWorldspace Tamriel == 1Player.Activate joetamrieldoor1ElseIf Player.GetInWorldSpace Joesworld == 1Player.Activate joeworlddoor1ElseMessage "You cannot teleport from here."EndifEnd
Problem is, it doesen't work?! Nothing happens when i use the spell, except if i'm in another worldspace (ex better cities IC) i get the "You can't teleport from here" Message :/
Any suggestions?
Also, on a side note, how come flora i add to my worldspace are marked as owned? (stolen if i pick the ingredients)
Also, on another side note, using the waterfall in pieces, how do i create a seamless waterfall? No matter what i do (using snap-to-grid, copying coordinates except Z) i cannot create a waterfall without ugly seams, and i cannot use the allready finished ones as it has to be pretty long..
Any help will be very, very welcome! In advance, thank you for your time - this very helpful community is great!