Why is everyone so concerned with the "best"?

Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:30 pm

People like winning and doing well and owning people. Also when you are beginning you just wanna make sure that your choices aren't gonna result in you getting owned repeatedly when you play.

That's an attitude I just can't relate to. For me the best (oops, there's that word again!) part of a game is trying to figure it out for myself, not asking for some kind of guarantee up front.

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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:54 am

No matter how good you are, there is always someone better, so being "best" is impossible. Thats how I view it atleast :shrug:
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:23 am

It's probable that someone posting the question "What is the best _______?" is either new to the game or looking to brag about their favorite ______.

I like these kind of questions because the diversity of answers can trigger new ideas and cause Angel's feet to be taken by the road and swept away to some new adventure or knowledge.

For the new players, some sympathetic player will explain the sandbox concept, another will help them start a character that can survive, and another will introduce the idea of immersing themselves in a different world. It's all good.

For those that want to brag about their Uber ______ someone will argue that the --------- is a much better _____ and an interesting argument will ensue.
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:31 pm

I tend not to concern myself with what's best. I too go for the whole character immersion angle.

Saying that though, my last two characters were simply obssessed with finding cool loot and selling anything I don't want to keep.
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Jason King
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:09 am

For the same reason people use walkthroughs on their first play through the game.

I generally agree, but sometimes roleplay can be spoiled by poorly devised scripts and game mechanics for which it helps to be aware of ahead of time.

Like when I got locked in the chaydinhal mages guild. I hadn't read anything about the quest ahead of time so I wasn't aware of the glitch and it ended up being very frustrating. I would have had a better role play experience if I had read the walkthrough first.
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:15 am

Regardless of the motivations, those threads are fun. I like to argue that the best sword in the game is the rusty iron dagger, because everything you kill with one gives you more skill points than you'd get with any other weapon. And it's even better if you don't repair it too much!
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:40 pm

As a wargamer myself mostly GW though I rarely play these days, I found computer games more focused on the best most powerful builds almost exclusively in some cases.
I spent ages out of towns so I mostly just painted and modeled, but when I get to play its fun as even if the person you're competing against is not always the best at every aspect of the game.
Things fall down to luck, rules are mistaken, you may have a nicer looking army or a better army list its competetive but still a game and as an advlt taking it too seriously in public just makes you seem a idiot.

When however I tried to play computer versions online of these games the focus for most players is to win, where as I play to have fun and try out wacky ideas..
It got to the point on blood bowl, I was loosing on purpose just to get others to try something fun as when I played seriously some would accuse me of being unsporting or an idiot if I won.
Despite using dirty loopholes themselves just so they could claim a win?

Trying to look the best is not my idea fun, yes it can make you feel good but as I have no need to boost my feelings at all, I'd rather spend my free time just playing for a laugh.
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:38 pm

Trying to look the best is not my idea fun, yes it can make you feel good but as I have no need to boost my feelings at all, I'd rather spend my free time just playing for a laugh.

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Rach B
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:02 pm

A few people like winning and doing well and owning people. Also when those people are beginning they just wanna make sure that their choices aren't gonna result in them getting owned repeatedly when they play.

Fixed that for ya. ;)
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dean Cutler
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:29 pm

Regardless of the motivations, those threads are fun. I like to argue that the best sword in the game is the rusty iron dagger, because everything you kill with one gives you more skill points than you'd get with any other weapon. And it's even better if you don't repair it too much!

Oooh! I have argued the same thing for the same reasons. :P

Seriously though, my characters tend to use weapons that are just strong enough to reasonably keep them alive whilst they are trying to level up the relevant skill. We save the big girl bows until marksman = 100, then shift from intentionally using lots of arrows to the challenge of using as few arrows as possible.
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:50 pm

I'm just so curious as to why so many people ask the question "What is the best _____"? I've notced it on these foruma bit and its really appearing in almost every game. Every is so obsessed with asking what is the best way to do something or which is the best character/ race, set of skills, gun (for shooters of course) ect ect. Why don't people just worry about what they will have the most fun doing/ using. Any comments or agreements or disagreements to this rant? Love to hear em all. Thanks.

Because lots of people do not want to think for themselves. Have fun with it, experiment.
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:58 pm

Because lots of people do not want to think for themselves.

Words of truth.
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:49 pm

A long time ago I was totally concerned with the best. I can't explain it. Obviously if you're playing something competitively, then winning is #1, so doing things efficiently is a top priority. Also, in a lot of old games, upgrading my gear didn't change my character's appearance at all, so there was no "coolness" factor involved. But yeah, I do remember being obsessive over the best even though I didn't have a good reason.

Today I don't really care much about the best, except in the sense that I do what I feel is what's best for my character.
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:56 pm

Fixed that for ya. ;)

Gracias ;).
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Josh Sabatini
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