Forbes online gave one interesting view as to why many people believe Fallout 4 is flawed when compared to Skyrim. Mrmatty plays even made a video that asked "Why so many people are returning to Skyrim?", and I can see one of the reasons people return to Skyrim is listed in Forbes and I found myself agreeing wholeheartedly, and it was reason 2 on his list that made me shake my head in agreeing with his opinion. Now I am not saying F4 is a bad game, not in the least. But one has to see that there was a lot missing and really it tried to be like other games and not really doing many things original. With the cover based combat( any CoD or Battlefield), dialog wheel( Dragon age, Mass Effect), even the romance system( failed compared to mass and dragon and the Witcher), I mean if your going to copy others, go all the way and set the bar even higher.
Now I am not doing this to put down Bethesda, not in the least. I believe game companies need feedback like this( even tho they may have heard it a thousand times) and has to be echoed for future DLC and games. As I have said you set the bar that others liked and set the trend, so why not continue and keep it going? Then when people say "did you see that thing in Elder Scrolls 6? it was awesome! " and other game companies curse you for it, you know you did good.