I can even hide in another room and talk with other NPC's calmly, until they flee the fight.....all while Faralda is looking for me.
She WILL kill me if I let her, I had to reload from the saved game a couple times when she 2 shotted me before I knew what her intentions were.
I did recently kill 2 dragons in the college courtyard, and 1 dragon in Winterhold(town). The NPC's outside actaully said something like. "they wouldnt have believed I absorbed the dragons soul if they didnt see it with their own eyes". Other than that, nothing unusual.
Calm spells dont work on her, and I even tried killing her to see if it was another test, but she just respawns in a few seconds and tries to kill me again again, hmmmm....what to do now? Is this a bug perhaps?