Hi all,I am having a problem with a lot of the NPC's lately,I did the KOTN quests and after completing them,becoming the "Divine Crusader",killing Umaril and restoring the Knights o' The Nine I returned to my home in Anvil,put all my "Crusader" armor and weapons away in storage and started living the life of a simple adventurer.After a few days I noticed that some of the NPC's are now saying things like..."I used to think you were a holy knight,now,not so much!" and things to that effect...WTF,it's not enough that I took a curse on myself,let a giant bear kick my fanny around the woods,fight off a fort full of necros and for what,so some lowly gate guard can disrespect me to my face? Makes me want to go back to the DB just so I can get my evil on!