it seems like durnehviir is completely useless... every time i summoned him, he just kept unsummoning himself, even if im outside in the open.
i even tried summoning him in battle, and he still refused to attack anything, and just vanished shortly after.
now, i admit i havent summoned him lately, i pretty much gave up on him awhile ago... so maybe i just got VERY unlucky with the spots i summoned him and everything, who knows.
the first three times i summoned him, though... he'd barely finish talking before just randomly vanishing... which got annoying, cause i couldnt even hear him tell me about the shout.
i also tried summoning him in the forgotten vale, i think its called... which seemed like an outside area, so i figured he'd fight there... nope... just looked at me getting attacked, then vanished.
was i just getting unlucky, or... is he just glitched?
im starting to think its just on my end... because the UESP wiki doesnt mention anything like this, other than him unsummoning himself in tight spaces/interiors.
so, has anyone else had problems with durnehviir, or did i just have bad luck summoning him?
im tired of trying to summon him and leaving myself unable to shout for so long.