» Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:20 pm
I completely agree - and I believe it's a big problem and that it's been ruining things for a lot of gamers who want to buy something but can't because a scalper pre-ordered it faster.
People svck. I realize there are probably some legitimate cases where someone is re-selling for an honest reason, but those are likely far and few between.
I wish eBay had rules against these types of listings. Can you imagine how many Pip-Boy Editions were bought by people just to resell them? Right now there are around 1,200 results on eBay.com for "fallout 4 pip-boy" - and that's only right at this moment and not including international listings.
If I switch over to "sold only" listings, I get another 2,500 listings (apparently going back to August).
The problem is only going to get worse unless publishers and/or eBay change what they're doing in order to prevent it. Ideally, eBay would put a stop to it, unfortunately I can't see them doing that because they're profiting!
I thought Destiny was bad, but I'm pretty sure Fallout 4 was worse. What will the next game be?
My original idea was - I hope a game is released that is really popular, scalpers buy it, but the manufacturer makes enough and all the fans get it and are happy, and don't have to buy from the scalpers, leaving the scalpers dead in their tracks. But then I realized that the scalpers would simply cancel their pre-orders. This would leave the manufacturer with way too much inventory, and then the manufacturer thinks, "next time we'll make less." And then the problem simply starts again.
Sorry! Rant over!