Some disclaimers:
Moderators, if this is an inappropriate thread, please kill it, but my intentions are honest ones.
This is a discussion about leaking, not the content itself, please do not discuss recent leaked content or link it.
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The recent leaked footage makes me angry (yes I did look at it).
I don't think it's right that people covertly record demos because:
What you see is invariably a poor quality recording
Any reveals are hardly going to be dramatic (it was demoed after all)
It's just so disrespectful - asked not to record, there are 'guards' patrolling the aisles and people do it anyway???
Stunts like this discourage studios from holding fan demos at all, even 'audience test'.
I would like to contend (please counter if you wish) that there are no cases when covertly obtained demo footage has been helpful to fans of any Fallout games, or indeed games in general.
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