It's not just the lighting. It's the close up camera angle that throws me off. Once I was shocked to see my character look like big head but small face, eyes too close, and mouth too narrow. If we could just zoom out to a further distance so that I could see what my character would look like without the fisheye view.
Anyway, to answer the original poster:
Here is what I do:
1. Use Optimized Facegen Files
Do the OBMM "bsa invalidation step' once, clicking Update Now, and then switch back to BSA Redirection.
Don't leave OBMM on BSA Invalidation or else you will see more and more textures not load their files and turn invisible.
This mod also fixes all the seams in HGEC body 1.21
2. Install your third party face texture. I like this one by Enayla:
3. If you use a third party body texture then try to edit your face texture to match the tone of the body texture.
I had to use Photoshop on Enayla's texures match the tones of F-INevOblivion body textures
4. Import the npc faces mod ( mods that change the shapes of npc faces ) of your choice into your bash.
5. Don't use the self shadows graphics feature in Oblivion unless you really like it and are willing to see neckline shadows sometimes.