Because there are already plenty of reasons for people to kill you! Why bother carrying more stuff that will get you killed?
Because there are already plenty of reasons for people to kill you! Why bother carrying more stuff that will get you killed?
To be fair though, jewelry is fairly useless other than decoration in the past and even today, yet they've always been valuable.
The issue isn't the whether jewelry, gold, and such would be of use in the wasteland. Most of it would be fairly useless save for those you mentioned, but considering that gold was highly sought and valuable before the invention of electronics, why wouldn't gold and jewelry still be valuable and present after a nuclear apocalypse? It could still be used as a form of currency for barter. Though now that I think of it, the Legion currency is made of gold and silver.
lets see if you where being chased by a deathclaw would you rather have a 8,000 cap useless necklace or a 8,000 cap minigun and ammo?
for useless things to ave value you must have some sort of safty first. most people would rather have a gun then a rock.
Keep in mind that those living in secure settlements like Megaton or Rivet City aren't likely to be attacked by Deathclaws, so safety isn't as much of a priority for them. Also worth pointing out is (although it's not really an issue by game mechanics) the fact that a necklace worth thousands of caps is a more portable form of wealth than the buttload of caps.
If I'm to die today, you damn well bet I'm going to look smashing for the occasion, buddy.
what, so i can play whoever i want, except for a single bar cheat? )
ok, so a wedding ring might _prevent_ romance to a sufficient enough extent to take it for an off switch in a computer game.
the other way around though, it's not like you suddenly, mara-style, get mating dialogue options with whoever you meet, just because you take it off.
i'd have noticed.
i guess.
because they'd have plenty of reason to kill me anyway?
i'd rather have the 8000 caps.
and a rock-it launcher
There is jewelry in the game.. you just can't see it very well because it's magical invisible jewelry that only grants bonuses to your imagination.
Yeah the Pimp Boy was pretty flashy.
In general I think gold is valued because it doesn't oxidize, and is easily shaped into jewelry.
If you are playing hardcoe mode, gems would make sense as a much lighter form of wealth transfer.
Of course with weightless bottlecaps, that isn't a factor.
It might be a super conductor, but it's not a superconductor.
Lead, Tin and Aluminum (among others), which are only pretty good conductors at room temperature, become superconductors under a critical temperature just above 0 degs K.
Gold, Silver and Copper don't do this, despite being some of the best room temperature conductors.
/ fun science fact of the day
I see some people wants Fallout to turn into Ellder Scrolls.... face palm.....
I agree with this and I expect most of that gold was not actually mined most likely just re-purposed. (yes yes i hear someone shouting Redding heh ) Though I doubt a typical wastelander would give it a second thought. Lets face it in general it is pretty dang useless and unless your in the know theres no difference between gems and broken glass just by eyeballing. ( Besides tool tips fer diamonds and i think watch movements - uhh the little pins in yer well old style watch are held in place with gems as they dont wear so quick) do they have an actual purpose besides aesthetics. Plus well style i would guess went out the window bout 150 years back when those that had it as a sense died, only say a vault person or a waster that had books might know why you may want to wear ear rings or a necklace and not Grampa's bones or a string of lug nuts... gramps bones are certainly one of kind, and lug nuts might be too where you are from. I suspect value is in the eye of that one dnd monster
ON the other hand......... You would think you might see a few more decked out ghouls and ferals..... in this case oversight i would say or maybe crap like that rubbed what skin was left off so they ditched it.
Nobody here played Fallout and Fallout 2? There was a necklace in both of that games, just search for ''Necklace' in the official wiki.
And Sara Weintraub can chat with you about people with "shiny rocks" on their fingers.
Dont take this the wrong way being a jerk is not in my Nature (well to people I dont know face to face, youll just have to trust me or scope out my posts)
But I dont get yer point exactly... I am betting most here have played (least i hope they have) and I do remember one necklace for a ghost no less not sure bout the other. And if Sara does not know what a ring is called kinda proves the point bullets and food are a tad more important to people in the game.
You, sir, are making a rash assumption based on my profile pic and the fact that Elder Scrolls has jewelry in it. I would never suggest that anything magical or enchanted be part of the Fallout universe, just that there be random "normal" jewelry lying around to be either melted down into components or sold for a profit, as well as to diversify loot, making scavenging a bit more interesting.
Though to be fair, a lot of stuff in Fallout is already kind of unusual to the point of sounding supernatural, like how wearing certain things in FO3/New Vegas will increase your SPECIAL (including Perception, Intelligence, Personality, and Luck, as if it's somehow normal for clothing to affect your mental attributes) or somehow make you better at using certain weapons.
I dont have a point... I just was surprised by the fact that nobody said that before me. I didn't want to offend anyone. Oh... And thanks to you I remembered that ghost's locket.
Hehe were like peas in pod. No worries you were not offensive at all. I just did not get which way you were going?
What were the two necklaces you were thinking off I am to dang lazy to look it up...... (my memory is not what it was did the raider gang guys in 2 have one, it was where you could find loaded dice and kind of a good the bad and the ugly reference unknown next to arch stanton or somesuch)
Right got off my butt and looked em up.
in 1 its a quest item to get into the thieves guild
an in 2 you can steal from mrs bishops safe ( I assume after you sleep with her, i never did this and had no idea)
so Derikikk is right precedent for bling is there toss in the ghost locket as a freebie
I like to think the Wasteland redefined what is considered treasure.
In Dead Money, I had a realization what the title meant when I found the gold. Gold is dead money.
This stuff is useless. Gold is barter scrap. It's useless as armor, because it's a porous, soft metal. Bullet's would tear it apart, and lasers would melt it. You couldn't melt it down to use for anything useful like ammo or anything. It was just...sellable.
I mean, sure we could say you would look awesome is gold power armor, but all that means is you would look really blingin' when a Sentry Drone or Deathclaw ripped through your gear like they do anything else made of tougher metals.
In the Back When Times, gold was precious and valuable. A status symbol at one point. In the Wasteland, treasure is what helps you see another day. The best jewelry and precious stones can do, is help you afford a barter for more important things.
As soon as I saw that I started to read the whole sentence with the Storyteller's voice...
But THAT... is a story... for another time...
*queue the Fallout 3 theme music*