Since i've gotten here all i've seen is people being pessimistic about Skyrim. I don't consider suggestions or speculation to pesssimistic, i'm actually talking about things like "I saw/heard such and such in a demo video and now i'm worried that such and such is going to happen." How come when you see something or hear the devs mention something you automatically expect the worst?
I honestly think Skyrim will be a fine game.
I understand your sentiment. And indeed, I have no doubt that like Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion were before, Skyrim will change the market.
It will change the meaning of the word game, it will be a standard to which others will be held.
But, for long term fans this frontier presence may also imply loyalty. Fans may get annoyed when features present in one game are removed instead of improved upon.
Look, there is no doubt Skyrim will be one hell of a game. But at the same time it should not kick long term fans in the juice box just because the graphics are so much more flash now.
That is what I am worried about. Oblivion dissapointed me in a lot of ways and I am surely not the only one.
It would be nice if people listened.