well, I never play in third person, so doesn't bother me. My guess would be, because of the weapon modding. it's one thing when it's a generic weapon, but when they're customized it's a little different. and if they'd show an unmodified weapon, well, everyone would be in an uproar about not being able to see their modded weapon on their character.
yeah it bother me, but i think is bc the share complain the ppl get about clipping on the mesh. something that Fallout 4 have been really good to dont do with the new layer armor system, (still get cliping on PA when u do the animation of entering it)
It's a choice they made, because making weapons show is really hard.
Think of all the varieties of armour - slim clothing, baggy clothing, items that protrude a long way (like the cage armour), items that already have stuff hanging off belts (like leather chest pieces). Now think of all the possible weapons and varieties (short barrels, long barrels, mags downwards, mags sideways, silencers). Now imagine all of the possible combinations that would have to be worked on to make holstering any weapon look good with any armour. Then double that work for the female body.
It can be done. Some games do (Mass Effect for example, though it does cheat by having weapons morph into compact packages). It does, however, take a lot of programmer time, which equates to money. Most game writers prioritise the money elsewhere.
I`m not entirely 100% sure but in the past beth games, I think they put the weapon anchor node on the skeleton itself. There was still clipping here and there with some weapons though. What I think they could have done was make an anchor node point for each outfit and then an anchorpoint for anything layered that goes over it. Weapon meshes themselves have a bone node that dictates where the weapon fits in the characters hand, why couldn`t something like that be attached to the armors and layers instead of the skeleton itself?
they did that for Skyrim and your armors float behind or to the side of u.
Is really hard when u do armor and weapons that have all different sises and forms. Most game that use the show weapons on third person, normal ignore the clipping aka DA where staff or heavy weapons that enter your body when u run, or they just let u have a fix set of weapons, like Witcher 3 or DA where u cant sheet heavy weapons only the 2 sword, and still suffer from some clipping on some weapons and armors.
is definitely a design choice.
I would easily accept some clipping if I could see some holstered weapons. I see the problems with the moddable weapons of course and wouldn't mind when not all mods would appear. I would also accept some generic bag-like holsters/sheaths were you could see only small parts of the weapon. Would help immersion. Bagpacks and other bags would also be great.
This bothers me too. I thought games were supposed to become more technologically advanced, not less. This reverts back to 2002 Morrowind, when weapons did not show on our characters.
well, they remove it after so many complains from ES and Fallout 3 =P
Must admit that I do like see my weapon on my characters back.
I think if each armor had a mount node for a weapon to tell where the weapon get positioned on the body along with a node on the gun itself to determine how close it attached to the body, that would probably minimize any clipping. There may still be clipping for larger weapons like you said but it would be minimal since there are only a small number of larger weapons. I was surprised when I started playing that my weapons go poof when I holstered them. Running around looking unarmed doesn`t feel right.
Because they spent all those years on...hmmm...a lot of stuff that modders did better and of course, there was all that QA time getting the bugs out... wait...scratch that. But, they made power armor fly and that only took them how many years?
To make holstering even more complicated, they've added a variable body shape into the mix now too.
Honestly, I'd rather have all of the new benefits like layered armor, body shapes, and weapon modding over being able to holster them. It helps that it's not really something that'll nag at you while you're playing, either, like how much it bothered me in Skyrim to see m quiver floating behind my back.
This game has some serious design flaws from atmosphere to general world design... imo its the worst bethesda game so far, a big step backwards.
I remember when they made New Vegas they attached a first person view node to each weapon that regulated how high,low,forward ,or backward a weapon was when it was brought into aiming mode. I imagine they could do something like that for it fitting to bodies. As for body shapes, the node would and should connect to the back of the outfit or the back of the layered addon regardless of slimness or girth. They can probably make a way for it to determine to use the node farthest away from the body so it wouldn`t clip into the outfit but stay hanging on the layered part.
I'd rather have weapons disappear than have them just hanging off the side of a character like they're glued on. That's always looked horribly fake to me.
If a game wants to show holstered weapons, I want it to do so properly, with actual holsters that integrate with both the weapon and the armour / clothing.
And I just don't see any easy way to do that in combination with all the variations of weapons and apparel that this game provides.
they built an entire game from the ground up, and you're telling me it was too complicated or time consuming to have visible weapon holstering? nonsense. watch and see a modder do it within a few months of CK being released..
Yes, like they will probably remove the dialog completely in 5 due to all of the complaints of it being shallow.
Guys if you don't know the technical details behind it, just don't post about them. I won't say if it's easy or hard. But modders will do it, without much clipping. Just wait and see. And I bet that it's not in the game due to time/budget constrictions (typical).
No. that's not how it is in Skyrim. And no, it has nothing to do with the engine.
Bethesda has used the same engine since Morrowind. In Morrowind weapons were not visible; in Oblivion weapons were visible; in Fallout 3 weapons were visible; in Skyrim: most weapons were visible. Obviously, the engine is not the controlling factor.
Watch, when the ck comes out. There will probably be check boxes on all the guns turning model view off just like fo3 had check boxes for first person view and backpacks on all the weapons. They will all be off by default so the clipping wouldn`t be an issue.
Because if that were the case I'd be hauling 10+ weapons and a giant bag filled with junk.
This is why they didn't do it. More work and extra resources spent on useless aesthetics. Function over form.
They very likely WANTED to do it but didn't have the time and resources to do so.
And to everyone who claims that they have used the same engine since Morrowind: That is flat out impossible not to mention wrong.
The Creation Engine is based on Gamebryo but it is just how a movie can be "based on a true story" but isn't anywhere near true.
Eh. 2 steps forward, 1 back. Your hair and clothes are not static now. Yay.