I'm level 10 because I'm making sure I get a good amount of points for my intelligence and willpower because I am playing as a full on Mage. So are you saying there will be more enemy's in quantity the higher I get in levels?
The leveling system is wonky and I'm on my 4th game. This time I chose major skills that I don't use as much and the leveling was the slowest I've ever leveled. After 244 hours, I'm in the middle of Level 16. It was great for a long time. Now the enemies are really getting strong and I'm beginning the KotN DLC and trying to finish the Fighter's Guild quests and will save Mage's Guild for the last just before finishing the Main Quest. I'm hoping I can make it because I'm on PS3 and I get hit with the A-bomb. I just told you that for background. I definitely found more and stronger enemies as I leveled up but there were many rats and imps in the early levels; they just were easier to deal with. Then later add in the wolves, trolls, ogres and Minotaur Lords out in the forests. It depends on how much time you spend in the forest...they're definitely out there....then there's the bears and mountain lions...oh boy. I summon a lot so I have help if I need it though. Keep going....I think you'll find there are many.
