Yeah, I could see how that would be a huge letdown. Hopefuly these 'stabilty patches' will eventually 'fix' the game so you can enjoy it.
I hadn't installed Crimson yet (was sitting here just thinking about it actually); have been using just the beta drivers from three weeks ago, guess I'll go ahead and install though, and hope nothing breaks on me . . .
Good luck to you!
Made me think of this:
You were the one who said that the thread wants to stir up emotions. Why would your emotion be stirred, unless you are emotionally attached to something? That's merely what I said.
No, you are wrong as also stated in this arcticle:
You are doing the classic mistake of thinking that whatever happens around you/in your environment happens in the whole world. Your acquaintances may not play DnD but this doesn't mean none does. A lot of people I know play DnD for example. As you can see in the arcticle, a lot of people do.
Common sense also begs to differ. Things may become obsolete only when something that has the SAME function but is more evolved (objectively) replaces them. There has been no real substitute of DnD as of yet. Don't confuse your opinion or lack of understanding of DnD saying it is obsolete because it has nothing to offer.
Besides if that was the case DnD would have been replaced back in '90 when the eye of the beholder came out or '94 with Arena.
No rose tinted glasses here, only strongly opinionated people, who, as they can see in the arcticle I linked and more demographics, DnD is not dead at all and there is a reason for that.
The difference here, and it's a big one, is that Obsidian didn't take one of the most beloved franchises in gaming history and fundamentally change it.
I'm not sure what that has to do with my comment, I'm talking about Bethesda making their own games instead of making carbon copies of Fo1 and Fo2.
I don't think it's that easy to go to next game because Fallout offers things others game do not, or few others do. For me. I did not play previous Fallout games. So it's new to me, but I did play Skyrim. Followers (3 so far, and only two can speak) are better than in Skyrim. Maybe not quite there yet, but maybe in the next game. I am hoping that next TES or Fallout will go there and not somewhere else. I enjoy Fallout as it is now.
Pretty sure that's neither possible nor legal? Besides, who buys a franchise supposedly because they "love it" and turn around and ignore the titles which came before? Oh. Crap. Actually...
...they did and it's called Fallout 3.
And we're happy to have you. What I'm saying is that you do need to get past it. You said you couldn't get past it. I find that very sad for you and I feel bad for people who get that way over a game. I'm glad you came by to share your views. Just don't be surprised if others here disagree with you. After all, it's Bethesda's boards and it's where fans of their games come to have a bit of fun discussing the game.
Sharing your feedback is awesome. Expecting your feedback to have an impact on Bethesda's games going forward is probably not very healthy because they are doing very well with this game. That tells them they are doing things right. They don't expect everyone to love their games because nobody loves everything. So really, it comes back to you and what you enjoy. If you enjoy coming to bash Bethesda games, then you're doing what you enjoy and that's fine. If you are expecting change, it's probably a hollow expectation.
As long as people remain respectful to other members who might be actually enjoying the game, you can tell them why they are wrong all day long. Just don't expect them to change their minds about the game based upon your criteria. Your criteria is your own.
Most medical statistics are gathered from male subjects. Males are typically left-brained. Right-brained individuals can sometimes perceive more frames per second, and most females are right-brained. I can handle 75 FPS, and I believe that humans will generally adapt to 75 FPS over a generation if it becomes the standard.
And yet... It is indeed not yet worth the trouble. And most PC owners I know are gaming on outdated "toasters," anyway. Or purchasing recently outdated computers for an insane markup because they don't know how to build one, themselves. I agree that a game can still be a work of art at 60 FPS. I really won't miss 15 additional FPS. I didn't miss it much in last year's top titles, either.
i dont want to be a critic but i will not go that far as to said "the most beloved franchises in gaming history"............
maybe for u.
Probably because there's a bit of truth in it. I'd strongly suggest looking outside of this forum as well.
I think I heard people saying that when Fallout 3 came out. Well, that prediction didn't work out that well last time, did it?
I think quite a few share my criteria. Just because game sold well (because many people maybe thought it would play different), doesn't mean it's a success. Well, it's a success, sure, they got their money, but we'll see how it will impact next titles. Take Assassin's creed Syndicate for example. Not doing that great after Unity fiasco.
I'm not here to try to point fingers and accuse anyone of anything, I'm simply giving feedback like I said and if Bethesda think they will be better off with the new direction they are going with, then so be it. Time will tell. They don't have to come to this forum and see my post, but they will sure see reviews and I see reviews are bringing up stuff that a lot of people are complaining about. Also, didn't they say fans feedback will have effect on DLC(s)?
"One of the" is what I said, Mr. Cherrypicker.
It seems to me the whole "not an RPG" sentiment seems to reflect more the gaming industry as a whole, not the Fallout franchise itself. Games like the original Fallouts are getting rarer and rarer as years go by.
I doubt they'll disappear forever, but I doubt many (if any) big-budget RPG series will be "classic" RPGs anymore.
what other forum NMA where they trash talk Bethesda since they make Fo3?????
Yeah, deep RPGs with focus on writing/story/C&C aren't exactly "wow-inducing", nor do they have the potential to make whalebuckets of money.
Since you call critique "trash talk", my answer is "look for it yourself, it's not exactly hard to find".
Why ask for change in a series you love when we can just 'get past it'...
People don't join a forum and debate vehemently over nuanced issues about 'just another game' that they could play or forget on a whim.
This is not a slight against you, I deeply respect you and the other moderators for policing these tempestuous forums., but the logic you've employed wavers under criticism IMO.
New direction? Heh. A minority of grumpy people have been complaining about this so-called new direction since before 2008.