Hancock isn't currently irradiated. His mutation was caused by radiation. He doesn't shoot irradiated projectiles at you when you romance him.
Hancock isn't currently irradiated. His mutation was caused by radiation. He doesn't shoot irradiated projectiles at you when you romance him.
You forget, You can cure "super mutant" mutation.. I guess mutation is reversible in Fallout universe.
And my respect for you has grown 1000% (and I liked your posts before this to boot)...
I hate to be the ONE.... be generally six has nothing to do with a relationship, Look at married people (drummroll and rimshot).
Many ghouls aren't really bothered by their looks. Also, the average ghoul isn't going to give you radiation poisoning that is lethal of cause you to mutate because they simply don't have enough radiation in them to do either of those things. Radiation based STDs however are very much a risk.
In the future, please learn the lore before you start a discussion like this.
Only one individual strain of the FEV. It's less of a mutation cure and more of a FEV virus cure. Ghouls weren't created by a virus, they were genetically altered due to radiation. It's an entirely different beast.
My oh my, aren't you precious?
If they aren't bothered for their look then no one forced them to change, I don't want to hear complains if they can't enter to Diamond City.
And about Virgil... You know Hancock is a Ghoul because of drugs and not because of the bombs?, I bet his "genetic" is very different to the other ghouls.
In the future, please learn the lore before you start a discussion like this.
He became a Ghoul because he took an experimental, RADIOACTIVE drug. It had nothing to do with the drug itself and everything to do with the radiation. So again, learn the lore before discussing lore topics like this.
PS: Trying to be condescending doesn't really work well when you're wrong.
Hancock became a ghoul in a different way than the other ghouls, how you know their genetic is the same?
So again, learn the lore before discussing lore topics like this.
As a BOS soldier I'm obligated to have you hung
Again, the drug is irrelevant. The radiation in the drug is what turned him into a ghoul. People turn into a ghoul in a variety of different ways, but the one constant is radiation. Hancock is no different. There is no argument you can make here.
Also, stop trying to use what I said as some sort of petty attck. It doesn't really work when you don't know the lore, and you clearly don't know the lore very well.
Ad Victorium!
Technically, given the technology we have seen in Fallout so far. It may not be possible to reverse the ghoul process physically, BUT, transferring a ghouls consciousness into a synth body could very well be in the realm of possibility.
That would indeed be possible if Curie and Kellog are anything to go by.
The institute can create machines that look like humans... Not Humans.
You would think with the memory den. And a blank slate gen III robot one could transfer the data of the ghoul into the blank slate. Just as what was done for Curie...
But. And here is the kicker... They would have to want it.
In theory. Humans could achieve immortality in a sense this way. Start getting old? Upload into a new bot.
You can't put toothpaste back in the tube. Not even the institute can do THAT.
Besides, most non-feral ghouls self-identify as such, it is part of who they are. Would black or latino people wear "white guy" makeup to avoid racists? Of course not. Doing so would cheapen them, diminish their identity (personally and culturally), and validate their opressors in the process.
The ghouls at The Slog are proud of who, and what, they are. As they should be. They don't want to appease Mayor Not-A-Robot in Diamond City, they want to show he was wrong to exile them based on the colour of their skin. Or the texture.
Dammit... caught me drinking coffee. (We need a spit-take emote.)
Sadly, as a married person I'm forced to agree with you.
Lets go with the idea that a ghoul is someone who is rotting and dying due to radiation but is regenerating because of weird mutations as well. But they are so different that the brain will eventually rot and they will go mad. And their flesh is so irradiated and diseased that you can get diseases from having six with them (that's actually in the game).
How about this for a solution. You create a new synth body. Then you copy the ghoul's brain into it like you can do in one of the side quests. Now you have Hancock in a new human body. It's not really a copy because the way things worked at the memory den, the mind was transferred not copied.
That get's tricky. They're not really human anymore. They're fundamentally different. They "consume" radiation and can live for centuries. I'd say they might count as a subspecies, but they can't breed. The only unified thing about them is that they were all human once and something happened to them transitioning them into another type of creature.
They metamorphosed really. And if a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, it's still the same species right? Like I said, it gets very tricky to define what they are. It's literally like trying to argue about whether or not zombies are still human.
Hancock isn't a glowing one. Radiation changed him. Radiation can heal him. He is not currently radioactive.
The Glowing Ones are currently radioactive, and lethal to humans. Even other ghouls don't like them much.
Please leave the condescending remarks and sniping back and forth out of the discussion. It really isn't needed and tends to get threads locked.
It is the smell. Also, their skin feels like rotting meat. Why do you think that all ghouls lack noses? It is so that they don't have to experience that rotting smell that all ghouls emit. Fisto is superior to Beatrix in every single way and his cousin is likely to make an appearance in the next DLC. Can you imagine an army of Sentry Bots using "Please assume the position!" as their battle cry?