I recently discovered "scalies" and am now slightly wary of being mistaken as one when proclaiming love for argonians
Fun Fact: Scalies and Furries are the same type of people. The term for "fan of anthropomorphic animals" is "Furry". If you see someone who legit calls themselves a Scalie like it's something different, laugh at them. :flamethrower:
I like the Khajiit mostly because of their attitude. Nothing better than a cunning and intelligent race with physical ferocity and ruthlessness.
Sandy Kitty don't care. Sandy Kitty just takes what it wants.
Also, in any fantasy campaign, I usually go for the player race that's the furthest from human I can get, as well as play as lawlessly as I can get away with. The Khajiit are pretty much tailor made to be my favorite race.
Not really understanding the "they're not humans so I can't relate to them" sentiment. There's more than just physical appearance that makes a character likable. I personally wouldn't care much about them if they were just hollow shell Lawl Cat People. But whatever. I hate your favorite race too. :shrug: