Well, no, but I have checked out all the endings on the wiki.
New Vegas becomes Mr. Houses' plaything, and it's not really implied that it ever undergoes major improvement.
The Followers struggle because under Mr. House Mojave has more people injured or in need of relief than ever.
The Kings are wiped out unless they start a needless war with the NCR.
The Powder Gangers are allowed to run free.
Goodsprings gets Victor as a guard and a spy both.
Finally, Primm is ignored unless they annoyed him.
Everyone else seems to be left alone.
I see no prosperity of any kind here.
You should give it a shot, I've done every ending besides Independant (which I started last night) just so I could see things from every point of view. Reading the endings on the Vault is very different from choosing it in game and then seeing what happens.
Yes it is, chaos breaks out but the anarchy finsihes very quickly thanks to House's MK2 securitrons.
The Followers have been struggling since they began but, because of that short wave of anarchy they had to treat more people than ever for a time. House ending the anarchy helped them.
The Kings are wiped out if they become friendly with the NCR, House cannot have potential traitors helping the NCR if they were ever to try and annex them. A war with the NCR helps push them out of Vegas faster which is why they win House's favor for it.
No they're not. If you don't kill their leader than they're trouble for the wasteland for decades. If you do then they break up pretty quickly.
He's already lived there for about eight years. Its no different.
Unless they annoy him? No, Primm is burdened by heavy taxes for giving in to the NCR if they allow themselves to be annexed. If they do not then they are allowed to operate as they always have, tax free. Much better ending for them than the NCR or Legion endings.
Then you clearly haven't read the ones where you help everybody possible. When the Courier acts in the best possible manner than House's endings exceed even Independant Vegas's.
Really? Because after seeing New Vegas and a little of what he's done with RobCo, I feel like a world ruled by Mr. House would probably be a dictatoriship with strong elements of oligarchy in which good things never happen unless they're convenient for Mr. House.
But of course that's just speculation on both of our parts, and that speculation is why I killed Mr. House and I'm assuming you didn't.
House's leadership is a dictatorship but a benign one. He's over two hundred years old, he has more money than he will ever need, and he lacks most human desires. He has no reason to rule with an iron fist or even get invovled with the issues of the settlements in the Free Economic Zone of New Vegas.
Its specualtion, sure, but I am backing mine up with evidence from his endings. I have not seen any evidence on your part thus far.