I don't get why people hate 3rd-person in shooters so much ...
Don't get me wrong, I love First Person Shooters as much as COD players must, but honestly...looking at all the trailers, this game would be better suited for a third person view, see your parkour moves in action and see the your character in what seems so far from videos to be an awe inspiring landscape.
Parkour is not a core-showoff-element like in Mirror's Edge. It's more of an enhanced movement technique, like other games (Call of Duty for instance) tried to create by allowing players to vault over or onto objectives.
I wish they would do a TPS mode like CoD mw2 did.
I would like to see this as well. Just a server-side option.
My real problem with third-person is that you know when someone's sneaking up on you, so there would be no point to stealth. Instead, everyone's just going to rush and charge the front because hiding will be rendered ineffective.
Call of Duty and All Points Bulletin prove you wrong.
The biggest balance-issue of Third-Person is, when you can look around corners without making your character visible. This could be easily fixed by a fog-of-war esque system, but apparently developers don't think that far.