Like everyone else I am really looking forward to playing Skyrim which is to be released in 2 months or so, after hearing so much about the game I can generally say that almost everything about the game sounds perfect even though I expect to see a good number of bugs. The game seems to be very in-depth and also very immersive in its gameplay since the AI has been worked on and spells have been giving a retune (some removed, others changed and the rest enhanced etc) not to mention a whole new game engine. The combat system seems to have also been improved a great deal compared to how sluggish it was in Oblivion. Some important features have been removed (spell making and armor degration etc), however I also feel that this was necessary because many other things were added to make up for it.
However one of the biggest drawbacks which should have been its strongest positive gimmick was the new combat style dual wielding with weapons. The idea of wielding 2x spells is very creative and I applaud Bethesda for adding this in, also the ability to use a weapon and staff/torch at the same time is very useful. However where dual-wielding sadly fails to impress (where it should have blown us away with amazement) is the PC using 2x offensive weapons (sword/axe + sword/axe). Bethesda really should have done more research and more thinking with their huge melon brains before finally adding that particular feature into the game. Here are the pros and cons of dual-wielding offensive type weapons:
1. Looks cool.
2. Perks/Enchants allow more advantages since 2 weapons are being used at once.
3. Can execute a power attack.
4. Can attempt to dodge attacks but this is very difficult to do since you cannot run backwards in Skyrim.
1. Looks uncool with some weird and awkward animations when attacking with each weapon.
2. You can only attack with 1 weapon (1 hand) at any time so overall it would be the same as attacking with just 1 sword/axe and an empty hand.
3. You can execute a stronger power attack with a 2-handed weapon which is what those types of weapons should be used for instead of dual-wielded weapons (this problem will result in 2-handed weapons being left out).
4. You cannot block/parry enemy attacks leaving you vulnerable to damage at all times against tougher/high numbers of foes (Bethesda say that you should be able to play the game however YOU want to so how does this live up to that exactly?). It is only logical that you are able to block/parry with all melee weapons. If Bethesda were so worried about balancing or even the button mapping for consoles they should have added 2 seperate perks so that YOU could choose to block OR execute a power attack while dual-wielding by pressing both triggers at once.
5. You cannot dodge/evade as well as you could in other TES games leaving the PC even more vulnerable to most attacks (see 4) while dual-wielding offensive weapons.
My conclusion is that instead of doing what they did with dual-wielding offensive weapons Bethesda should have made it so that you could wield 2x offensive weapons but instead of using power attacks like you do with most other weapons you are able to attack rapidly and relentlessly with a flurry of attacks (costing stamina for each and every swing). This would mean being able to attack with 1 hand immediately after swinging the other and also being able to block (both triggers pressed) which would have been far better since dual-wielding 2x offensive weapons is about speed and precision and not raw power. Blocking while wielding 2x offensive weapons would always be inferior to blocking using any other method (cannot block arrows/magic attacks etc) which is why it would be balanced. Also one cannot say that blocking while dual-wielding is unrealistic because in a world where giants, magic, undead, elves and dragons all exist the word "realistic" loses most of its meaning. In the end this would have added a totally different method of combat with a new combat style which I think would have been best.