I haven't finished TW3 due to lack of time, but I've played a good portion of it and without a doubt I'm having the most fun playing it out of the three. I'm not sure quite what you mean by "lack of roleplaying options." I could say the same thing about TW1 or TW2 where many dialogue choices were similar and there were only a few big decisions in those games. In TW1, join the scoiatel, the flaming rose, or go neutral? In TW2, side with the sociatel, or roche's men? Equipment was completely worthless in TW1 with the Raven's armor questline being completely optional, as well as getting the two legendary swords. Gear was no better in TW2. I guess I'm just failing to see how TW3 is a downgrade in any sense from the previous games as, if anything, it suffers the same pitfalls they do. I wouldn't put all your eggs in a basket that Cyberpunk 2077 will be any different. I'm honestly expecting TW3 mechanics, except shooter components, custom character, and perhaps multiplayer as it was alluded.
Not misleading at all, you just fail to understand the differences in communities. CDPR is pretty new to the industry compared to BGS. The latter has been supporting mods since 2002. CDPR didn't create it's own mod kit for TW2 until 2013? 11 years after BGS has been building and establishing a modding base. The other issue is that BGS games are more open, allow custom characters, and are a better foundation to create all sorts of mods. You'll find many mod authors who create mods for BGS games don't even like TES or Fallout. It also didn't help that the REDKit was exceedingly complex and not easy to use, so there are systemic issues CDPR has to overcome.
As time goes on I think CDPR can create a viable community, maybe with Cyberpunk 2077, but to say modding is a failure because of one good attempt that came long after the game's release is a bit silly.
A custom character has nothing to do with combining the best aspects of a story-driven narrative and an open world experience.
TW3 is a "true open world" with only minor bits locked. You are more than welcome to travel virtually wherever you want. Dragon Age Inquisition, on the other hand, was not a true open world.
I don't think you know what the world "persistent" means. The world has day/night cycles. It is always there and available to explore. It's certainly persistent.
I'm not sure what you mean by "world clutter." The game doesn't necessarily have points of interest marked out like a BGS game, but there are certainly plenty of distractions and interesting things to find in the world.
"No dev toolkit" yet. TW2 had a dev toolkit years after its release. There is actual mod support for the game and CDPR endorsed Nexus as their base. Crafting a full-on dev kit is expensive and time consuming, so we'll see if TW3 gets the same treatment or not. Given how gamer-friendly CDPR is, I'd assume a dev toolkit will probably come.